
When we went to see Saving Private Ryan I will forever remember the older guys coming out of the movie drying their eyes.
Many of those who survived carried psychological scars with them the rest of their lives. My mother's oldest brother was a medic in a U.S. Army Infantry unit and he went through the invasion all the way to Germany and the final surrender. When he came home he vowed never to have any children and he became a farmer in Lake City, Florida for his working life and retired to his wife's home town, Thomasville, GA where he died. He was a broken man for many years after that but did not take up drinking or drugs. I think life on the farm was a healer for him and raising crops and livestock did him good. He was a good man, a gentle man and a strong Christian man. He lived to be 86.
Many of those who survived carried psychological scars with them the rest of their lives. My mother's oldest brother was a medic in a U.S. Army Infantry unit and he went through the invasion all the way to Germany and the final surrender. When he came home he vowed never to have any children and he became a farmer in Lake City, Florida for his working life and retired to his wife's home town, Thomasville, GA where he died. He was a broken man for many years after that but did not take up drinking or drugs. I think life on the farm was a healer for him and raising crops and livestock did him good. He was a good man, a gentle man and a strong Christian man. He lived to be 86.

I never met a WW2 vet who talked about the war. This included my FIL and and two uncles.
To all those that served during D-Day:
When we went to see Saving Private Ryan I will forever remember the older guys coming out of the movie drying their eyes.
I was not that old but I left crying. That scene at the cemetery got me. Plus the crying guy that I left the movie with was 12 years older than me.

That is the mark of a good movie. Represent the facts in the perfect way.
I never met a WW2 vet who talked about the war. This included my FIL and and two uncles.
This has been my experience in life. I was born during WWII and a small boy when my uncles, cousins, etc. started coming home. None would talk of their experience other than a smile or two when you asked them how many Japs or Germans they killed. Nothing in depth. My wife's father was in hell over in the Pacific theater but never mentioned it. He drank excessively and lived through another hell when he came home. When he died we got a copy of his DD214 and I was shocked to read it. He had a Bronze Star a Silver Star and other citations for bravery and some of the battles he was in were some of the worst in the Pacific. At his funeral an old man came up to the family and told a story of his saving his company by taking out a machine gun nest and killing a Japanese sniper that had his Company Commander in his sights. We had never heard that story. My wife's uncle also served in the South Pacific and he knew what had happened because they met in Japan after the war before coming home. While drinking a few beers, a fellow soldier shared the story with him when he found out he was a brother. But the story never came back to his home town. Due to his excessive drinking I did not have a good relationship with my father in law but now I understand. He was tormented as were many who served. War is hell.
I paid my own way and graduated debt-free. I tithed on top of that. Talk about having to live frugally. I worked 40 hours in a factory and carried 12-13 hours at college. Took me 5 1/2 years (over a seven year span) to earn a BS. Graduated cum laude. Those years are just a blur to me. I would not have done it if I had it to do over. Nearly destroyed my marriage. Never at home and the poor wife raising two kids practically alone.

My schedule those ybeat uars: Makes me tired just thinking about it.

10:30 PM - Leave for work
7 AM Get off work and go directly to school until noon.
1 PM to about 7 PM Sleep
7 PM to 10 PM Homework and "family time."

On top of this I went to church Sunday AM (and taught a Sunday School class), Sunday PM, and Wednesday evening.

I'm not bragging. I said I regret doing it and would never recommend anyone else doing this

Hey chief. I went through some stuff too. Went to seminary in Memphis for 3 1/2 years. Commuted the whole time with a 4 hours drive. Had 2 churchs and 4 small children. God's grace went a long way. As does still.

My GS warriors are beat up bad. I will say though that the Toronto Raptors are tuff..Leonard is a machine. Lowery can effect a game. Sickem is an all star. Gotta go. Hope all is well to my friends and others. FCC./
Good evening! Had full day. Took a cat to the vet first thing this morning. Then went to see Dad. Came home and sanded both of my screen doors and applied the first coat of spar urethane.

