
I refused to believe Qanon was real for a while. Couldn't believe grown adults could be such easy marks but then a goober went into a pizza place in DC with a gun because he wanted to save kids who were being held captive in the basement (spoiler: there was no basement and no captive children to save). Then not too long ago a group of folks were waiting on a sidewalk for JFK Jr.'s return (he in fact did not return). These dimwits call themselves patriots and believe they're the best America has to offer.

Current political cults are the weirdest to me, maybe because we're seeing it in real time. I'm probably opening a can of worms but Jan 6. We saw what happened and know how it began. We know what transpired because we were watching it escalate. But some felt a duty to spin it so it became the fault of Antifa. Now some see it not as an insurrection but a false flag by the FBI. One of the current candidates has even embraced these insurrectionists as if they're misunderstood heroes. School shootings are another one. A false flag and those high schoolers running out of the building, some in tears, others with blood on their clothes are just crisis actors. It's all theater apparently.

We like to worry about "the kids", but it's the bored adults in this country I'm worried about the most.

If people believing and acting upon lies is the definition of a cult, then your examples are purely politically motivated and that probably is an example of you being in a cult, by the definition you set. No examples of congressional members being shot, Supreme Court Justices being hunted, impeachment actions based upon Russian collusion lies, or cities burning?
I refused to believe Qanon was real for a while. Couldn't believe grown adults could be such easy marks but then a goober went into a pizza place in DC with a gun because he wanted to save kids who were being held captive in the basement (spoiler: there was no basement and no captive children to save). Then not too long ago a group of folks were waiting on a sidewalk for JFK Jr.'s return (he in fact did not return). These dimwits call themselves patriots and believe they're the best America has to offer.

Current political cults are the weirdest to me, maybe because we're seeing it in real time. I'm probably opening a can of worms but Jan 6. We saw what happened and know how it began. We know what transpired because we were watching it escalate. But some felt a duty to spin it so it became the fault of Antifa. Now some see it not as an insurrection but a false flag by the FBI. One of the current candidates has even embraced these insurrectionists as if they're misunderstood heroes. School shootings are another one. A false flag and those high schoolers running out of the building, some in tears, others with blood on their clothes are just crisis actors. It's all theater apparently.

We like to worry about "the kids", but it's the bored adults in this country I'm worried about the most.
The first insurrection in history where the insurrectionists were unarmed and left at the mandated curfew. You’re a nut and don’t even realize it. The scariest kind.
The first insurrection in history where the insurrectionists were unarmed and left at the mandated curfew. You’re a nut and don’t even realize it. The scariest kind.
LMAO. Stop trolling. You're deep into the political thing. At least I take breaks from it. No one here called you out but you somehow seem offended that I believe the insurrection was a negative and the Q thing is nutty.

Believe what you want to believe but don't pretend the rest of us are sheep because you've got yourself stuck in the spin cycle of somehow needing to defend indefensible things. Have a lovely day.
I wouldn’t consider political people in a cult per se, I view them like hardcore sports fans. My nanny is an extreme liberal and my FIL is an extreme conservative and despite being super obnoxious and inappropriate at times it’s not like they live in a compound in the woods isolated from their family.
LMAO. Stop trolling. You're deep into the political thing. At least I take breaks from it. No one here called you out but you somehow seem offended that I believe the insurrection was a negative and the Q thing is nutty.

Believe what you want to believe but don't pretend the rest of us are sheep because you've got yourself stuck in the spin cycle of somehow needing to defend indefensible things. Have a lovely day.
Ok strawman. I didn’t mention a damn thing about Q, nut.

Talk about spin cycle. Tell me more about this “insurrection”.

Keep parading around on a random, anonymous sports message board telling all of us how you are above the fray….. as you drown in it.