
  • Left for home after the 1st half.
  • Stopped at S&S for a Chocolate Malt. That little round top came off and I spilled milkhake all over my car. Cleaned it up as best as I could. They brought me another and some wet cloths. I cussed like a sailor. I must have scared that girl to death.
  • Rushed on home and watched the last quarter on the smallest TV in the house. Scared Lola. She had never heard me yell like that.
  • The crowd was our 12th man tonight.
  • Best defensive effort indon'tkowwhen.
  • Bennie Snell was awesome.
  • Special thanks to screwduke and CatFanInTennessee for joining us tonight.
  • I am so happy.
  • Big big win tonight.
  • Bed.
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Congrats guys. Great game, deserve the win. I didn’t watch one minute of our game. I’m in Atlanta as I post. Just got engaged, so my lady friend is now my fiancée. Just did a little weekend getaway and I didn’t want to be distracted by the awful football team I root for!

Did the dinner mystery show at Agatha’s. Highly recommendable. Heading home tomorrow
Congrats guys. Great game, deserve the win. I didn’t watch one minute of our game. I’m in Atlanta as I post. Just got engaged, so my lady friend is now my fiancée. Just did a little weekend getaway and I didn’t want to be distracted by the awful football team I root for!

Did the dinner mystery show at Agatha’s. Highly recommendable. Heading home tomorrow
Congratulations Ghost. Will you now be Anna's step father? If so the poor kid will be ruined beyond all hope! :joy:

Post Script: I had Tennessee company yesterday afternoon. Don Valentine is the pastor at one of the local churches. He stopped by and we had a blast catching up on the families. He used to help me a lot when I was mayor of the town. His problem is he is a Vandy fan.
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