D-League: Got to keep up that Fast Paste Edition

Originally posted by Kooky Kats:
Thanks Mav. You're the best.

Yes, both conditions together suck balls. Glare-o-Rama.

The surgical treatment is solely for the vascular issues. The Evastin is experimental and will cost big bucks because it's not FDA/Insurance approved. Not only that the Corneologist (Dr David Chu) said he's not sure the procedure will have any lasting results. He won't go transplant route because I blinked just right during eye exam and saw 20/25 thru these toenails ( I mean hard contacts).

On Lastacaft as well for both eyes.

Not too many blind architects out there.
Damn man, I feel for you. I read a bit about your doc and he sounds top-notch, so I'm sure you're in good hands there. I'm also sure he's at least considered something called "Intacs" for the keratoconus. Basically these are little plastic semi-circles which are inserted into the corneal stroma to give it support -- kinda like an underwire in a bra. I've seen a couple patients who've had this procedure and their results were outstanding. If he hasn't mentioned them then ask about them at your next visit to see if you're a candidate.

at your toenail example cause that's exactly how I've described my experience with hard/RGP contacts. They're uncomfortable as hell, no two ways about it. If I couldn't wear soft lenses I'd have LASIK done tomorrow rather than wear gas perms. I know that's not an option for you but that's how badly I hate them lol. Still though, as I'm sure they've told you, they're the best lens material for keratoconus.

I'd say that if you're able to achieve 20/25 vision that the neo isn't affecting your acuity as much as the keratoconus, so that might be another reason Dr. Chu doesn't want to put you through Avastin. You might also ask him about something called "corneal cross-linking" whereby the cornea is "hardened" through the use of riboflavin and UV light to see if you'd qualify for a trial. It's been used in other countries for years and works really well to halt the progression of keratoconus. It's currently in FDA trials here but you might qualify.
Originally posted by -LEK-:
IBM 5100 computer

Is what you want. The reason for this, is that self described "time traveler" John Titor claims he was sent back from the future to grab this thing. When it was built, there were some design structures the programming team didnt let out to the public, which was basically its ability to translate different computer languages. In the future, there is a nuclear attack, which destroys a lot. Coupled with the radiation, Unix (computer programming language/OS) has a problem that in 2038, all computers will self destruct (think Y2K, which was actually more prevalent than people think). Basically because of the way time was written into the programming, they original programmers didnt calculate enough time storage. So in 2038, the computers will hit a wall (like end of Mayan Calendar). Now, in 2038, most people cant speak the computer language from 70/80s. Well, this IBM 5100 can. Also, because its portable, you can move it various machines.

So if you get this computer, you will be basically saving the lives of all people that dont die to the bomb. And everyone wants to be a hero right? This is my first choice for you. You can be the John Conner of the future.

This post was edited on 4/13 9:53 AM by -LEK-
My KC is too far gone for intacts and even the scraping & cross-linking. The cross-linking only stems the tide of KC process, but you know that. I also saw Dr Hersch who was a complete douchebag albeit a brilliant self-promoting douchebag... Probably why Chu spilt from the practice. I go back next week to see if the Durezol and not wearing lens did anything. I will re mention the intacts and let him say no.

I swear that eye test lied. After about 65 blinks and enough tear refracted just right for me to blurt out V R F J 2 B. In 80% of my visual reality, I see a lighting blotch. Oh well.

Will keep you posted Dr.

Remember - they're all Judas.
Originally posted by FutureCityCats:
Originally posted by Desperado_1955:
LEK, I like that HP Pavilion at New Egg. Good value. If it had something other than the touching Intel HD graphics I'd be all over it. I have the Pavilion DV7 with an I5 processor and 8G of RAM that has the Radeon graphics card in it, but evidently Photoshop won't recognize it unless I update it, and there aren't any updates to it.
Desperado, what's wrong with Intel HD graphics? I'm going to need a new laptop and or desktop very soon. So, trying to learn. Thanks, FCC.
It's ok for most things, but graphics-intensive programs struggle with it. In my case, Photoshop. The 3D rendering capability for Photoshop is neutered since I can't utilize the Open CL format for it. Some games also bail on you because of it.
Originally posted by Kooky Kats:
My KC is too far gone for intacts and even the scraping & cross-linking. The cross-linking only stems the tide of KC process, but you know that. I also saw Dr Hersch who was a complete douchebag albeit a brilliant self-promoting douchebag... Probably why Chu spilt from the practice. I go back next week to see if the Durezol and not wearing lens did anything. I will re mention the intacts and let him say no.

