Confusing Movies

Jacob's Ladder. It was obviously meant to be confusing but it never revealed what was real and what wasn't. Ever. It was maddening.

A couple of years ago I was watching a video about movies that had scenes removed for no apparent reason. It was on there and the scene was shown and would have made the movie infinitely better because the story made sense after you saw it.
Vanilla Sky was had me screwed up. Had to watch it twice.

Enemy with Gyllenhaal. Didn't find it confusing until the very end. Then I was like wtf did I just watch.
The Ring and Pulp Fiction. Both good movies but hard to follow if you dont stay right with it. Probably should include Fargo and the Village too.
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You just had to be Quaid.

I'm gonna blow this place up, and be home in time for cornflakes!
Mulholland Drive is simply and easy to figure out? Lol, ok.

There isn't even a consensus anywhere on what it all actually means.
It's the easiest lynch film out of all his movies, other than Dune, which is someone else's.

I think any Lynch movie is going to be over your head. If you want to know, read his interviews where he talks about his interpretation of meaning within his movies and his paintings. It helps explain his mindset when making films. Pretty interesting dude. There is more of a collective movement in art the last 50-70 years that deals specifically with how the viewer interprets the artist. Richard Serra is a good artist that tries with this in his metal work. lynch belongs to part of this school.
Sorry, but I don't like lynch. If I have to try to think that much about what the eff I'm watching, then I don't need to be watching that movie.

I remember this pilled out whore in Nicholasville who use to go gah gah over Lynch. So pilled out she couldn't explain why she even liked it. I take pills during the Lost Highway and I'm passed out in 10 minutes.
The Village is an abomination

I remember being excited about that movie and going to he theater and being super disappointed. The only cool thing was is that I was able to sneak my dog into the theater that I had just got two days before (he was a pup). He didn't make a sound but the fact that he was in the theater entertained me more than the film.
Who can we cast as Willy?

Corey Feldman?
Sean William Scott?
Dirk Diggler?
I remember when "The Village" came out Sigourney Weaver said she couldn't sleep for weeks after she read the script because it was so scary. Still not sure what script she read. I think Roger Ebert summed up that movie best
"To call it an anticlimax would be an insult not only to climaxes but to prefixes. It's a crummy secret, about one step up the ladder of narrative originality from It Was All a Dream. It's so witless, in fact, that when we do discover the secret, we want to rewind the film so we don't know the secret anymore.

And then keep on rewinding, and rewinding, until we're back at the beginning, and can get up from our seats and walk backward out of the theater and go down the up escalator and watch the money spring from the cash register into our pockets."
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Well, off the top of my head (spoiler alert)...the first time I watched it, I was left wondering If Chigurh killed Carla Jean at the end or let her go (heads or tails of the coin toss) because it doesnt show it. The next time I watched it, I noticed through the movie that after Chigurh kills someone he checks the bottom of his boots for blood when leaving. Then I noticed that he must have killed Carla Jean because he checks his boots when he leaves her house.

Im still not 100% sure who got the money because the Mexicans and Chigurh both found the motel that Llewelyn was in but it only shows the vent removed. The Mexicans got there first but did they flee with the money or flee because of the shoot out? I assumed they got they money. But then when Chigurh gets to Carla Jeans house, she says shes already spent the money. After Chigurh leaves and gets in the wreck he pays the boys for their shirt, like Llewelyn did when he had the money and met the boys on the bridge.
I remember being excited about that movie and going to he theater and being super disappointed. The only cool thing was is that I was able to sneak my dog into the theater that I had just got two days before (he was a pup). He didn't make a sound but the fact that he was in the theater entertained me more than the film.
That story was more entertaining than the movie.
"Stroszek" (1977). Roger Ebert called the Werner Herzog production, "one of the oddest films ever made". Filmed in Berlin, Germany, NYC, Wisconsin and North Carolina, this film defines the "road trip" concept. I first viewed it in 1982 at MFO South Camp near Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt. The screen was simply a wall on a barracks building, and the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea) sat ~200 feet behind us.
Can't believe I just did that. I guess there is a first for everything.

Maybe talking movies is the answer to world peace?

There is hope for us after all.

The Assassination of Jesse James is one of my favorite films ever. The sad part is, Warners Brothers purposely tried to tank the movie out of spite and never even gave it a nation wide release or properly promoted it.

