Colin Cowherd Leaving ESPN...


Apr 22, 2012
Why? And where to? ESPN seems to be parting ways with all of all its controversial people of late. Basketball guy, they just ditched Big Show boy again, and now Colin.

Clay Travis posted an article on his Outkick the Coverage site about how ESPN needs to trim its budget and cutting some of its more over paid people can help that to an extent. I am seriously starting to wonder if he was/is on to something there.
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Why? And where to? ESPN seems to be parting ways with all of all its controversial people of late. Basketball guy, they just ditched Big Show boy again, and now Colin.

Clay Travis posted an article on his Outkick the Coverage site about how ESPN needs to trim its budget and cutting some of its more over paid people can help that to an extent. I am seriously starting to wonder if he was/is on to something there.
If that's true, then they really really really need to get rid of Chris Berman.
ESPN has some really good guys who are good at their job. I love the Baseball Tonight guys save Schilling and the new young guy they had on the other night. Schilling is a train wreck as an analyst. I miss the old guard. Dan and Bill Patrick, Tom Mees. Do not like Olberman either.
"ESPN did make an aggressive bid to keep Cowherd, but was upstaged by Fox,..."
"... a reunion with Jamie Horowitz, the new President of Fox Sports, who produced SportsNation with Cowherd and Michelle Beadle, as well as Cowherd’s Sunday morning football show a couple years ago."
"ESPN, Cowherd wanted to be simulcast on a network with better distribution than ESPNU..."
"ESPN did make an aggressive bid to keep Cowherd, but was upstaged by Fox,..."
"... a reunion with Jamie Horowitz, the new President of Fox Sports, who produced SportsNation with Cowherd and Michelle Beadle, as well as Cowherd’s Sunday morning football show a couple years ago."
"ESPN, Cowherd wanted to be simulcast on a network with better distribution than ESPNU..."

Yeah, I found that article as well. Cowherd should have paid attention to Beadle...she came running back to ESPN after failing elsewhere. Cowherd may be a different breed though. Fox Sports is certainly something I never watch so if you hate Cowherd, this is really great news.
He'd been getting real political on his show, something he doesn't have the ability to pull off. Tony Kornheiser used to discuss non-sports stuff, but was very smooth about it.

Very few will miss Cowherd.
Yeah, I found that article as well. Cowherd should have paid attention to Beadle...she came running back to ESPN after failing elsewhere. Cowherd may be a different breed though. Fox Sports is certainly something I never watch so if you hate Cowherd, this is really great news.

I definitely think he's a different breed. Despite the overwhelming hate for CC on here, I actually think he is the best at ESPN. And as much as we all bitch about ESPN and their lack of coverage on certain things (UNC academic scandal etc) I think this is a move that hurts them. Fox just got better and I for one am glad for it. Would love to see FOX work ESPN over.
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Do all of y'all hate him simply because he's gone after John Wall relentlessly or is there another reason?
I wouldn't categorize my not liking him as hate. I don't like him as a radio personality. The way he conducts his show, some interviews, his takes, just isn't my cup of tea. That said, many like him and many like the very things I do not. And that's A-ok.

As for the Wall thing, yeah that was too much imo and almost had a personal grudge feel to it.
Yeah he's too hard on John Wall. I always liked him, but I really started to like him when he did the segment about why UK is good for college basketball. He just went on and on singing our praises and what Cal has done to elevate the sport.

Plus I love that he cut off Harbaugh :joy:
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Cowherd wasn't afraid to piss people off or give a decent take that didn't cater to the majority of the simple-minded. I like him.
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Do all of y'all hate him simply because he's gone after John Wall relentlessly or is there another reason?

I would guarantee this is the one reason despite him being very complimentary of UK and Cal. I'm in the minority and have been a fan of Colin's show for years now. Hope he continues to do one for Fox. I don't always agree with the guy but he entertains me for a few hours at work. More than I can say for most radio hosts.
Biggest egomaniac on radio. Glad he is gone and doubt he is in the spotlight anymore going to fox.
1. He is just such pompous ass sometimes...
2. He regards himself waaaaaay to highly
3. He is usually kind to Cal., and hard on BBN.
4. But, he also knows that shock sells. He references Howard Stern all the time...
Do all of y'all hate him simply because he's gone after John Wall relentlessly or is there another reason?

To me, it isn't even about the John Wall thing. He just isn't very entertaining, plus some of his viewpoint are just off the wall ridiculous. Like he's being controversial just to do it.
Cowherd wasn't afraid to piss people off or give a decent take that didn't cater to the majority of the simple-minded. I like him.

Exactly. I think Colin is brilliant. And I think he does a fantastic job of relating sports to other avenues of life - social, political, etc. But I agree, much of his material is high brow and he can indeed come off as pompous and condescending. But I'm pompous and condescending, so...
For the record, I always felt he was too hard on Wall and a few others as well - Kobe, Carmelo, and a handful more. But I'm usually in agreement with him so I almost don't care.
ESPN was ordered by parent company Disney to make major cutbacks. Cowherd saw the writing on the wall. He will flourish on FOX. ESPN is becoming too political and getting away from what their bread and butter is: Sports. The Caitlyn Jenner crap is disgusting. Personally, I'll only watch ESPN when UK is playing.
Personally, I think Cowherd is one of the very best sports radio personalities in the business.

There's no doubt he's a pompous jerk. He's conceited as hell. And I'd love to punch him in the mouth. But he's damn good at what he does. His ratings prove it.
He's a closet racist (john wall rants) but calls all of his viewers racist from the other side of his mouth. he is a troll
ESPN was ordered by parent company Disney to make major cutbacks. Cowherd saw the writing on the wall. He will flourish on FOX. ESPN is becoming too political and getting away from what their bread and butter is: Sports. The Caitlyn Jenner crap is disgusting. Personally, I'll only watch ESPN when UK is playing.
You don't watch Sportscenter? I mean, where do you watch your sports highlights? Sadly, ESPN is the best that is out there. Not saying much at all but it is what it is.
I actually really enjoyed Colin's show. He is a fool about John Wall and I definitely don't agree with everything he says, but I found his show pretty entertaining. He wasn't afraid to be non-PC. Rusillo is the best they have left.

Matthew Berry's comments on Colin yesterday were hilarious tho for anyone that was listening.
ESPN doesn't need to pay people. They never have. They own the best content (including basically all of Kentucky's along with the rest of the SEC). Everything else is filler.

FWIW, I can't stand Cowherd for the most part but he's obviously pretty good at his job.