
We decided to say good night to another wonderful Easter by watching the sunset over the Gulf. The breeze was perfect and so was the day.

When I grew up there was not a store open after 5-6 PM or on Sunday.

I sure want to thank you for sharing this video. It is exactly how I was raised and a time that will never be again. They have taken away several things mentioned in that song from us and you can get in a lot of trouble even singing the song that was the favorite of Abe Lincoln. But I can still hear the lonesome cry of the whippoorwill and that is important because in some areas even the whippoorwill is long gone.

Thanks again, much appreciated.
Good morning D-Leaguers.

We are under clear skies and a cool 50°. Expect bright sunshine all day with a high of 78° mid afternoon. The moon is still up, big and bright and full. Our sunset will be spectacular again tonight as it sets over the Gulf on it's way to Texas.

Today I plan on finalizing my final day on earth by .getting funeral expenses nailed down and paid off. it costs a lot of money to die. But I will rest in peace knowing that is an expense those I leave behind will not have to bear.

Meanwhile I am going to enjoy another day God has made. Every one have a blessed day and carry the spirit of Easter into your daily life.
.................... But I can still hear the lonesome cry of the whippoorwill and that is important because in some areas even the whippoorwill is long gone.

Thanks again, much appreciated.

My last house in Jacksonville was in Hidden Hills just off the St. Johns river. We had whippoorwill's all over the place. My property back up to a swamp and it was apparently whippoorwill country.
I saw this old picture and I immediately thought about being a teenager when cars were the most important thing in a boys life and most of us knew how to break down on old flat head V8 and put her back together again. This was a common sight in those days. We had a favorite old live oak tree that had limbs of steel that would probably hold up a tank. Gettin' her done.

My last house in Jacksonville was in Hidden Hills just off the St. Johns river. We had whippoorwill's all over the place. My property back up to a swamp and it was apparently whippoorwill country.
Bert, this picture was taken in Jacksonville on the St. Johns River. With an I phone. I love the colors. I found the photo on a Florida Cloud Appreciation web site.

I saw this old picture and I immediately thought about being a teenager when cars were the most important thing in a boys life and most of us knew how to break down on old flat head V8 and put her back together again. This was a common sight in those days. We had a favorite old live oak tree that had limbs of steel that would probably hold up a tank. Gettin' her done.


Today's cars, beyond the basics, tend to be a lot more difficult to work on, with all their electronic, computerized gadgets.
Hey D league! Been a great day so far. Was out in the workshop to put together the little cedar box for the dryer vent. Got that put together with glue and then applied a coat of spar urethane. For the next two or so hours I literally sat and watched paint dry. Not as cool as watching grass grow, but give me enough beer and classic rock and I can accomplish superhuman levels of passing time with no end goal in mind.

I'm in the house now and all I can tell you is that there is a difference in beer stored at 34° and beer stored at 28°. The workshop beer is just better. Sitting on the couch in my nest though, far outpaces the stool I sit on in the workshop. Let's call it even.

I like beer. It makes me a jolly ole fellow!
Hey there D-League,
It's a very nice, brisk 46 degrees now, headed for a high of 81 with clear, cobalt blue skies and no humidity. We had a very nice Easter yesterday, full of worship, fellowship, and family time, being thankful for all that Jesus has accomplished for us.

-After work today, I'm starting back with my group of guys that play Tennis every week
-I desperately need to mow my yard. We had a lot of rain a few days ago. Forecast called for about only 3/4 inch, but of course, true to the Chattanooga area, you can AT LEAST double what the weatherman says. I totalled over 2 inches easily.

-I'm glad for the warmer weather, getting outside, and everything else.
-You all have a great day, try not to worry about tomorrow, but just enjoy today.
Morning D! A beautiful day here in the Berg sun shining and 56 going all the way up to 81 today!!!! Had a great Easter yesterday Church, family and nap!!!!! I set down in the recliner at 3:30, my wife said I'll give you till 3:35and you'll' be asleep, I told her no way it will be 3:29 I won!!!! Before my mom passed away we all gathered at her house for Easter, now my sister has taken over that day and it was as Great day!!!!! Yesterday I went out to get the paper and there was ice on the windows of the car, later on 80 degrees, spring in KY!!!! Ya'll have a great and safe day!!!!
They have made it impossible. You have to plug it in to find out what is wrong. Years ago you could tell by the sound of the engine.

You know, one thing that I appreciate about my older Toyota 4runners (I have two of them 2004 and a 2011) is the relative simplicity of the engines, the key word being relative.

From what I've researched, the 4runner engines have lagged behind other manufacturer's "hi-tech" features, and have the reputation of being a bit bland, but in a way, that can be a good thing as the simplicity of it, I believe, is a part of why it's so reliable and rock solid.