You know why? Because the studio heads wanted Andrew Dominik and Pitt (he had some creative control too) to edit the movie into a mindless shoot-em up up movie and they refused. The original cut was much longer too. Would have liked to have seen it.

I think everyone loved There Will Be Blood though.
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How is Inception confusing? A good part of the movie is basically like a video game beginner's tutorial laying out step-by-step how everything works. Learn brains.
2010 was a pretty good year. That's another one they got wrong. King's speech? Seriously?

Yep. That was a terrible movie. The Academy is so predictable with the garbage they eat up like Slumdog Millionaire, Kings Speech, The Artist, etc. I wasn't a fan of Birdman either but I wouldn't lump it in with something like King's Speech.

The Academy are always suckers for Oscar bait and fall for the following..

- Holocaust
- Old stuffy British royalty films
- Biopic
- Films about people with handicaps or suffering from HIV

and even more.

As for 2010, I loved Inception, The Social Network, The Town, The Fighter, Black Swan, Blue Valentine, Shuttler Island, Winters Bone and they were all better than King's Speech.
Yep. That was a terrible movie. The Academy is so predictable with the garbage they eat up like Slumdog Millionaire, Kings Speech, The Artist, etc. I wasn't a fan of Birdman either but I wouldn't lump it in with something like King's Speech.

The Academy are always suckers for Oscar bait and fall for the following..

- Holocaust
- Old stuffy British royalty films
- Biopic
- Films about people with handicaps or suffering from HIV

and even more.

As for 2010, I loved Inception, The Social Network, The Town, The Fighter, Black Swan, Blue Valentine, Shuttler Island, Winters Bone and they were all better than King's Speech.
I liked all of those. I'll throw in True Grit and Animal Kingdom as well. 127 hours was ok. I liked Franco's performance. My favorite movies rarely get acknowledged by the academy. Last year my favorites were Under the Skin, Inherent Vice, Nightcrawler and whiplash. Whiplash did get a best picture nod.
I wanted inherent vice to be good. It wasn't
I thought it was pretty damn good. All the people in my circle thought it was pretty good as well. Do you like Pynchon? We know you read Hemingway. Pynchon is a little harder to read than the ol fisherman.
I'm going to go with Under the Skin. Heard it was a sci-fi thriller, plus it had Scarlet Johanson's first nude scene so how could you go wrong. Well not only is it confusing, but the soundtrack made me want to punch someone in the face.
Your circle is wrong, boss.

Ace Ventura Pet Detective (Thriller/Action...TS) was pretty good but it got confusing with the Feinkel versus Einhorn stuff.
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I thought it was pretty damn good. All the people in my circle thought it was pretty good as well. Do you like Pynchon? We know you read Hemingway. Pynchon is a little harder to read than the ol fisherman.
No. I have good taste.

Phoenix is normally great in everything he does. He should have won best actor in the movie her. Not even a sniff. Thought vice was drawn out, boring, and uninteresting. Never connected with Pheonixs character other than I like the character. It's like a lot of stuff being done, pretentious with out putting in the work. Director did a poor job more than anything.
No. I have good taste.

Phoenix is normally great in everything he does. He should have won best actor in the movie her. Not even a sniff. Thought vice was drawn out, boring, and uninteresting. Never connected with Pheonixs character other than I like the character. It's like a lot of stuff being done, pretentious with out putting in the work. Director did a poor job more than anything.
Hahahaha ok. So Pynchon sucks and PTA did a poor job. Ok. Honestly I'm not surprised.
What did you find confusing about The Prestige?

I agree on Inception. It took like two or three viewings to fully understand it.

Some off the top of my head...

The Tree of Life (worst film ever made)
The Fountain
No Country
Memento..This was confusing but I had to watch it for a film class in college and dissected it so much that it made my brain hurt.

I completely agree with this statement. I've never hated a movie more than Tree of Life. I wasted $20 on watching it in theaters too. Awful, awful movie.

Donnie Darko
Mr. Nobody
Mulholland Drive
The Other Guys. I mean, weren't they actually THE guys? And did Will Ferrel actually not realize that his wife was smoking hot?

Don't get me started on Last Action Hero. John McTeirnan, (you may remember him from such films as Predator, and Diehard) really went off the reservation with that one.