I swear that eye test lied. After about 65 blinks and enough tear refracted just right for me to blurt out V R F J 2 B. In 80% of my visual reality, I see a lighting blotch. Oh well.

Will keep you posted Dr.

Remember - they're all Judas.
I was afraid from what you'd described that you prolly weren't a candidate for the Intacs or cross-linking, but I just wanted to be sure that Dr. Chu had at least considered them. I've learned from what my dad went through years ago that sometimes even the most obvious things can get over-looked by multiple docs.

Man I always tell folks there's a huge difference between "exam-room" vision and "real-life" vision, especially with conditions like KC. In the chair things are optimized -- the chart is stationary, you're stationary, the target letters are high nice and dark against a white background, the room lighting is ambient AND you can take your time calling out the letters (depending on the doc lol). In the real world everything is damned near the complete opposite, and that causes problems under the best of circumstances.

As long as you're anywhere near 20/25 though I don't think Dr. Chu will recommend a transplant -- unless your cornea starts to become really thin (but that will manifest as decreasing acuity). I know I mentioned it's a last resort, and it is, but patients often do well following them. It's just that because the post-op course is typically very difficult (secondary to inflammation/infection/varying refraction) they put it off until the very end.
Yesterday my wife got copies of her personnel file and the HR report that was used to fire her. The report was short and contains some glaring errors. It is as though it were written by the judicial system in a thrid world country. It has a direct quote of my wife that she says is an out-right lie. Another section where she had several comments was maked NA.

To further mak my blood boil, the policy that she violated has an escalated discipline plan spelled out. That plan was not followed. AT. ALL.

The union is filing the greivence today. I feel like we have a good case, but I also feel like it will be dismissed. Why would HR admit to screwing up?

The stress and anxiety are really eating me.
Originally posted by UKGrad93:

Yesterday my wife got copies of her personnel file and the HR report that was used to fire her. The report was short and contains some glaring errors. It is as though it were written by the judicial system in a thrid world country. It has a direct quote of my wife that she says is an out-right lie. Another section where she had several comments was maked NA.

To further mak my blood boil, the policy that she violated has an escalated discipline plan spelled out. That plan was not followed. AT. ALL.

The union is filing the greivence today. I feel like we have a good case, but I also feel like it will be dismissed. Why would HR admit to screwing up?

The stress and anxiety are really eating me.
Because HR is a mess. Sounds like you have a good case. I guess what puzzles me most is that they didn't even bother to talk to her about any of those quotes. Usually when someone claims someone said something, there is a follow up with the other party to get their side. It seems like they just made shit up.
Originally posted by UKGrad93:

Yesterday my wife got copies of her personnel file and the HR report that was used to fire her. The report was short and contains some glaring errors. It is as though it were written by the judicial system in a thrid world country. It has a direct quote of my wife that she says is an out-right lie. Another section where she had several comments was maked NA.

To further mak my blood boil, the policy that she violated has an escalated discipline plan spelled out. That plan was not followed. AT. ALL.

The union is filing the greivence today. I feel like we have a good case, but I also feel like it will be dismissed. Why would HR admit to screwing up?

The stress and anxiety are really eating me.
UKGrad, something ain't right somewhere. Try to be calm. Sounds like this is going to work in your favor. One day at a time.

Willy my man. Still down a bit. My youngest son wore his undefeated Ky shirt yesterday. Couple of kids gave him a hard time until he had enough. Let's just say everything was OK after that, Chip off the old block.

Went to a funeral yesterday. Close friend's wife died suddenly. 58 years old. Sad, very sad.