My mechanic friend tells me that the new stuff, say 2014 and newer, are nearly impossible for the weekend warrior hobbyist to work on due to all the "tech" stuff on the newer models. Car manufacturers seem to be using "more technology" as a selling point, but for me, simplicity rules!! And that's why I puposefully bought an older Toyota 4runner.
Got another recipe fur ya Blueberry Dessert
1 can Blueberry pie filling (I use Kroger brand)
3 bananas
2 Graham Cracker Crusts
1/3 or 1/2 cup sugar (I use 1/3 because the pie filling is sweet)
1 8oz. Cool Whip (Thawed)
1 block Cream Cheese (Softened)
Mix your cool whip, sugar and cream cheese and spread it on the pie crusts
After putting the mixture in the crusts, I put it in the fridge to set up some
Next cut your bananas as thin or as thick as you want and place them on the filling, Next open your can (got to be politically correct) spoon the pie filling on top of the bananas and put back in the fridge for about and hour. Enjoy!!!
When I first started making this I use Pecan Sandie's cookies, I would crush the cookies, melt butter, then press this mixture in a 9x11 or 9x13 baking dish, forgot which one this crust was better but I just got lazy and started using graham cracker crust. This is my favorite dessert to make now!!!
Where I grew up the town shut down at 1200 on Wednesday. Was open until 1400 on Saturday though, and then closed until 0900 Monday morning. Not a 24 hour store within 30 miles.

Somehow, we survived.

Forgot about that. A lot of the city's businessmen showed up at the country club about 12:30 on Wednesday to play golf.
They have made it impossible. You have to plug it in to find out what is wrong. Years ago you could tell by the sound of the engine.

I bought a new car in 1964. Bought my second new car in 2008. I always bought used cars for not much money because I knew how to fix them. Fuel injection and computers did us shade tree mechanics in.
Eating well on a budget.

1 ea. 24 oz jar store-brand (H.E.B.) pasta sauce - $0.85.

1 ea. 8 oz can store-brand (H.E.B) mushrooms, grown in the Netherlands - $0.35. Regularly $0.55.

1 ea. 7 oz package elbow macaroni, made in Mexico - $0.34.

Total: $1.54. Makes six 8 oz servings or three 16 oz servings. Total prep time = 15 minutes.

No good reason anybody in this country should go hungry.


Eating well on a budget.

1 ea. 24 oz jar store-brand (H.E.B.) pasta sauce - $0.85.

1 ea. 8 oz can store-brand (H.E.B) mushrooms, grown in the Netherlands - $0.35. Regularly $0.55.

1 ea. 7 oz package elbow macaroni, made in Mexico - $0.34.

Total: $1.54. Makes six 8 oz servings or three 16 oz servings. Total prep time = 15 minutes.

No good reason anybody in this country should go hungry.


Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. This mornings haul. 4 caught, one spit the hook out so Warrior-Cat 4, Big Mouth Bass 1. Kept three to eat and let the smallest go.
I have a question for the golfers on, I used to play but 2 rotor cuff,2 screws in my neck and 2 new hips stopped me from playing, but in the Masters I saw Adam Scott putt with the flag in the cup, I thought the flag had to be pulled once you started putting?

They changed several rules and that was one of them. You now drop a ball from knee height instead of shoulder height. 3 minutes to search for lost ball instead of 5. You can fix the green before you putt. If you accidentally move the ball you can put it back with no penalty.

There are other changes I can't remember.

Been doing laundry and dishes today. I'm going to take a bunch of clothes down to the church so they can give them to people. Too many things get changed out for the season and then never worn.

If I was an NBA scout I would advise Nick to go back to school and concentrate on catching and holding the basketball. And practice free throws. And use the backboard on close shots.
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. This mornings haul. 4 caught, one spit the hook out so Warrior-Cat 4, Big Mouth Bass 1. Kept three to eat and let the smallest go.
That's what I'm talking about. An all-American meal served with hush puppies. And down here we add swamp cabbage to make it a meal. Looking mighty good A+
Afternoon to all. Had a 48 hr bug of some kind. Missed all festivities yesterday. Still don't have a doctor. Need to get one I reckin. Just hate all that stuff. Dentist as well. Need a 300,000 mile check up. Prolly not.

How long till BBM. Watching replay of Golden ST and Clippers game 4 and Shai Alex. has 14 in the first quarter. Again, you are welcome Comm. Silver. Knucklehead.

Ok, mowed again. Second time. Well, one of my boys did. Looks good. Lemonade time. FCC.
My wife was talking on Saturday about us going fishing sometime this summer. She said she didn't want to go when it was too hot and she didn't want to go to a place that had a lot of bugs. I stopped her and told her if she thought I was going fishing with her that she had lost her mind.

I'll continue to ice fish at Kroger.