
I refused to believe Qanon was real for a while. Couldn't believe grown adults could be such easy marks but then a goober went into a pizza place in DC with a gun because he wanted to save kids who were being held captive in the basement (spoiler: there was no basement and no captive children to save). Then not too long ago a group of folks were waiting on a sidewalk for JFK Jr.'s return (he in fact did not return). These dimwits call themselves patriots and believe they're the best America has to offer.

Current political cults are the weirdest to me, maybe because we're seeing it in real time. I'm probably opening a can of worms but Jan 6. We saw what happened and know how it began. We know what transpired because we were watching it escalate. But some felt a duty to spin it so it became the fault of Antifa. Now some see it not as an insurrection but a false flag by the FBI. One of the current candidates has even embraced these insurrectionists as if they're misunderstood heroes. School shootings are another one. A false flag and those high schoolers running out of the building, some in tears, others with blood on their clothes are just crisis actors. It's all theater apparently.

We like to worry about "the kids", but it's the bored adults in this country I'm worried about the most.

If people believing and acting upon lies is the definition of a cult, then your examples are purely politically motivated and that probably is an example of you being in a cult, by the definition you set. No examples of congressional members being shot, Supreme Court Justices being hunted, impeachment actions based upon Russian collusion lies, or cities burning?
I refused to believe Qanon was real for a while. Couldn't believe grown adults could be such easy marks but then a goober went into a pizza place in DC with a gun because he wanted to save kids who were being held captive in the basement (spoiler: there was no basement and no captive children to save). Then not too long ago a group of folks were waiting on a sidewalk for JFK Jr.'s return (he in fact did not return). These dimwits call themselves patriots and believe they're the best America has to offer.

Current political cults are the weirdest to me, maybe because we're seeing it in real time. I'm probably opening a can of worms but Jan 6. We saw what happened and know how it began. We know what transpired because we were watching it escalate. But some felt a duty to spin it so it became the fault of Antifa. Now some see it not as an insurrection but a false flag by the FBI. One of the current candidates has even embraced these insurrectionists as if they're misunderstood heroes. School shootings are another one. A false flag and those high schoolers running out of the building, some in tears, others with blood on their clothes are just crisis actors. It's all theater apparently.

We like to worry about "the kids", but it's the bored adults in this country I'm worried about the most.
The first insurrection in history where the insurrectionists were unarmed and left at the mandated curfew. You’re a nut and don’t even realize it. The scariest kind.
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The first insurrection in history where the insurrectionists were unarmed and left at the mandated curfew. You’re a nut and don’t even realize it. The scariest kind.
LMAO. Stop trolling. You're deep into the political thing. At least I take breaks from it. No one here called you out but you somehow seem offended that I believe the insurrection was a negative and the Q thing is nutty.

Believe what you want to believe but don't pretend the rest of us are sheep because you've got yourself stuck in the spin cycle of somehow needing to defend indefensible things. Have a lovely day.
I wouldn’t consider political people in a cult per se, I view them like hardcore sports fans. My nanny is an extreme liberal and my FIL is an extreme conservative and despite being super obnoxious and inappropriate at times it’s not like they live in a compound in the woods isolated from their family.
LMAO. Stop trolling. You're deep into the political thing. At least I take breaks from it. No one here called you out but you somehow seem offended that I believe the insurrection was a negative and the Q thing is nutty.

Believe what you want to believe but don't pretend the rest of us are sheep because you've got yourself stuck in the spin cycle of somehow needing to defend indefensible things. Have a lovely day.
Ok strawman. I didn’t mention a damn thing about Q, nut.

Talk about spin cycle. Tell me more about this “insurrection”.

Keep parading around on a random, anonymous sports message board telling all of us how you are above the fray….. as you drown in it.
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I see. So she should have just complied.
Would’ve been helpful, but yet another strawman response. Ashli Babbitt and her death have zero to do with the fact January 6th was nothing more than a protest turned riot and not an unarmed “insurrection” where they all left at curfew.

Take your hyperbole somewhere else. Maybe the political board. As much as people like you and nightwish claim to hate it, you really do bring it into every thread.

For the most I stay out of these type threads and keep politics contained where it’s supposed to be. But every once in a while seeing the sanctimonious bullshit spewing from the likes of you gets the best of me.
Extreme Trumpers are as weird as furries or other people that go too far down their sub-culture. Maybe they aren’t in a cult but it isn’t too far off.