Happy Tuesday to all! FCC.
ATC...I am headed your way and I need your help. I land in Dallas at around 6pm. I need you to peddle your way on up from Austin and meet me at the airport. I need a ride from the airport to the Omni Hotel. Its about 10 miles or so. You should be able to peddle me there in about 20 minutes or so right?

Willy & FCC & all the rest - thanks for your support. I am sincere about that. Some days have been better than others. Today is pretty low.

FCC - when you say that your kid had enough, I hope that means that he stood up for himself. Also, sorry to hear about your friend's wife. 58 is too young.
Originally posted by UKGrad93:

Yesterday my wife got copies of her personnel file and the HR report that was used to fire her. The report was short and contains some glaring errors. It is as though it were written by the judicial system in a thrid world country. It has a direct quote of my wife that she says is an out-right lie. Another section where she had several comments was maked NA.

To further mak my blood boil, the policy that she violated has an escalated discipline plan spelled out. That plan was not followed. AT. ALL.

The union is filing the greivence today. I feel like we have a good case, but I also feel like it will be dismissed. Why would HR admit to screwing up?

The stress and anxiety are really eating me.
Damn, that effing sucks.

Not trying to bring you down even further, but I have nearly zero faith in any disciplinary/review boards any more. They can all go touch themselves with a red-hot poker coated in AIDS-infested monkey shit, starting with the KBML (Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure). Cocksuckers, each and every one.
Originally posted by UKGrad93:

Willy & FCC & all the rest - thanks for your support. I am sincere about that. Some days have been better than others. Today is pretty low.

FCC - when you say that your kid had enough, I hope that means that he stood up for himself. Also, sorry to hear about your friend's wife. 58 is too young.
Grad, yes it does mean that he stood up for himself.

And man, I'm 62, so I know that when I say be calm, it's easier for me to say it, than for you to do it. But it looks like this thing is going to work out. HR screwed up. And you and your wife will be all the better for their mistakes. Things are going to turn around and quickly. So be encouraged. FCC.
Originally posted by UKGrad93:

Yesterday my wife got copies of her personnel file and the HR report that was used to fire her. The report was short and contains some glaring errors. It is as though it were written by the judicial system in a thrid world country. It has a direct quote of my wife that she says is an out-right lie. Another section where she had several comments was maked NA.

To further mak my blood boil, the policy that she violated has an escalated discipline plan spelled out. That plan was not followed. AT. ALL.

The union is filing the greivence today. I feel like we have a good case, but I also feel like it will be dismissed. Why would HR admit to screwing up?

The stress and anxiety are really eating me.
Was she union? If so, you would have a good case. Odd that she would be. If it is a right to work state, which most are, she has no recourse as long as she wasnt fired for discriminatory practices.
Originally posted by maverick1:

Originally posted by UKGrad93:

Yesterday my wife got copies of her personnel file and the HR report that was used to fire her. The report was short and contains some glaring errors. It is as though it were written by the judicial system in a thrid world country. It has a direct quote of my wife that she says is an out-right lie. Another section where she had several comments was maked NA.

To further mak my blood boil, the policy that she violated has an escalated discipline plan spelled out. That plan was not followed. AT. ALL.

The union is filing the greivence today. I feel like we have a good case, but I also feel like it will be dismissed. Why would HR admit to screwing up?

The stress and anxiety are really eating me.
Damn, that effing sucks.

Not trying to bring you down even further, but I have nearly zero faith in any disciplinary/review boards any more. They can all go touch themselves with a red-hot poker coated in AIDS-infested monkey shit, starting with the KBML (Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure). Cocksuckers, each and every one.
QFTGDMFT. I had issues with these touchers before in a different profession, and I wouldn't trust them to tell me what day it is.
LEK - her job was covered by a union contract. She was not a union member, but we are in a right to work state. The union is filing the greivence (today). I contacted a lawyer in town, he told me that we have to exhaust the union route before going outside.

The next step if the greivencce is turned down is to go to arbitration. We have been told that in between there is an informal process where some sort of middle ground compromise could be reached.

