D-League: Got to keep up that Fast Paste Edition

-I didn't get on any sports related site until today. It still hurts but I do like next years team with Ulis and Briscoe. I like small, quick guards. Briscoe isn't too small at 6'3 or so but I like the speed that he has. Was hoping at least Booker would stay but oh well. GBB.

-Reds are 3-0.
Originally posted by maverick1:

Blue Rupp- I agree, but after having 7 NBA guys and not winning it, I'll forever hold my expectations.
I don't know alternative. And I get its the system if you want the best, but I'm starting to feel like a cheap whore. Maybe not cheap, maybe a really classy one. But all the guys just leaving. It sucks. I don't know booker or lyles.

Towns has to go, and the twins got us 2 final fours, I'm just...bummed.

They should make money, yes. We use them as much as they use us. Just want some real relationship.
I guess it's officially CollegeBB offseason, now. .... What's that? Nope. Cal is tweeting about going to get 2 or 3 more guys today. Ok.

I bleed blue, but I piss excellence, so that's not the issue with the toilet seat. We've settled on 'Girls are weird' as the explanation of the mystery blue seat. I guess it's those cooties that we were warned about. Should've listened ...

Kid baseball season kicks off tonight. Funkycat Jr., the lesser, makes his 8 year old debut. We're talking short left-field power here, folks. Watch all of the baseball periodicals for his name, picture and stats.

Friday. Looks like we're getting an almost two-whole-days respite from the Noachian Deluge.

Wake up, the D.
-Ive been real pissy all week, trying to pretend it doesnt bother me. Oh well.

-Im about to beat candy crush. I.e. run out of levels to play. I consider this an accomplishment.

-Wanting to start volunteering again. Been tough with the kids. Need to have more impact in my life again. Not be so vapid.

-Black Sabbath Vol 4
I'm woke.

Beautiful weather this weekend. Enjoy it, d-dudes and d-girl.

I don't care about sports anymore. Not right now. I cut my cable. All of it. I'm living like a caveman and using other wifi sources till I crack...which I estimate will be about a month, but I'm so stubborn and vengeful that I may never even speak to Time Warner again. Told myself I'd get to know my local library and maybe learn some books, or something....
. That's what I said.
Of all the weight loss plans that out there, I think having huge amounts of stress is the most effecctive. Dropped 11 lbs this past few weeks. Almost down to my fighting weight.

Just met with a researcher that wants me to help with writing some licensing documents for his startup company. He wants to pay me as a consultant. I've never consulted before, so I told him I would do it. Now I'm nervous as hell about getting it done. It is a good opportunity for me to grow personally and profesionally.
Originally posted by Mashburned:
I'm woke.

Beautiful weather this weekend. Enjoy it, d-dudes and d-girl.

I don't care about sports anymore. Not right now. I cut my cable. All of it. I'm living like a caveman and using other wifi sources till I crack...which I estimate will be about a month, but I'm so stubborn and vengeful that I may never even speak to Time Warner again. Told myself I'd get to know my local library and maybe learn some books, or something....
. That's what I said.
Me either Mash. I checked my 2 sports channels, and one had swimming other had the masters. As my deceased uncle would say, hells bells. This will take some time. Don't even want to talk about it right now.

Hey Willy, LEK, 55, Mav, ATC, Grad, others. FCC.
Originally posted by funKYcat75:

Wake up, the D.
Man this week has kicked my ass. Spring Break always swamps us cause the folks that don't go on vacation decide to get the kiddo's eyes checked. I did manage to make this shop today though...


The press conference pic reminded me of The Last Supper. (A special thanks to Leo The Vinci for the inspiration.)
Hey 93- Prolly not your ideal situation to lose weight. But hey, it's 11 lbs. Glad to hear that you've been asked to do consultation work. It will def help your growth. Plus you'll gain new ways to approach your field. Will get even better as you learn the newest info. Sounds good. You'll be nervous, but you'll get the hang of it.
Well, I'm off to Megacon in Orlando today! Woo hoo. I'm dressing as the Arrow. Wife bought me a replica costume. I'll post some picts when I get a chance. Oh, and I'm thinking about dropping two hits of acid too. Will be interesting.....
Originally posted by funKYcat75:
Is the wife dressing up too? Some of the ladies at those conferences are
Yep. She's going as China White (a nemesis to the Arrow).
Originally posted by Willy4UK:

Well, I'm off to Megacon in Orlando today! Woo hoo. I'm dressing as the Arrow. Wife bought me a replica costume. I'll post some picts when I get a chance. Oh, and I'm thinking about dropping two hits of acid too. Will be interesting.....

Happy Birthday, bro.
Woke up to early.

-yard work all day yesterday. Tired. Mulch on sale at Home Depot.
-we treat our yard, almost like a competetion with nice yards. Ready to open the pool up.