Not ready to say I've bitten off more than I can chew, but it's a pretty big mouthful.
In airports foreigners seem to like to talk very loud on their phone... not sure why.
Training was as exciting as you would one point we learned to violate the law of rational subgroup sets... statistical process control!!
NEA (not enough alcohol)
Should be borading in about an hour. Probably wont be home til 11:30 tonight.
In airports foreigners seem to like to talk very loud on their phone... not sure why.
Training was as exciting as you would one point we learned to violate the law of rational subgroup sets... statistical process control!!
NEA (not enough alcohol)
Should be borading in about an hour. Probably wont be home til 11:30 tonight.
Typed too soon...depature delayed til 11:25
Safe travels.
Up early to take the cat back to the vet. They have to do a minor surgery on him but I wasn't going to let them keep him overnight. Easier and cheaper for us to make sure he doesn't eat prior to surgery.

Raining here this morning. Might spend the day in the workshop.

I'm ready for some football action.

Have a good Friday!
Good morning D League

We are currently 77° with a few clouds. Most are fluffy white but I see a few dark ones. Maybe we can get some scattered showers out of them. Hope springs eternal as we need some rain. We should have a high of 88°.

I will join ymmot31 and say I am ready for some football. Maybe we can get a few verbal commitments. That would be nice. TGIF
  • Good Morning. 70º in Johns Creek. It has been raining a little bit here. I see about an inch in the rain gauge. We are supposed to get some more tomorrow. A lot.
  • 2nd mug of Dark Magic going.
  • Some thug slugged an 85 year old lady yesterday up in Cobb County. The blow knocked her out. Took her purse, all of her money and her credit cards. I'd love to take him deer hunting. He is still at large. They probably will not catch him.
  • I'm ready for some football too.
  • Have a nice Friday.
  • Carry on.
Drunk Nancy Pelosi said she wanted to see Trump in prison. Trump said to forget it, he wasn't going to visit her in prison.
Miss Nancy does not understand what is coming
71.8°F and rain. Since yesterday morning my rain gauge has registered 3.13 inches.

Got Florida company today. The Schotters are friends from way, way back. He played basketball at Milltown, Indiana in the 1950's.
Oh what I would give to have 3 inches of rain dumped on us. Please Lord send us some rain.
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We sposed to get a lot tomorrow,
My daughter just flew back from Atlanta and says it was raining when she left. She was up there for a business trip this week. Said she had to turn off the local news because it made her afraid to leave her hotel.

We have a strong breeze blowing off of the Gulf and it is bringing some dark clouds. We may get that downpour I want this weekend. Sure hope so.
  • A man broke in a house. The owner shot him 4 times with his rifle. The perp died on his way to the hospital.
  • Some little girls found a newborn baby girl inside a plastic bag in some woods. Look for a fat white girl with credit cards that just had a baby.
  • The Cobb County authorties found that robber that slugged the old woman. He is in the Cobb County Jail. The perp is wishing he had done his crime in Atlanta, the sanctuary city of the South.
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Just watched a documentary on Indian Head Rock, I had never heard of it till today. Interesting what happens when politics gets involved in things. Good show to watch! It ended up being a battle between Southern Ohio and Northern Ky.

Actually, Cord, it is between Southern Ohio, (Portsmouth) and Eastern Ky (South Shore). We followed that controversy here for a few years, since it is just about 25 minutes down the river from us. The latest is that they are now thinking it could be a hoax, but, it was pretty clear cut. The Ohio River belongs to Ky where it borders Ohio.
I live down the street in Smiths Grove from Leon Tarter, my cousin. He landed in Normandy June 7, DDay plus 1. He is still alive and still works.

He was one of my hero's growing up.

Bert, I just passed through Smith's Grove, yesterday. Stopped at the antique stores. Nice town.