Coleman Hawkins to get 2 million from Kansas State

They seem to be reaching a bit considering they already had a starter at the 4.

I’ve heard talk that they will play him at the 3 or move their 4 over to make room for Hawkins.

They will be big across their frontline.

Tang is trying his best to keep up with Self when it comes to stockpiling talent.
The universities are just too broke to pay students, how do you expect them to survive??
Most universities live off of donations by alumni as it is. Something big is going to have to change to make the numbers work.

It's like my grandpa always said... "If your income is lower than your outgo you aren't going to have a good outcome".. LOL.
If something is not done soon it is going to get worse.
What is gonna be done about the free market? Do you propose some system where the governing body limits salaries? Professional sports do it because they have unions that negotiated their salaries, how is that gonna work for college players?

Weird that people are outraged by college players but don’t care about the Musks, Bezos, and Zuckerbergs of the world.
What is gonna be done about the free market? Do you propose some system where the governing body limits salaries? Professional sports do it because they have unions that negotiated their salaries, how is that gonna work for college players?

Weird that people are outraged by college players but don’t care about the Musks, Bezos, and Zuckerbergs of the world.
Musk, Bezos, and Zuckerberg run companies that employ thousands of people. Musk and Bezos are also responsible for companies that provide useful products to millions. Coleman plays a game. Big difference.
This will cause dissent within the team and he may not even be one of their best players next year, time will tell. This makes you wonder what kind of deal Ugo got. Kansas state better win big paying guys like him that kind of money. Jealousy and greed will take a program down fast, Tang will be the fall guy if they don't do well after this.
What is gonna be done about the free market? Do you propose some system where the governing body limits salaries? Professional sports do it because they have unions that negotiated their salaries, how is that gonna work for college players?

Weird that people are outraged by college players but don’t care about the Musks, Bezos, and Zuckerbergs of the world.

Not sure about the specifics of musk, bezos, etc but I really don’t get the outrage at players getting paid. There are fewer worse institutions in the world than universities with regards to shady tactics to make billions in profit, good for the players getting a minor fracture of the pie from these shady institutions.
More power to him but he better be ready to accept the criticism that is gonna come his way when he doesn't perform at the 2 million dollar level.
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I know the kid isn’t worth that kind of money just no way…. I just think these numbers are being blown way out of proportion and these players aren’t getting the $ that’s supposedly being reported to the media!
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College basketball is stuck on stoopid at this point.

Paying even close to a mill for any player is beyond dumb. Very soon walk ons will be demanding 700k for what they contribute during practice sessions.

Out of freaking control at this point. College BBall is dead. We will all cheer out teams on and forget the stupid, outrageous prices being paid to players that average 10 ppg. We will forget the even more insane prices for the touted freshman that clocks 18 mpg and averages 6 ppg. But yeah, sure, of course he will go pro because he hasn’t met his potential.

College basketball is crazy stupid. NCAA is a joke. Whoever gives money to buy a 5th year senior from some school no one has heard of just because some idiot that says “I rank him 2nd or 3rd in the transfer portal” is doomed.

It’s the Wild West and the geniuses are the biggest idiots and the schools that pay the most will be the biggest losers.

Something has to give. And fast.
Agents are the source for these made up figures. No chance mid tier transfers are getting $2 million from non basketball schools. If they had $2 million to blow they wouldn’t spend it on Coleman Hawkins.
Apparently they have reviews agreements for both him and Osobor and said K State has one of the largest NIL chests available to spend. Don’t know how or why but this just isn’t hearsay. Whether it gets paid is another thing but apparently there are agreements on paper so maybe it is a contract somehow.
Yeah, I understand that. But what booster, car dealership, ice cream shop etc is getting a return off this guy from $2M? Strange days.
Not a single one, so we all know it’s just a straight up payment which is why they desperately need some stucture for this. I can’t imagine many wealthy boosters will continually put up 2 million for good players year after year, they didn’t get dumb rich burning money like that will no return year after year.
Yeah, I understand that. But what booster, car dealership, ice cream shop etc is getting a return off this guy from $2M? Strange days.
I don’t think it’s about a return on investment. It’s boosters that find self worth being involved with the college program that they are a fanatic of. They don’t have enough money to own a pro team, so this is the next best thing. It’s fascinating to me.