Colin Cowherd Leaving ESPN...

Somebody has to pay for Disney's flop "Tomorrowland."
ESPN is bleeding subscribers due to cord cutters, and Disney has told ESPN to cut $100 million out of next year's budget and $250 million out of the 2017 budget. They lost 3.2 million subscribers last year and their reach has fallen 7.2 percent since 2011.

At the current rate of $6.10 per subscriber, that 3.2 million lost subscribers is $19.52 million lost in subscriber revenue just in the last year. If the subscriber fee is the same over the next two years, that 3.2 million lost subscribers is going to be $39.04 million in lost revenue for 2016 and 2017 combined. That's not good when you're told to cut a combined $350 million from the budget over the next two years. And that 3.2 million lost subscribers number is likely going to be getting bigger.

Colin Cowherd certainly isn't going to be the last of the "name" personalities to be leaving ESPN. Wouldn't surprise me if they resorted to a drastic measure like eliminating ESPN Radio personalities entirely. Not going to be able to slice out that much out of your budget by penny pinching...
not strange at all, both make their living being drama queens

i am guessing that you are into drama queens.....if you like Cowherd then you will love the Kardasians

Please don't encourage gunslingerdick by responding to him. He's one of the biggest Cal/UK bashers on THR.
Somebody has to pay for Disney's flop "Tomorrowland."

I don't want to get OT..but that movie was a wtf experience for me. I saw it at a double feature at a drive in in Franklin, KY. My first drive in was the 2nd film. If I had drove we would have left like one of the other 10-12 cars that did not stay til the end (and most did not leave right away, they kept going out from time to time as the movie continued to not know what it was or where it was going). I digress, but all joking aside Disney really laid an egg with that one.

Anyways, back OT but it will be interesting to see what happens to Cowherd and how Fox Sports utilizes him. If I was Fox I'd give him a lot more face time and on shows than ESPN did. He is polarizing, like him or not. What if they put Colin and Clay Travis on the same college football show? Everyones' screen would blow up from the doucheness on the screen! [roll]
I like listening to colin, but not when I am in the mood to hear about sports. That dude knows less about athletic competition than my aunt millie. Sheesh. He's basically the guy at the cooler that caught the USC highlights and watches a few NFL games a week and thinks LeBron is cool.

Fox should put him on their news channel for comic relief.
I'm not sure how you'd characterize it. But I can safely say that I've never really denigrated Cal or UK's program in general. If you can find evidence of that, I'll man up to it. Now, that doesn't mean I haven't taken shots at your fan base. I will admit to that. But the notion of being two-faced is absurd. First of all, this is an internet message board and it's not to be taken so seriously that we use the term "two-faced" - as if any of us are buddies and we're talking behind each others' backs. Secondly, do you really expect me to make fun of your fan base on your board?

Well if you were one of those who took those imaginary classes you might.
I'm not a Cowherd fan but have found him to be OK at times. I think there are far worse on ESPN than Cowherd that I would be happy to see gone. Olberman is at the top of my list. He is full of himself and lets his personal political views come through far too often for me to even stomach the guy. Bayless would probably be #2 on my don't like list on ESPN. Stepehn A. is another I can't handle for very long. Berman was a guy I appreciated years ago but he seems to be past his time and seems pretty tired on the air himself, time for him to move on. I feel the same way about Mike and Mike. They were pretty entertaining earlier on but their stuff is kind of wearing these days, maybe just been on too long. There are others I'd like to see gone but those are probably the ones that stick out to me the most. Actually, I find myself watching very little ESPN these days compared to the past and mostly only tune in for some games I can't get anywhere else.
If anyone remembers, Cowherd replaced Tony Kornheiser who did a God Awful radio show in that time slot. Be interesting to see who they put in their now, may move LeBatard up.
Cowherd is serpentine. He will flip according to which way the wind is blowing and do so with full gusto. He's okay as long as he's not slamming Cal and UK which over the last year he has been rather complimentary of.
The next guy will not be as interesting as Colin is.......whether you like him or not.

He was good enough for my interests, John Wall or not. Cal coming on and calling him out works for me.
Not surprising that I'm on the other side. I love Colin. I think he's ESPN's best talent.
Very energetic. Can beat a dead horse at times, but when you're trying to cover 3 hours a day it's a necessary evil. It's a lot better than the pauses Dan Patrick takes after each sentence to soak up the aura which is Dan that he seems to think he emits. People with thin skin should stay away from talk radio. I've always liked him, and the dude from The Black Crowes does a great show.