Confusing Movies

I'm kind of embarrassed to say but the plot of Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace had a plot that was all over the place and difficult to understand. Obviously it wasn't really an "enlightened" film but it was hard to follow.
I remember when "The Village" came out Sigourney Weaver said she couldn't sleep for weeks after she read the script because it was so scary. Still not sure what script she read. I think Roger Ebert summed up that movie best
"To call it an anticlimax would be an insult not only to climaxes but to prefixes. It's a crummy secret, about one step up the ladder of narrative originality from It Was All a Dream. It's so witless, in fact, that when we do discover the secret, we want to rewind the film so we don't know the secret anymore.

And then keep on rewinding, and rewinding, until we're back at the beginning, and can get up from our seats and walk backward out of the theater and go down the up escalator and watch the money spring from the cash register into our pockets."
I'll go out on a limb here and admit that I actually like The Village. Yes, it could have been better, but I think the story line has appeal to anyone who grew up in a rural area - fear of the unknown, thinking urban areas are inherently dangerous, etc. I think we all know people who would jump for a chance at their life. A little more effort to fill in some holes and it could have been a pretty good movie. I consider it a suspense Starship Troopers - The movie stinks but, if you overlook some flaws, it's fun.
Yep. That was a terrible movie. The Academy is so predictable with the garbage they eat up like Slumdog Millionaire, Kings Speech, The Artist, etc. I wasn't a fan of Birdman either but I wouldn't lump it in with something like King's Speech.

The Academy are always suckers for Oscar bait and fall for the following..

- Holocaust
- Old stuffy British royalty films
- Biopic
- Films about people with handicaps or suffering from HIV

and even more.

As for 2010, I loved Inception, The Social Network, The Town, The Fighter, Black Swan, Blue Valentine, Shuttler Island, Winters Bone and they were all better than King's Speech.
I didn't care at all for inception. It is probably one of my 2 least favorite Leo films (the other being titanic).
Yep. That was a terrible movie. The Academy is so predictable with the garbage they eat up like Slumdog Millionaire, Kings Speech, The Artist, etc. I wasn't a fan of Birdman either but I wouldn't lump it in with something like King's Speech.

The Academy are always suckers for Oscar bait and fall for the following..

- Holocaust
- Old stuffy British royalty films
- Biopic
- Films about people with handicaps or suffering from HIV

and even more.

As for 2010, I loved Inception, The Social Network, The Town, The Fighter, Black Swan, Blue Valentine, Shuttler Island, Winters Bone and they were all better than King's Speech.

I think the Academy really puts too much weight on the acting and not enough on the story and visuals. The movies they pick show me they are generally weighting the acting quality as about 50%-60% of the grade. Story is maybe 30% and visuals are almost a negative. Most people like me really enjoy the story and the visuals and the acting is a distant 3rd.
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I didn't care at all for inception. It is probably one of my 2 least favorite Leo films (the other being titanic).

Have you seen. J. Edgar ? That is the worst Leo movie I have ever seen.

I'm a sucker for The Beach though. The book was way better (predictable statement).

I think the Academy really puts too much weight on the acting and not enough on the story and visuals. The movies they pick show me they are generally weighting the acting quality as about 50%-60% of the grade. Story is maybe 30% and visuals are almost a negative. Most people like me really enjoy the story and the visuals and the acting is a distant 3rd.

Agreed or they take the opportunity to make a political/social statement with their choices. Although it wasn't Best Picture, they gave the Best Actor award to Sean Penn for MILK during the Prop 8 controversy, which was total BS! Mickey Rourke deserved that award.

But their winners show there is a huge disconnect from the audience. I refuse to believe Birdman was the best film of last year or Slumdog Millionaire was the best in 2008 or The King's Speech in 2010. No one will remember those movies in the grand scheme.
Have you seen. J. Edgar ? That is the worst Leo movie I have ever seen.

I'm a sucker for The Beach though. The book was way better (predictable statement).

Agreed or they take the opportunity to make a political/social statement with their choices. Although it wasn't Best Picture, they gave the Best Actor award to Sean Penn for MILK during the Prop 8 controversy, which was total BS! Mickey Rourke deserved that award.

But their winners show there is a huge disconnect from the audience. I refuse to believe Birdman was the best film of last year or Slumdog Millionaire was the best in 2008 or The King's Speech in 2010. No one will remember those movies in the grand scheme.
I think birdman will be remembered but only because of Lubezki.
Speaking of King's Speech, did you know they gave that film Best Original Screenplay over the likes of Inception? Absurd.
There have been so many oscar head scratchers over the years. They keep getting easier to pick though if you do oscar pools.
Basic(Samuel L., Travolta) always threw me for a loop.. Even after the second time I was scratching my head. Combination of a "who dunnit", with conflicting accounts of the main event, characters disguised as others, and even main characters being secretly involved. I think that movie had like 4 twists in the last 15 minutes.
Gladiator! My favorite movie ever. But one thing is confusing. After Maximus reveals himself to commodus, (sp?) he says to his sister, " they lied to me in germania, they told me he was dead" who exactly told him that? Cause didn't Maximus kill all the centurions that were there to kill him? Dunno, but things like that kill me, that situation should have been investigated when the soldiers never returned. But who knows lol
Gladiator! My favorite movie ever. But one thing is confusing. After Maximus reveals himself to commodus, (sp?) he says to his sister, " they lied to me in germania, they told me he was dead" who exactly told him that? Cause didn't Maximus kill all the centurions that were there to kill him? Dunno, but things like that kill me, that situation should have been investigated when the soldiers never returned. But who knows lol
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Christoper Nolan is a hell of a director, I saw it at over 15 years ago and I didn't care to much for it maybe because of guy pierce.

I get cloud atlas but I can see it being confusing.

Speaking of confusing movies, if you want to see the follow up to deliverance check out the movie gummo. That movie is filled with dirt merchants and has really no story line.
If you thought Inception, Memento, or Interstellar were confusing, don't watch'll probably shit your pants from the confusion.
I think the Academy really puts too much weight on the acting and not enough on the story and visuals. The movies they pick show me they are generally weighting the acting quality as about 50%-60% of the grade. Story is maybe 30% and visuals are almost a negative. Most people like me really enjoy the story and the visuals and the acting is a distant 3rd.
Hollywood cant find anyone to write a good screenplay. when you compare movies now with Chinatown, The French Connection and even the low budget To Live and Die in LA or Manhunter it makes you think its easier to make another Superhero movie that a digital creation.
Hollywood cant find anyone to write a good screenplay. when you compare movies now with Chinatown, The French Connection and even the low budget To Live and Die in LA or Manhunter it makes you think its easier to make another Superhero movie that a digital creation.
To Live and Die in LA and Manhunter were great movies. Manhunter introduced most of the public to Dr Lector before Silence of the Lambs. I thought it was much better than Red Dragon.
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To Live and Die in LA and Manhunter were great movies. Manhunter introduced most of the public to Dr Lector before Silence of the Lambs. I thought it was much better than Red Dragon.
Another low-budget film that I think is pretty good is HOUSE OF GAMES.