Let’s wear a Trump Mask and American Flag overalls to our wedding
A dude who lives down the street from me has a framed pic of Trump on his Lanai table that is visible from the street. It has American flags on both sides of it, as well as crosses, and what looks like a copy of the US Constitution hanging from the front of the table. This is beyond weird. It would still be weird if it was a sports figure, sports team or musician. What he has out there is creepy, but he is a creepy dude. He's also an HOA Karen. The old guy who lives next to us has a little dog. When he goes out to his VFW post to watch football or baseball at night, she will bark some if she hears something. It's never bothered us or any of our other neighbors, but he came to the lady who lives on the other side of the guy with the dog one night after 10:30, beating on her door and asking her to do something about his dog, scaring the crap out of her in the process. . I would have loved for him to have knocked on my door that night. He's also been warned about walking around other people's property and looking for things that he perceives are against HOA rules. He's a touching weirdo, and I didn't need his shrine to Trump to know that.
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Let me guess, Ashley Babbitt should not have been shot.
It's a weird take to be pro cop shooting on an unarmed woman when the left routinely riots every time a specific demographic with a criminal record gets shot in the process of fighting a cop.

In fact, we had just watched the country burn for George Floyd and Jacob Blake like it does any time the media can race hustle a population for chaos and votes. We were all told that BLM riots were great and even got political funding. We had also grown accustomed to storming of buildings for protests like those against Kavanaugh (and later for Palestine).

Instead, we see a cop shoot a woman in the face, have no charges, and then get a 60 Minutes interview where he got to claim he was the real victim.

Truly sickening
Ok strawman. I didn’t mention a damn thing about Q, nut.

Talk about spin cycle. Tell me more about this “insurrection”.

Keep parading around on a random, anonymous sports message board telling all of us how you are above the fray….. as you drown in it.
You seem sorta riled up over nothing. You say I'm a dangerous nut (lol). You quoted GPT and assumed he agrees with rioting. You have a lot of confidence for someone speaking with strangers online. But hey, give me one example of me being a "dangerous nut." I look forward to that response. Some of you pop out of the political thread believing the whole world has your exact same worldview. Wild stuff.

It will always be considered an insurrection by a majority of the world and this country. I don't know why you want to fight that because you won't change minds, you won't get people to feel sorry for those arrested and charged, and it's only going to leave you frustrated. If you'd rather call people names or believe Tucker Carlson for instance, be my guest. You having a different view on what we saw live won't hurt my sleep.
A Trump wedding is definitely weird. I think idolizing a politician to the point that it becomes a perminent part of your identity or something is pretty crazy. Oh well.

Anyway on an unrelated note, here's some Obama tattoos.





On a serious note, I absolutely view the Covidians as a cult.

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You’re damn right she shouldn’t have.
She shouldn't have been in that position, she shouldn't have been brainwashed into believing she alone can change the results of an election already over, and she shouldn't have tried breaking through a window and door with a large mob right behind her ready and willing to do whatever it takes to change the results of something that already occurred. It was cult-like behavior and her decision making proved fatal. Darwin Award and such. Don't allow yourself to get to that point where you're moving forward with whatever plan you've got in your head even when an officer is pointing their weapon at you and demanding you stand down.
A Trump wedding is definitely weird. I think idolizing a politician to the point that it becomes a perminent part of your identity or something is pretty crazy. Oh well.

Anyway on an unrelated note, here's some Obama tattoos.





On a serious note, I absolutely view the Covidians as a cult.

Don't get me started about people getting tats.
It was cult-like behavior

Dude, what would you call every major corporation and institution waving gay flags and telling their own employees (who were mostly white) that they sucked and are guilty for being white? Oh, and that they supported thugs burning down cities. Or before that #MeToo.

The left is a never ending cult. Plus the majority of you are mentally ill.

JFC - you can't make this stuff up any more how wacko your side is.
She shouldn't have been in that position, she shouldn't have been brainwashed into believing she alone can change the results of an election already over, and she shouldn't have tried breaking through a window and door with a large mob right behind her ready and willing to do whatever it takes to change the results of something that already occurred. It was cult-like behavior and her decision making proved fatal. Darwin Award and such. Don't allow yourself to get to that point where you're moving forward with whatever plan you've got in your head even when an officer is pointing their weapon at you and demanding you stand down.
She posed no threat to that officer. Seriously being shot for breaking into a public building? It’s not like she was breaking into someone’s bedroom window at 2am

All those people coming in, and the only one shot was by a black police officer.
She posed no threat to that officer. Seriously being shot for breaking into a public building? It’s not like she was breaking into someone’s bedroom window at 2am

All those people coming in, and the only one shot was by a black police officer.
Your first sentence is an opinion. Again, there was a mob directly behind her and they were coming through to do who knows what to that officer and others unless a de-escalation happened. Are we going to pretend officers didn't get the crap kicked out of them that day? Do you think the mob breaks the doors down and walks in as casual tourists on an innocent visit? C'mon. I knew bringing up the cult-like behavior of some on Jan 6 would open a can of worms because what happened somehow has it's defenders. But that's the point of this thread. That was an example of a cult trying to push and force their belief that an election was stolen on the rest of the country and world.

