CI Wrestling Thread #56

I don’t disagree but think they’ll do Okada/omega first - they’ve been hinting at that feud for months.
I think you are right.

I’m too impatient, though. While Omega is as healthy as he’s going to be for a long time, I’d strap the rocket to him as soon as I could.
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Have to agree with Gerald V. Thought they were heading for Darby eventually beating Moxley with a possible Christian cash in.

I'd go (pun intended) All In on Omega as champion, heck do the belt collector thing again.

It seems like they want to hold off on Okada and Omega until Texas in July,
Sorry but the Gauntlet Match is stupid. Feel free to correct me but Hobbs has been booked like shit, returned from injury, won a jobber match last week, wins a gimmick match this week, gets a title shot next week, will lose, and then what? Didn't this just happen to friggin' Wardlow last year? Booked like shit, beat jobbers, won a gimmick match, immediately lost against the champion, and forgotten.

GD, build a proper story with one of these big guys instead of putting them on a scale of 1-10 where they're stuck at 3, launched to an 8 out of nowhere, loses, then shoved back down to a 3 or 4 again.

That's me being frustrated because I see how Bronson Reed was finally built up and then the above keeps happening at the other place.
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Sorry but the Gauntlet Match is stupid. Feel free to correct me but Hobbs has been booked like shit, returned from injury, won a jobber match last week, wins a gimmick match this week, gets a title shot next week, will lose, and then what? Didn't this just happen to friggin' Wardlow last year? Booked like shit, beat jobbers, won a gimmick match, immediately lost against the champion, and forgotten.

GD, build a proper story with one of these big guys instead of putting them on a scale of 1-10 where they're stuck at 3, launched to an 8 out of nowhere, loses, then shoved back down to a 3 or 4 again.

That's me being frustrated because I see how Bronson Reed was finally built up and then the above keeps happening at the other place.
Brian cage says hold my beer
They are doing the women's Gauntlet Match next week. I think it would be great if Toni Storm did the Mick Foley thing and enter as each of her gimmicks.

Interesting move from last night's match. In case you missed it Col. Angus.

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As expected Raw did huge numbers on Monday night.

Netflix (NYSE: NFLX) and WWE®, part of TKO Group Holdings (NYSE: TKO) today announced that the debut episode of RAW on Netflix got off to a strong start, with the Monday night program capturing 4.9M Live+1 views* globally.**·

The inaugural event on Netflix averaged 2.6 million households (Live+SD) in the US, according to VideoAmp, which is 116% higher than RAW’s average 2024 US audience of 1.2 million households, and higher than any other Monday Night RAW broadcast in the past five years. The event also more than doubled the A18-49 audience vs. last year.

Speaking of huge numbers NXT did 957,000 viewers and a .25. Rock brought in the viewers.
I mean it’s cool but she has zero chance of winning so it kind of takes away from whatever she’s going.
Eh, there's always room for someone funny that the crowd enjoys. Like that Santino dude 20 years ago, or R. Truth, or the Outrunners until they started getting a push. No one expects them to win, but they can be really entertaining at times.
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I still don't understand AEW's "women's revolution" if I'm being honest. A lot of it is booked like the Divas division with focus being on calling each other whores, making sure viewers understand they're watching women with boobs, and during the 'Timeless Era', shoes were thrown at one another in comedy segments. Are we sure Pepperman is great at writing? She came from a previous WWE regime and boy, it feels like it. Cameron def has personality though. That'll get you a long way in pro wrestling.
You can’t tell me it’s a mere coincidence in 2025 we get the John cena retirement tour and AEW is doing the Jeff Jarrett retirement tour.
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Also can't help but notice once Meltzer suggested Omega as champion asap, fans jumped onto the idea. They've got Omega ignoring that the Bucks/Perry took him out. You had a takeover story abandoned. Now fans want the title off Moxley and his story abandoned too. How many times do you want them to hit reset on major angles and title switches? Let's say Omega is champion by spring. Then what? Banger matches? You're getting that regardless. "MJF is the guy! OMG Ospreay is ready! Joe deserves it! No, Swerve needs it now! Wait, Danielson is semi-retiring, give it to him for an AEW moment! Hold on, Moxley sucks now and Kenny just had a 6 star match, put it on him rn!"