-hate and love yardwork. Get outside with hands, accomplishing something. Just so tedious.

-getting hooked by recruiting bug. Feel like godfather 3. I try to get away, but they just keep pulling me back in.

-crazy how some posters are. Keeping 3 fake accounts.

-no masters, no care. Not sure why all the baseball love.

-I just don't trust Towles. He is that good sometime mediocre QB. No real mojo. Hard to believe Barker isn't taking the job
Originally posted by Willy4UK:

Well, I'm off to Megacon in Orlando today! Woo hoo. I'm dressing as the Arrow. Wife bought me a replica costume. I'll post some picts when I get a chance. Oh, and I'm thinking about dropping two hits of acid too. Will be interesting.....
-- please tell me you did
Here it is, my quarterly computer recommendation request: My boss (wife) needs/wants a new laptop, which means, BAH GAWD, we're getting a new laptop. Therefore, I need the resident D comp experts (you know who you are) to find me a laptop with the following preferences and post the link:
Windows based (she hates all things Apple)No less than 17" screenInsanely fast processorHuge amounts of RAM (wifey keeps 17-20 programs running continuously)Huge amounts of storageNumeric keypad built in (not a deal-breaker though)Max price tag under $500
I'm counting on you guys, what with me being a computer illiterate and all. The winner (i.e. the person whose link is picked) wins a free eye exam for the entire fam damily (max of 4) the next time you're in the Greater Paducah Area.
Oh, and R emember, as always, TIA.
Originally posted by maverick1:
Here it is, my quarterly computer recommendation request: My boss (wife) needs/wants a new laptop, which means, BAH GAWD, we're getting a new laptop. Therefore, I need the resident D comp experts (you know who you are) to find me a laptop with the following preferences and post the link:

Windows based (she hates all things Apple)
No less than 17" screen
Insanely fast processor
Huge amounts of RAM (wifey keeps 17-20 programs running continuously)
Huge amounts of storage
Numeric keypad built in (not a deal-breaker though)
Max price tag under $500
I'm counting on you guys, what with me being a computer illiterate and all. The winner (i.e. the person whose link is picked) wins a free eye exam for the entire fam damily (max of 4) the next time you're in the Greater Paducah Area.
Oh, and R emember, as always, TIA.
I can hook ya up on something like this purty reasonabull


Have you ever had a patient whose had such trauma to his/her corneas via Keratoconus and blood vessel opacities that you'd prescribe a protocol of four drops of Durozol a day for a month, then procedure laser/injections of Evastin into the cornea? When does one throw in the towel for corneal transplant?

Just askin... I got a friend.
I was wondering the same exact thing, Kooky.

Mav, I think you're going to be pushing up against that $500 mark with that big of a screen. Whatever you get, take some time and get rid of all the 'extra' software that these companies throw on the computers that they sell.

Also, and maybe LEK can help out on this, here at school/work we have a bunch of new computers that came with 4 gb of RAM, but due to our computers being 32-bit, it's not all usable. I'd do some research on that. I wish I knew more about the hardware side of that stuff.

Also, get her a Cloud backup service. If she's like my wife at all, she's going to do something to completely obliterate the damn thing and 'lose' everything.
Whew- That was rough. Yes, Mav. I went dosed. First time in 15 years. It was my 40th birthday. Whew. Yeah, i prrolly shouldn't have done it. Good thing it was mild stuff or I woulda ran head first out the door. Whew. What in the hell was i thinking???

It was incredible. The event is just awesome. So many creative costumes. Congo lines full of different Deadpools. Smug Game of Throne and Lord the Rings characters who think they are awesome. Smug bastards at these things. Girls and their costumes were incredible. Whew weee.
I'll post a few picts when i get home on tuesday. Saw a Rick Grimes that was spot on. Coulda been him.

Also cool story, a little bout 4 yrs old came over and said "arrow" i guess he wanted a pict. His dad asked. I said yes. Put my costume on and we posed. Then kid said "thanks arrow". And i said "thank you spiderman" and gave him a high five. While tripping. Ha ha ha

Anyway, slightly shit my boxers, puked in Walgreens parking lot and a hangover that wouldn't go away. Great 40th
IBM 5100 computer

Is what you want. The reason for this, is that self described "time traveler" John Titor claims he was sent back from the future to grab this thing. When it was built, there were some design structures the programming team didnt let out to the public, which was basically its ability to translate different computer languages. In the future, there is a nuclear attack, which destroys a lot. Coupled with the radiation, Unix (computer programming language/OS) has a problem that in 2038, all computers will self destruct (think Y2K, which was actually more prevalent than people think). Basically because of the way time was written into the programming, they original programmers didnt calculate enough time storage. So in 2038, the computers will hit a wall (like end of Mayan Calendar). Now, in 2038, most people cant speak the computer language from 70/80s. Well, this IBM 5100 can. Also, because its portable, you can move it various machines.