Babbitt was warned. She did not care about the consequences. She allowed the cult-like atmosphere of social media and politics to take over her life. She was killed as someone involved in an insurrection to try and do what they could to overturn an election that they had no power to overturn. She's not a martyr and will never be seen as a martyr to anyone normal.
See the last 10 posts by political nut jobs on both sides that makes me liken them to sports fans and not actually cults. I’m assuming most of the posters have families they talk to and jobs(probably anyway). When I think of cults I think of totally brainwashed people holed up in a commune with limited to no contact with the outside world. To relate sports to politics I’m sure some of you know people with UK tattoos and if the last 10 posts were from Duke and UK fans they would sound similar. In relation to the people dressed in Trump clothing at a wedding I give you the following story: at my wife’s 20 year reunion 3 months ago in WV (ya i know) there was a guy from Columbus there. He, I shit you not, had on scarlet and grey shoes, red pants, grey belt, a black polo with a red OSU logo, an OSU hat, and a goatee almost exactly like Ryan Day. He basically looked like a shorter fatter Ryan Day. Like who the hell dresses like that for a non-game day purpose. So damn weird.
See the last 10 posts by political nut jobs on both sides that makes me liken them to sports fans and not actually cults. I’m assuming most of the posters have families they talk to and jobs(probably anyway). When I think of cults I think of totally brainwashed people holed up in a commune with limited to no contact with the outside world. To relate sports to politics I’m sure some of you know people with UK tattoos and if the last 10 posts were from Duke and UK fans they would sound similar. In relation to the people dressed in Trump clothing at a wedding I give you the following story: at my wife’s 20 year reunion 3 months ago in WV (ya i know) there was a guy from Columbus there. He, I shit you not, had on scarlet and grey shoes, red pants, grey belt, a black polo with a red OSU logo, an OSU hat, and a goatee almost exactly like Ryan Day. He basically looked like a shorter fatter Ryan Day. Like who the hell dresses like that for a non-game day purpose. So damn weird.
They not have paragraphs in Mexico?
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See the last 10 posts by political nut jobs on both sides that makes me liken them to sports fans and not actually cults. I’m assuming most of the posters have families they talk to and jobs(probably anyway). When I think of cults I think of totally brainwashed people holed up in a commune with limited to no contact with the outside world. To relate sports to politics I’m sure some of you know people with UK tattoos and if the last 10 posts were from Duke and UK fans they would sound similar. In relation to the people dressed in Trump clothing at a wedding I give you the following story: at my wife’s 20 year reunion 3 months ago in WV (ya i know) there was a guy from Columbus there. He, I shit you not, had on scarlet and grey shoes, red pants, grey belt, a black polo with a red OSU logo, an OSU hat, and a goatee almost exactly like Ryan Day. He basically looked like a shorter fatter Ryan Day. Like who the hell dresses like that for a non-game day purpose. So damn weird.
I see your point and it's why I choose my words carefully. I'd never describe MAGA or the Obama Hope thing as a cult. Those are movements that resulted in successful election wins. The MAGA thing will live on with some dude like Vance or Vivek. What I described about one particular afternoon wasn't fandom. That was a cult. If you're willing to do what's necessary, consequences be damned, to force your version of something on the rest of us, that ain't the typical UK/UofL rivalry stuff.

Same can be said about something like covid. If you wanted folks to lose their jobs because they didn't want to get a shot, that's cult-like behavior to me and super weird. If you make the decision to get a yearly shot, you're not in a cult nor are you some sort of sheep. You're just doing what you feel is best for you.
Your first sentence is an opinion. Again, there was a mob directly behind her and they were coming through to do who knows what to that officer and others unless a de-escalation happened. Are we going to pretend officers didn't get the crap kicked out of them that day? Do you think the mob breaks the doors down and walks in as casual tourists on an innocent visit? C'mon. I knew bringing up the cult-like behavior of some on Jan 6 would open a can of worms because what happened somehow has it's defenders. But that's the point of this thread. That was an example of a cult trying to push and force their belief that an election was stolen on the rest of the country and world.

Babbitt was warned. She did not care about the consequences. She allowed the cult-like atmosphere of social media and politics to take over her life. She was killed as someone involved in an insurrection to try and do what they could to overturn an election that they had no power to overturn. She's not a martyr and will never be seen as a martyr to anyone normal.
If my first statement is an opinion, then why wasn’t anyone else shot?

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