While I'd like to sue, I don't think I could afford it. It's a big place and I'm sure they could easily outspend me.

She isn't arguing that she had late notes according to the policy. She is arguing that HR failed to follow the written disciplinary plan for the policy and that the penalty is not consistent with the crime. She expected to come out of the HR meeting with a written warning.
FCC- Sorry to hear about your friend's wife. That's terrible news. Hope they take the time to grieve their loss and you as well.

Also sorry your boy was getting picked on because of his shirt. Shoot, just goes to show that trolls start early in life. Hope he gets back on his feet. And as for you being still down about the tourney. Yeah, it's been a stinger. But guess what FCC, we are UK and we will get another shot. Actually the red flag was staring at us the whole time as the season progressed. The team often played with no heart or effort. That's why we lost. Cal can get 6 or 7 players who are high energy and can pull off an undefeated season. If there is a guy who can do it, it's Cal.
LEK that meme was awesome. Oh, yeah when you come down. Hell yeah we go for a beer. We go to World of Beer. It's near the resorts and is an awesome place for suds.

hahah @ Desp "QFGDMFT"
Hey ya'll. Somebody stole $70K worth of bull semen from a Minnesota dairy farm.

Carry on.....
Originally posted by Desperado_1955:

Originally posted by maverick1:

starting with the KBML (Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure). Cocksuckers, each and every one.
QFTGDMFT. I had issues with these touchers before in a different profession, and I wouldn't trust them to tell me what day it is.
Brother I feel for you, especially if the issue involved a loved one. It's been nine years since my dealings with them and my hatred is as white hot now as it was then. WARNING TO ANYONE READING THIS: THE FOLLOWING IS LONG AND POTENTIALLY BORING -- BASICALLY THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF MY JOHNSON, WELL, EXCEPT, THAT IS, FOR THE BORING PART -- BUT, HEY, I NEED TO BLOW OFF A LITTLE STEAM. FEEL FREE TO SKIP.

Without going into all the details (that would take several pages and a couple hours), I filed a grievance with the Board against my dad's "oncologist" Harry Carloss over his complete mismanagement of dad's case. Among other things, "Dr." Carloss:
Failed to properly manage dad's original non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). How? In three years, Carloss ran exactly ONE (1) CT scan, and that was 6 months after he initially declared Dad to be in remission. The remainder of his "exams" consisted entirely of ordering CBCs -- i.e. the cocksucker never even tested for basic cancer markersFailed to recognize the obvious symptoms and clinical signs (dad's RBC count, one of the few tests Carloss did order, fell continuously and precipitously for 36 consecutive months) of yet another burgeoning blood cancer, multiple myelomaHe attributed Dad's sudden and unexplained back pain (never had a history of back trouble whatsoever) to, get this, osteoporosis -- a disease of little old ladies -- WITHOUT EVEN ORDERING A BONE DENSITY SCAN. A sudden onset of unexplained (i.e. no injury, no obvious herniation, stenosis, etc...) back pain in a man over 40 is one of the cardinal symptoms of multiple myeloma, especially when coupled with anemia and elevated protein in blood (which Carloss's meager "testing" repeatedly showed). But noooo, 'Harry the Idiot' Carloss ASSUMED that a 6' 2" 215 pound, big-boned man had osteoFREAKINGporosis WITHOUT EVEN TESTING FOR IT.He allowed Dad to stay on a drug called Methotrexate (prescribed erroneously by another doctor for treatment of his back pain because that doc said it was from rheumatoid arthritis, even though he had no symptoms or clinical evidence of RA) without closely following for lymphoma relapse. Methotrexate is a potent immunosuppressant and has been associated with development of lymphoma. In other words, Carloss the Cocksucker felt it was ok for dad to stay on a drug which can cause a cancer for which he was supposedly in remission in order to treat a disease he demonstrably DID NOT HAVE.Once a diagnosis of multiple myeloma was made for Carloss by his goddamned assistant (who was not even a physician) -- YOU READ THAT RIGHT, HARRY CARLOSS, WHILE PLAYING AN ONCOLOGIST, COULDN'T DIAGNOSE TWO OBVIOUS BLOOD CANCERS, YET HIS ASSISTANT DID BY SIMPLY LOOKING BACK OVER CARLOSS'S OWN RECORDS (I'll perhaps elaborate in yet another agonizingly long post) -- Carloss prescribed a treatment regimen which was not FDA approved for either myeloma or NHL (by this time Dad's NHL had in fact relapsed).Carloss never once got Dad's written, verbal, or even tacit approval for this improper course of treatment. This amounted to little more than unsanctioned, unapproved human experimentation without the patient's consent. Mengele would have been proud.As if all this wasn't bad enough, his own goddamned records prove Carloss improperly dosed his own unapproved treatment on at least FOUR separate occasions, once over-dosing him by 31% (studies show that cardiotoxicity occurs at 15% overdosing -- Dad had a 67% reduction in his cardiac output following Carloss's treatment) and under-dosed Dad by 52% three other times. It's no surprise that his both his myeloma and NHL demonstrably worsened under Carloss's "care."
To top off this shit-sandwich , Harry Carloss isn't even a trained oncologist -- although he practiced oncology in Paducah for 30 years and even advertised himself as "board-certified." Oh he's board-certified internal medicine, not oncology. To be a board-certified oncologist a physician must first complete a three-year internal medicine residency, and then complete an additional four-year residency in oncology/hematology, i.e. seven years total. Carloss completed two years (out of a required three) of internal medicine training in Louisville and then did one year (out of a required four) of oncology at some place in California (which only fulfilled his internal med requirements). He's no more a properly trained oncologist than a G touching P (not that there's anything wrong with GPs). Basically for 30+ years he perpetrated a fraud on the citizens of western Kentucky, often with deadly results.