We all fantasy book but that's what I've read online over the past year. We were all in agreement Cody was next in WWE, despite his reign being a bit dull and agreed Gunther was more than ready too. AEW fans seem to really grow tired of their world champs pretty quickly. Or maybe it's just the booking once they have a champion. I dunno.
AEW fans seem to really grow tired of their world champs pretty quickly. Or maybe it's just the booking once they have a champion. I dunno.
It’s because it’s the AEW champion. That’s why nobody cares.

Who won the Triple A World Series last year?

The G-League Finals?
Also can't help but notice once Meltzer suggested Omega as champion asap, fans jumped onto the idea. They've got Omega ignoring that the Bucks/Perry took him out. You had a takeover story abandoned. Now fans want the title off Moxley and his story abandoned too. How many times do you want them to hit reset on major angles and title switches? Let's say Omega is champion by spring. Then what? Banger matches? You're getting that regardless. "MJF is the guy! OMG Ospreay is ready! Joe deserves it! No, Swerve needs it now! Wait, Danielson is semi-retiring, give it to him for an AEW moment! Hold on, Moxley sucks now and Kenny just had a 6 star match, put it on him rn!"

We all fantasy book but that's what I've read online over the past year. We were all in agreement Cody was next in WWE, despite his reign being a bit dull and agreed Gunther was more than ready too. AEW fans seem to really grow tired of their world champs pretty quickly. Or maybe it's just the booking once they have a champion. I dunno.
It’s b/c AEW fans are impatient and want their new favorite to have it - I’m sure when omega had it they said “get it off him he booked himself as champ b/c he’s an evp” etc.
Three hours is just too much on a Friday night and they just won't let Cody escape the Bloodlineverse. That story built up to an A+ and now it's at a C, with some likely arguing it's down to a D. And Fatu was in some sort of Temu Shield vest that made him look 25 lbs fatter. It's January, guys. Where's the whole Road to Wrestlemania thing with exciting, can't miss shows? Surely they can do this without a 50+ year old actor's help.

Was scrolling reddit and came across a post about the Deathriders angle. I'm assuming the following is true:

- the angle is over 4 months old and the AEW title hasn't been seen in all that time.
- Claudio, Yuta, and Pac are Trios champs but haven't defended those titles in over 2 months.
- Shafir hasn't wrestled a match in over a year.

The viewer has learned nothing in months about why this is happening and what the end goal may be. If the angle isn't abandoned (I don't think it will be), you're looking at this continuing for several more months. That's a disaster.
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I like Republican convention Hogan but wrestler Hogan is shit to me.

In fact, I will agree that the 3 who have fell from grace more than anyone to me is Flair, Hogan, and Sasha.

One of the three is not like the other but I can't stand any of the 3. Flair is like the high school booster club guy that files bankruptcy every 10 years and tries to hang on to past glory despite looking like a total douche. Hogan is in the same boat but was a terrible wrestler. Sasha is about on the same level as Red Tyler or Billy Jack Haynes when it comes to ability but she's simply garbage. So F all them clowns.
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Need some help wrestling fans. My 9 year old son and I are heading to Indy for the Royal Rumble. I'm trying to figure out what time it starts. Everything I can find says 6:00pm, but I'm trying to figure out if that is when Peacock starts the coverage and the event starts at 7:00pm or if the actual event itself starts shortly after 6:00pm. Anyone else going that knows or anyone have any idea what time the first match starts?

EDIT: Just found this and it looks like 6:00pm is probably the event start time and not just a pre-show on Peacock
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You know when this Mox takeover has jumped the shark when he teams with Jericho who is exactly the type he’s supposedly supposed to be fighting against.

I do like Big Bill and wish he’d get a singles push but TK seems like he likes to have a big guy as the sidekick in a stable.
Been awhile since I've been in here. I have basically stopped watching AEW all together. Can't belive how shite that program is. A year and a half ago I was so excited for whatever was coming next and now its just awful.

Can't wait to see Penta on Raw tonight.
Hope things are well with ya bud!
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