Colin Cowherd Leaving ESPN...

I never watch or listen to ESPN anymore, unless there is a game on that I enjoy. It does sound like ESPN is shifting things around, which could speak to their politically correct stand on many issues, at the expense of rational thought (jmo).
Do all of y'all hate him simply because he's gone after John Wall relentlessly or is there another reason?

Cowherd and many other ESPN people are like watching an episode of the Kardashians
that is the only reason i very seldom watch ESPN shows

i am guessing that you love watching the Kardashians
All of these radio shows are just time wasters for me...usually on TV when I am working from home or working on school work for my 2nd bachelor's. If Cowherd is boring me, I turn to DP. If Mike and Mike bore me in the morning, I find my local sports talk radio morning show and listen to them. I am a very typical person when it comes to what I want to hear...NFL, college football, NBA, and college basketball, with baseball ok at times, but the season is so long hearing about it on a daily basis bores me on talk radio/tv.
Do all of y'all hate him simply because he's gone after John Wall relentlessly or is there another reason?

I hate him because he's a classic contrarian who comes up with these ridiculous "hot takes" to stir the pot. His west coast bias is annoying too. And, the guy obviously thinks he's hot stuff, but comes off as a buffoon to me.
Hmmm you seem to be on your best behavior over here. You have talked repeatedly on the Carolina board about UK and its fans. Have you had a change of heart or are you just 2 faced?

Exactly. I think Colin is brilliant. And I think he does a fantastic job of relating sports to other avenues of life - social, political, etc. But I agree, much of his material is high brow and he can indeed come off as pompous and condescending. But I'm pompous and condescending, so...
Like others have said, it's hard to fill 3-4 hours talking to yourself. Had a good radio voice, liked a good portion of his takes, and he's defended Cal and Kentucky several times, despite his bad take on Wall. A few years ago I found myself in a job where I was doing IT work in a city with 10 or so outlying offices. He was always one of the first things I'd put on going from one office to another.
Cowherd is awful because 1) he doesn't really know a lot about most sports and 2) he just repeats himself via rephrasing over and over to fill the 3 hours (i.e. "Hey, how can you say Lebron choked? So if you're at a bar watching that game you're going to look at your buddy and say Lebron choked? If Lebron had choked it would not have looked like that" for 6 straight minutes) Dude just spews "takes"; I mean even idiots like Stephen A and Skip will occasionally defend their position with something momentarily resembling logic. Cowherd just makes the same statement/hypothetical situation until his bumper music hits.

Russillo and NBA guys all day and I would be OK with that. Throw in Le Batard for comic relief every once in a while
i am guessing that you love watching the Kardashians

I've never seen The Kardashians. And I fail to recognize the similarities. One is a reality TV show with no substance and is evidence of the dumbing down of society. The other is a radio show that deals with current events in sports and other walks of life that seeks to get the listeners to think. Strange comparison.
Hmmm you seem to be on your best behavior over here. You have talked repeatedly on the Carolina board about UK and its fans. Have you had a change of heart or are you just 2 faced?

I'm not sure how you'd characterize it. But I can safely say that I've never really denigrated Cal or UK's program in general. If you can find evidence of that, I'll man up to it. Now, that doesn't mean I haven't taken shots at your fan base. I will admit to that. But the notion of being two-faced is absurd. First of all, this is an internet message board and it's not to be taken so seriously that we use the term "two-faced" - as if any of us are buddies and we're talking behind each others' backs. Secondly, do you really expect me to make fun of your fan base on your board?
ESPN was ordered by parent company Disney to make major cutbacks. Cowherd saw the writing on the wall. He will flourish on FOX. ESPN is becoming too political and getting away from what their bread and butter is: Sports. The Caitlyn Jenner crap is disgusting. Personally, I'll only watch ESPN when UK is playing.

Colin has always been out in front and really good with seeing these things and kind of knowing when to buy and when to sell. Often times its the basis for discussion on his show as it relates to teams and franchises etc. I agree 100% that he will flourish at FOX. I actually have been making it a point to watch more "fox sports" almost to boycott ESPN. I know it doesn't add up to a hill of beans in the grand scheme of things, but at least they're not getting my viewership. If Colin is leaving, following Andrews, it definitely says something is up at ESPN. Maybe they have gone a little too far with some things, and maybe Colin sees a dip coming. I hope he is right.
Maybe he will give a parting shot to UNC*****t before he leaves ESPN. Would be a good dig at the "Skipper".

That would be awesome. He actually had a brief segment on his show about UNC. He talked about if ever there were a reason for someone to qualify for the death penalty, UNC's scandal would be it. He said "If that doesn't get the death penalty, then what does"? And he's right about that.
What I have observed is the jag off hellish heel would ban people and then you and he would continue to berate them knowing they could do nothing about it. I have also saw you guys slam UK and call us cheaters among other things, which is quite ironic now considering the academic scandal at UNC. Being 2 faced has nothing to do with being buddies, it has everything about acting one way in front of one group of people but another way around another, which is totally what you are doing.