Despite all this, despite copious documentation from Carloss's own records and citations from multiple medical sources, the good ol Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure said, and I never will forget this, that "not only did Dr. Carloss properly care" for my father, but he did so "in an exemplary fashion." EXEMPLARY. TOUCHING. FASHION.

I never wanted any money, never even filed a lawsuit. I simply wanted a jury of his peers to stand up and say that Carloss was a piece of shit that royally effed up on my Dad. I asked for them to revoke his license, but I would have been satisfied with a slap on the wrist -- just something, anything, so that arrogant, touching jackass would get put in his place. Instead, they said he acted in an exemplary fashion. Talk about pouring salt in a gaping wound.

If I wouldn't spend the rest of my life in prison I'd beat every one of the cocksuckers on the KBML who supported Carloss to within an inch of their miserable, worthless lives. I'd save my real wrath for good ol Harry
-- suffice it to say it'd make Marcellus's medieval work on Zed look like a full-body massage with a happy ending from the supermodel/babe of your choice in comparison. Lucky for him I'm a peaceful man and not prone to violence.
Argubs- Buddy, who'd of thunk it. I mean really, no rich guy is gonna give up his money. Especially to his drones. Why would he? So he concocts this humanitarian piece fraud (ala Angie's List) only to steal bull semen to enrichen his drones. Dude, there's some Michael Bay in there somehwhere
wow Mav- I read that. I can see why you're angry as hell. So did the bastard get off scott free? That's crazy. What exactly would Dr Carloss had to have done wrong in the board's eyes?
Originally posted by Willy4UK:

wow Mav- I read that. I can see why you're angry as hell. So did the bastard get off scott free? That's crazy. What exactly would Dr Carloss had to have done wrong in the board's eyes?
Oh hell yeah, scot-friggin-free. The board members essentially gave him a hummer in their ruling. And I didn't even go into ALL the crap that he screwed up. His docs in Little Rock just shook their heads in disgust when they reviewed Dad's chart from Carloss.

He's connected politically. In 2008 (around the time I was filing the grievance) Turtlehead McMushmouth gave a tribute on the Senate floor (scroll down after clicking the link) honoring Carloss and had the goddamned thing read into the touching Congressional record LMFAO...


