Coroner Reports Kobe Had Ritalin in His System

You’d make a good journalist. Seems you have no problem spewing irrelevant filth.
The things he doesn't know he just makes up. I believe he is on something, maybe "I want lots of attention" pills.
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So Ritalin is a banned substance for athletes because it can increase power, strength, stamina, explosiveness. Kobe was known for these traits.
Other world class athletes, Lance Armstrong for one, did not test positive for banned substances and denied taking them, yet eventually admitted to it.
Not a good look, I would say.

Would expect nothing less from a UNC schmuck.
Individuals like to know details about any celebrity and their passing. Crybabies be damned, you guys dont determine what is and isn't interesting.
I didn't know it, found it interesting.

in a time of zero real sports, this is about as newsworthy as it gets.

I guess we could talk more about a fish a UK basketball player caught........
The things he doesn't know he just makes up. I believe he is on something, maybe "I want lots of attention" pills.

I figure his panties are in a knot over Bryant not attending that cesspool with all the other cheating filth that go there and pretend to go to college.
Can we delete this thread? Kobe was not flying that Helicopter IDC what was in his system.

I know the popular theory is that Kobe due to either his status or by request forced that pilot to fly but at the end of the day its the pilots decision.

Whatever drug Kobe had in his system which seems to be Ritalin is a very popular one among many people this didn't deserve a thread let than man RIP.
Enough of the censorship culture already. This does not tarnish his legacy in any way.
I hear that cocaine is for the cool guys. That is definitely not me. On the other hand, I have a feeling that you knew how to throw down in the day.

I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve always been considered a good kid with divining principles.
He wasn't flying the plane, so he could've been drunk or high and it wouldn't have mattered.