
Good morning from ATX. Currently a chilly 46°F. Our expected high today is 58°F.

Tigers vs Cats at 1:20 pm CDT today in Kansas City today. Y'all know the drill. Go Cats!

Must take our big dog in for grooming this morning at 9 am. Pick her up after the game is over.

Hey ATC. How did that shot change your life? FCC
Herro making that shot means I'm not down and bummed out all weekend. Wooo Hoooo!

We'll check back later. Y'all behave.
Good morning D-League

We have a mild 55° down here with full sunshine. High today forecast for 75° Now we have two team set, Texas Tech and Virginia and two more on tap for today. Go Michigan State and Go Cats, take care of business. The Virginia game shows what one little mistake can do to cost you a game. A missed free throw, an unforced turn over. A defensive lapse. They can get you beat and sent home to an early Spring break. Take Care of Business Cats.

So I am getting ready for church and this afternoon will be nervous as a Cat always is on game day.
Let's all have a blessed day. Take Care of Business, Cats.

ymmot31 said:
Patella is the kneecap. Doubt he tore that. Meniscus is probably torn though. Doubt he got the ACL or MCL. I'll be giving a full press release following the MRI.

Just read that it's a torn ACL. Optimist in me got it wrong. Tough break for that dude.

I was afraid of that. Patella tear>acl allair!!!
We just finished up our income tax return. I had been quite concerned over our 2018 capital gains. We are, however, receiving a refund. :smiley:

Life is good.

Always nice*. At 1st I read "Incomplete Tax Return" and thought you were giving advice for those folks who use taxact, et al. lol

* speaking on nice, my mother's mission circle from when we lived in cleveland (70s) sent me a chevk and nice letter for my 50th.
55°➫ 83° Sunny & Dry


Not feeling good about today's game. Hard to beat a good team three times in a season. Do I remember correctly that UK had beaten LSU three times in a season and LSU finally knocked them out of the tourney when they met the fourth time?

A lot of people want to see Auburn beat us.

Any of of the BB talking heads picking UK to go all the way?
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Good morning D-League

We have a mild 55° down here with full sunshine. High today forecast for 75° Now we have two team set, Texas Tech and Virginia and two more on tap for today. Go Michigan State and Go Cats, take care of business. The Virginia game shows what one little mistake can do to cost you a game. A missed free throw, an unforced turn over. A defensive lapse. They can get you beat and sent home to an early Spring break. Take Care of Business Cats.

So I am getting ready for church and this afternoon will be nervous as a Cat always is on game day.
Let's all have a blessed day. Take Care of Business, Cats.


Great games yesterday.
Maybe we'll lose today, who knows? I will bet that chance is far outweighed by our chance of winning though. We beat them last time by 27 points due to a great defensive effort that held them below 60 points. Seems like we're holding a lot of teams under 60 along about now. One of their best players is out so they are wounded. They are also wounded in spirit due to that last asskicking that is still fresh in their minds. They are wounded because of the thousands of years they have played fifth fiddle to the UK Wildcats in the SEC.

Whatever angle you'd like to take it doesn't matter. We are UK and they are not. We belong on this stage. They do not. We will cut down the nets. They will not!

My BIL is a professional photographer, family pics and so on. This was taken from his back deck....amazing..He recently bought a high end computerized telescope. This is the Rosette Nebula which is about 5,000 light years from earth and about 130 light years in diameter. To give you a sense of scale, light travels at 186,000 miles per second. If you were to stand at one end of this nebula and turn on a flashlight, it would take 130 years for the light to reach the other end.

Not feeling good about today's game. Hard to beat a good team three times in a season. Do I remember correctly that UK had beaten LSU three times in a season and LSU finally knocked them out of the tourney when they met the fourth time?
A lot of people don't remember but we also had to beat a very good Alabama team three times that year. The mean spirited selection committee put 3 (three) SEC teams in the same region. We had beaten Alabama twice and LSU three times. So we had to beat Alabama for the third time and then LSU for the fourth time to go to the Final Four.