...yet another reason I voted for you instead of that jackass

Man I had a chance to blast Carloss one day when dad was in a coma in intensive care. My brother and I were walking down a hall at the hospital and Carloss is walking towards us with his head down and we passed within inches of each other. If I had it to do over again I would have body-checked that mothertoucher into the wall like one of the Hanson Brothers from Slapshot, and then acted like it was an accident
. I held back though cause my brother was an occupational therapist at that hospital and I know it would have cost him his job. Oh well, life is full of missed opportunities.
Originally posted by Willy4UK:

Hey ya'll. Somebody stole $70K worth of bull semen from a Minnesota dairy farm.

Carry on.....
The perfect crime! Do you think robbers were shocked at the taste of their morning cereal?
Speaking of perfect crime, animals and DNA... If I had a shovel, night vision goggles and access a cloning lab - I'd be core drilling for some Secretariat remains and cloning that big red muthatoucher. How cool would that be rolling that bitch out on his maiden at Keeneland...

That would be awesome.
Originally posted by Kooky Kats:
Speaking of perfect crime, animals and DNA... If I had a shovel, night vision goggles and access a cloning lab - I'd be core drilling for some Secretariat remains and cloning that big red muthatoucher. How cool would that be rolling that bitch out on his maiden at Keeneland...

That would be awesome.
Originally posted by maverick1:

Originally posted by Kooky Kats:
Speaking of perfect crime, animals and DNA... If I had a shovel, night vision goggles and access a cloning lab - I'd be core drilling for some Secretariat remains and cloning that big red muthatoucher. How cool would that be rolling that bitch out on his maiden at Keeneland...

That would be awesome.
Originally posted by Kooky Kats:

Originally posted by Willy4UK:

Hey ya'll. Somebody stole $70K worth of bull semen from a Minnesota dairy farm.

Carry on.....
The perfect crime! Do you think robbers were shocked at the taste of their morning cereal?
I'd say so. But I'm more confused why they thought it was cereal when it had the consistency of oatmeal.

Mav- Buddy. If you want. We'll go egg his house. I know we can't do anything like hunt him down at night and cut his Achilles tendon. Wish we could. So maybe we just egg his house.
That was an awsome rant Mav. I can tell that you were constrained, yet free flowing at the same time. You have, however, lost site of the big picture in medical practice. It is one that you are probably familiar with, RVUs. I'm assumuning that Dr. Carlos kept his RVUs up and dictated his notes in a timely fashion so that accounting and HR weren't on his ass.

You and my wife suffer from following the code of ethics that says, first, do no harm.

M wife has never been accused of harming a patient. 20 years of continuous service to the hospital, starting as a student in the blood lab, then as a staff nurse, then a nurse practitioner. She fell behind on her notes. Her days were disrupted by seeing patients on her off days to help accomodate their schedules. She was forced into the postition of office manager, even though it was never really in her job description and she had no authority. Her RVUs were even high. Hell, the notes that were considered late, were also held up to her division as good examples of well written notes that were billable at the highest rate. She cared about her patients and their familes. All taken away by some HR guy. In fact, the low level HR employee that conducted the touched up investigation had his 25th birthday on the day she was fired.

I have visions of burining houses, of heads being cracked on the pavement like eggs, knees that are Gilloolied, and fingernails pulled out. One by one. I sometimes pray that these people will suffer and toument. That they will have to stand by as their loved ones are destroyed. But alas, I am not cut out for a life in prison. I'm not even a tattoo guy.

I grieve for you and your father. And for my wife and her patients. Whatever happened to the ending where the goodguys win?
Originally posted by Willy4UK:

Here we are at Megcon.
I assume you were carrying some sort of weapon? Having a dime piece like that around all those nerds would cause me to be prepared for all situations (if you know what I mean...)
Originally posted by GhostVol:
I assume you were carrying some sort of weapon? Having a dime piece like that around all those nerds would cause me to be prepared for all situations (if you know what I mean...)

Man, it was knee deep in nerd. Some of those real skinny nerds wearing superhero outfits waay too loose for them. Or you could see their whitey tighties bulging out of the suit.
I had my hands ready Ghost. Level 8 magic potions weren't gonna work on me. haha

Thanks 93-