I'm not sure how you'd characterize it. But I can safely say that I've never really denigrated Cal or UK's program in general. If you can find evidence of that, I'll man up to it. Now, that doesn't mean I haven't taken shots at your fan base. I will admit to that. But the notion of being two-faced is absurd. First of all, this is an internet message board and it's not to be taken so seriously that we use the term "two-faced" - as if any of us are buddies and we're talking behind each others' backs. Secondly, do you really expect me to make fun of your fan base on your board?
Gotta SMH at people derailing threads on here. Get back on topic (says the guy who is not a mod lol). But seriously...I'm not sure why people have issues staying on topic, and instead try to ruin a thread by starting a bitch fest.
Why? And where to? ESPN seems to be parting ways with all of all its controversial people of late. Basketball guy, they just ditched Big Show boy again, and now Colin.

Clay Travis posted an article on his Outkick the Coverage site about how ESPN needs to trim its budget and cutting some of its more over paid people can help that to an extent. I am seriously starting to wonder if he was/is on to something there.

What they need to do is stop the politics and party line promotion the most. I know many people their politics are turning off.

I have trouble watching ESPN at all. I turn to MLB Network for baseball and do what I can do avoid it. I Get most of my sporting news from the internet, and avoid giving clicks. Cowherd was bad, and optimizes what I hate about pundits/journalist in general.
Colin has always been out in front and really good with seeing these things and kind of knowing when to buy and when to sell. Often times its the basis for discussion on his show as it relates to teams and franchises etc. I agree 100% that he will flourish at FOX. I actually have been making it a point to watch more "fox sports" almost to boycott ESPN. I know it doesn't add up to a hill of beans in the grand scheme of things, but at least they're not getting my viewership. If Colin is leaving, following Andrews, it definitely says something is up at ESPN. Maybe they have gone a little too far with some things, and maybe Colin sees a dip coming. I hope he is right.

Not a fan of Herd but I always try to give Fox sports whatever ratings I can. I agree 110.
That would be awesome. He actually had a brief segment on his show about UNC. He talked about if ever there were a reason for someone to qualify for the death penalty, UNC's scandal would be it. He said "If that doesn't get the death penalty, then what does"? And he's right about that.

Would make me completely change my stance.
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What I have observed is the jag off hellish heel would ban people and then you and he would continue to berate them knowing they could do nothing about it. I have also saw you guys slam UK and call us cheaters among other things, which is quite ironic now considering the academic scandal at UNC. Being 2 faced has nothing to do with being buddies, it has everything about acting one way in front of one group of people but another way around another, which is totally what you are doing.

Apparently, you're confused. Hellishheel isn't a mod, so he wouldn't be banning anyone. But, there might have been a UK poster that was banned and I indeed might have continued to rip them after they were banned. But the moral of the story there is - don't get banned in the first place. You'll claim, like many UK posters do, that the mods at our board ban people for unjustified reasons. That may be true. But you know that going in. So if our mods run our board there and you want to post there, you'll play by the rules that are in place. I don't know what to tell you.

As far as being two-faced, again, it's hard for me to imagine using that word for someone who I don't care about or know anything about. That's why I made the "buddies" comment. I would call someone I hang out with two-faced. I would not use that term to describe another internet poster who I don't know from Adam. But whatever, maybe I'm two-faced. I don't know.
He's at least intelligent and provocative. I disagree with him a lot, but respect his opinion and that most of it is just him doing his job and trying to generate chatter. He's incredibly good on the air, although I prefer Bomani, SVP, and Russilo much more.

If you're looking to your sports radio for people you agree with about everything, you'll never be satisfied.
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Would make me completely change my stance.

Its true I can remember it like it was yesterday just can't seem to find it. I searched YouTube and did not find it. Im sure its in the archives. I specifically remember him saying "If creating fake classes to keep athletes eligible doesn't get the death penalty, then what does"? And he was being serious. It was like, seriously, what would get the death penalty if that doesn't. It was a great segment.
ESPN was ordered by parent company Disney to make major cutbacks. Cowherd saw the writing on the wall. He will flourish on FOX. ESPN is becoming too political and getting away from what their bread and butter is: Sports. The Caitlyn Jenner crap is disgusting. Personally, I'll only watch ESPN when UK is playing.


Disney ordered ESPN to cut $250 million in expenses. Also ordered them to set aside more ad time to cross promote other Disney owned channels.
The new " skinny packages" being offered by service providers and those cutting the cord is starting to have an early effect on planning future moves within the company. ESPN lost 3.2 million households last year as a result of these changes. And it is only going to increase. Since their business model is based on charging a service provider $6.04 per each providers customer these loses will have an effect in the future. At some point ESPN will become a stand alone additional package at $30-$40 per month. It is the only way to make the numbers work in the long run with how much they are paying out to the various leagues and organizations.
I prefer Bomani,

Ugh. He and Le Batard are race baiters. I can't take either one of those guys. Love SVP and Russilo though.