So if you get this computer, you will be basically saving the lives of all people that dont die to the bomb. And everyone wants to be a hero right? This is my first choice for you. You can be the John Conner of the future.

This post was edited on 4/13 9:53 AM by -LEK-

time Traveler

What you are wanting and what you are willing to pay, its going to be very difficult. But I too am married and understand what it is like to be around a woman.

My best advice is to get an i5 processor. i3 would be good too, but they still should be cheap. i5 will ensure at least 5-7 years of really good speed. I prefer intel over AMD, it runs faster.

RAM, 4 Gbs is minimum you should get. If you get a 32 bit OS, then the most it can run is 4Gb. Funky, this is why they only have 4. This is considered the minimum now. Still doesnt mean you can run 17 programs. You cant.

1 terabyte is about standard now for storage as a minimum.

The bigger the screen, higher the price.

I like refurbished computers. A lot of people are thrown off by this. Yes they are used, but they are still good. Also, most brands like Dell, HP, etc, all they do is put together other companies parts and call it a dell. Might have an Asus motherboard, an intel processor, cosair ram etc. This being said, i prefer the craftsmanship of HP. But brands like leveno dont matter. Asus is actually top of the line computer part make, just have a rep for cheap comps, which is odd.

Other thing, get windows 7 for now (better than 8 or 8.1), however, windows 10 will be coming out very soon, next couple months? Fall 2015. If you can wait 6 months, do it, because most prebuilt laptops come with OS, but you will pay more, but probably worth it.


Dell is ok, they just make really bad auxiliary parts like batteries, power cords, use cheap HD, etc, so can cost money in the back end. You might like an Inspiron, but just had really bad experiences with 3 of them.

Id recommend this:

A dell wouldnt be end of the world, just my opinion


here is others to look at

Amazon Search
LEK, I like that HP Pavilion at New Egg. Good value. If it had something other than the touching Intel HD graphics I'd be all over it. I have the Pavilion DV7 with an I5 processor and 8G of RAM that has the Radeon graphics card in it, but evidently Photoshop won't recognize it unless I update it, and there aren't any updates to it.
Originally posted by Kooky Kats:
Have you ever had a patient whose had such trauma to his/her corneas via Keratoconus and blood vessel opacities that you'd prescribe a protocol of four drops of Durozol a day for a month, then procedure laser/injections of Evastin into the cornea? When does one throw in the towel for corneal transplant?
Man I'm far from a corneologist, but having either condition would suck, much less both together. A full-thickness corneal transplant is usually the last resort because it's such a Frankensteinian approach, but sometimes there's no other choice.

I would guess they're using both the Durezol and Avastin for the corneal neovascularization rather than the keratoconus. I don't know of any benefit to keratoconus from Avastin, but I know its being actively studied for treatment of corneal neo (it's been used for retinal neo for years) and the results have been good. I could definitely be wrong but I believe most protocols are at least three months of either injections or topical administration. In other words, if they are using it for the neo then a month prolly isn't enough.

However, with concurrent keratoconus -- especially if it has progressed to the point that a transplant is at least being discussed -- then it prolly won't matter if the Avastin makes the neo regress or not because the keratoconus will still need to be addressed.

I would definitely advise your friend to seek out a competent, fellowship-trained, board-certified corneologist if they aren't already seeing one, and, if they are, to get a second opinion. I wish them the best
Originally posted by Desperado_1955:
LEK, I like that HP Pavilion at New Egg. Good value. If it had something other than the touching Intel HD graphics I'd be all over it. I have the Pavilion DV7 with an I5 processor and 8G of RAM that has the Radeon graphics card in it, but evidently Photoshop won't recognize it unless I update it, and there aren't any updates to it.
Desperado, what's wrong with Intel HD graphics? I'm going to need a new laptop and or desktop very soon. So, trying to learn. Thanks, FCC.
Thanks Mav. You're the best.

Yes, both conditions together suck balls. Glare-o-Rama.

The surgical treatment is solely for the vascular issues. The Evastin is experimental and will cost big bucks because it's not FDA/Insurance approved. Not only that the Corneologist (Dr David Chu) said he's not sure the procedure will have any lasting results. He won't go transplant route because I blinked just right during eye exam and saw 20/25 thru these toenails ( I mean hard contacts).

On Lastacaft as well for both eyes.

Not too many blind architects out there.
My boss got a virus on his work computer this morning. His port got shut down. He was given a new computer by IT, but until his port is turned back on, he is at the spare desk across from mine. Too close.
FCC, the graphics card is fine for watching movies/surfing etc. If you want something graphics intense, good photoshop, gaming etc. you need to upgrade graphics card.

-This might be the gayest song on the face of the earth, but I keep listening to it. Have this secret spot for sappy songs.

Bon Iver