Its true I can remember it like it was yesterday just can't seem to find it. I searched YouTube and did not find it. Im sure its in the archives. I specifically remember him saying "If creating fake classes to keep athletes eligible doesn't get the death penalty, then what does"? And he was being serious. It was like, seriously, what would get the death penalty if that doesn't. It was a great segment.

True story. I remember that too. Even still, it sucks he's leaving ESPN.

I never watched his TV show with Michelle Beadle. I don't watch much TV at all. But I love sports talk radio and that's where I'll miss him. This is worse for me than when Kornheiser ended his radio show. And then Kornheiser went on to do that show with Wilbon and MNF and now I can't stand him.
Apparently, you're confused. Hellishheel isn't a mod, so he wouldn't be banning anyone. But, there might have been a UK poster that was banned and I indeed might have continued to rip them after they were banned. But the moral of the story there is - don't get banned in the first place. You'll claim, like many UK posters do, that the mods at our board ban people for unjustified reasons. That may be true. But you know that going in. So if our mods run our board there and you want to post there, you'll play by the rules that are in place. I don't know what to tell you.

For the record, I have JPScott are both banned from THR and neither of us has posted there in a LONG time. We were both banned for posting here. I can even justify my banning because I sometimes provoke a reaction on purpose. However, JPS only posts the truth. THR mods don't want the truth posted there. Why else would they ban someone who hasn't even posted there in a long long time?

I agree with your earlier statement that it is a JUST a chat board. It sure seems petty the way Mike and Heelbent ban posters who aren't even posting over there but it is enlightening.
For the record, I have JPScott are both banned from THR and neither of us has posted there in a LONG time. We were both banned for posting here. I can even justify my banning because I sometimes provoke a reaction on purpose. However, JPS only posts the truth. THR mods don't want the truth posted there. Why else would they ban someone who hasn't even posted there in a long long time?

I agree with your earlier statement that it is a JUST a chat board. It sure seems petty the way Mike and Heelbent ban posters who aren't even posting over there but it is enlightening.
Heelbent is the mod who will alter poster's text in a sophomoric manner to paint the poster in an idiotic light. How immature and unprofessional is that? THR is the worst rivals board and it isn't even close.
For the record, I have JPScott are both banned from THR and neither of us has posted there in a LONG time. We were both banned for posting here. I can even justify my banning because I sometimes provoke a reaction on purpose. However, JPS only posts the truth. THR mods don't want the truth posted there. Why else would they ban someone who hasn't even posted there in a long long time?

I agree with your earlier statement that it is a JUST a chat board. It sure seems petty the way Mike and Heelbent ban posters who aren't even posting over there but it is enlightening.

Ok. I can't do anything about that. I'm sorry?

For me though, being a Carolina fan, it's the best of both worlds. Because when I want to talk UNC sports without flamers, I know my board is the spot to do that. If I want outside opinions, I'll just come here.
Take some of these guys on your way out...


You should just stop watching ESPN. That's everyone in their daily lineup. Lol. I agree with ya on Schlereth. He can't get through a segment without mentioning how long he was in the NFL and how he won multiple Super Bowls. It seems like every other day he starts his analysis by saying...." Being a winner of multiple Super Bowls myself....."
Its so arrogant.
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I hate him because he's a classic contrarian who comes up with these ridiculous "hot takes" to stir the pot. His west coast bias is annoying too. And, the guy obviously thinks he's hot stuff, but comes off as a buffoon to me.

Very well stated. He is an uber liberal that thinks everyone should smoke pot and live in Portland/Seattle. Always trolls fans of top teams once their team leaves - Bama, UK, Oregon.... LeBatard hammered him the other day saying that anyone who has a one man radio show and talks to himself for 3 hours has issues - loved it.
Ok. I can't do anything about that. I'm sorry?

For me though, being a Carolina fan, it's the best of both worlds. Because when I want to talk UNC sports without flamers, I know my board is the spot to do that. If I want outside opinions, I'll just come here.

For the record, I am not complaining. I don't really want to post over there because there is ZERO honest discussion. All they do is flame the rivals and brag on how UNC is full of virtue. It is truly a cesspool of red herrings swimming in urine (borrowed that from Bradley Bethel!). [roll]

But, in all seriousness, this is a pretty darn good board. Most of us are at least tolerant of other fans as long as they are respectful. The mods here allow a lot before stepping in and are fair overall.
He's at least intelligent and provocative. I disagree with him a lot, but respect his opinion and that most of it is just him doing his job and trying to generate chatter. He's incredibly good on the air, although I prefer Bomani, SVP, and Russilo much more.

If you're looking to your sports radio for people you agree with about everything, you'll never be satisfied.

He has been very upfront about provocative selling well. Unfortunately most of his stuff was contrived to the point of being silly.

Is it not telling a certain poster that is a regular instigator here is a fan of his?
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I've never seen The Kardashians. And I fail to recognize the similarities. One is a reality TV show with no substance and is evidence of the dumbing down of society. The other is a radio show that deals with current events in sports and other walks of life that seeks to get the listeners to think. Strange comparison.

not strange at all, both make their living being drama queens

i am guessing that you are into drama queens.....if you like Cowherd then you will love the Kardasians