CI Wrestling Thread #55: WrestlingThreadMania

If anyone is interested they are going to do a Sneak Peak of the Lawler DVD after Raw tonight.
The cast of Entourage will be on Raw next week to promote the movie.
Don't watch Lucha, starting to figure out Im the kind of viewer WWE wants. Won't watch too much else because it takes too much effort to keep up with and figure out, so as long as WWE keeps churning something out I will record/FFWD/and keep up to an extent and when things are good I follow closely.

I honestly for the life of me do not see why it's so hard to get another promotion up and going and compete. Makes no sense to me whatsoever!
I loved the debut for Owens and I agree he loses in two weeks my question is why are they feeding every NXT star to Cena?
Because they are out of people to feed him. I mean do you want more Orton/Cena, Sheamus/Cena etc etc etc.

Cena is played out and has been. I think the way they played his open challenges at least do not squash the mid carders as they are coming for a chance they otherwise wouldn't get.

I will say this, Cena is worse than Hogan ever thought of and that's crazy to say, but at least Hogan didn't squash someone every show. He drew for the house shows and was the ME at PPV type shows but he wasn't on every single week burying the whole roster.
Because they are out of people to feed him. I mean do you want more Orton/Cena, Sheamus/Cena etc etc etc.

Cena is played out and has been. I think the way they played his open challenges at least do not squash the mid carders as they are coming for a chance they otherwise wouldn't get.

I will say this, Cena is worse than Hogan ever thought of and that's crazy to say, but at least Hogan didn't squash someone every show. He drew for the house shows and was the ME at PPV type shows but he wasn't on every single week burying the whole roster.

I really dislike Cena because he's stale, boring, stayed on top for way too long and rarely ever loses clean.

However, could you imagine Hogan or Austin in their prime agreeing to get dominated by Brock Lesnar and never get redemption? Or going back down to a mid card title?
Also a Kevin Owens victory would immediately elevate Owens on the main roster and then the belt would mean something.
Wouldn't have to because they were more than happy to take time off. Cena refuses or can't or something. That's my point, sure they didn't lose but they had feuds for months so they didn't run through the whole roster in a 3 year span squashing everyone so the kids can go home with hero intact.

In 3 yrs Hogan maybe had 8 feuds, maybe!! Austin was a bit different because his era was closer to this but even then was the beginning of the decline point.
I'm slowly watching Lucha.

Really like Son of Havoc. Trying to figure out the rest.

Seems a bit like the soap operas that are on the TV when I go to a Mexican restaurant.

I like Son of Havoc as well. His push came organically and they got him in the limelight with the Trios Championship. I like Lucha Underground because there is more wrestling in 10 minutes on their show than there is in a 3 hour Raw.
Pretty sure the internet may have just broken. The whole show sounded great, will have to check it out this weekend maybe
Yes he is Samoa Joe...even had T-shirts for sale after the show last night.
He is supposedly signed to an NXT deal but can still work indie dates if he wants
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Both Payback and Takeover were great. Takeover, of course, was better but I have to say, the ending was kind of anti-climactic. I'll go on record saying that I'm not a big Owens/Stretch Marks Steen fan, but I guess he's doing his job as a heel to make me hate him so much.

The Banks/Lynch match was probably the best one on the card and the Balor/Breeze match was awesome as well. Also, it was great to see Samoa Joe and it looks like he's dropped some weight.
How about Steen/Owens week? Debut on Raw and annihilate Cena, starting a feud and added to the WWE ppv, dominate Zayn and feud with Samoa Joe 2 days. On Friday, his kid is on Sportscenter. Pretty good week. Love the dude personally.
Bumping this to discuss my current love of ROH.

They're taking young guys and trying to build them up.

Jay Briscoe is doing well as World Champ.

Jay Lethal is doing well as TV Champ and is starting a feud with Briscoe. It will end up being very intense and should have some great matches. Disclaimer - I love Lethal, but his finisher the "Lethal Injection" takes too long to set up and hit.

The tag division is great. Red Dragon, War Marchine, Young Bucks, The Addiction (Daniels & Kazarian), Briscoes on demand, and a couple of others that are pretty solid.

They even pulled off an angle not too long ago that introduced Chris Sabin as an ally to The Addiction and cemented a heel turn. It was well done and a bit of a surprise.

My biggest qualm? TV matches are a bit too long and people kick out of too many finishers.
Morning folks, ROH has been really great these days. Probably would rank them #2 or 3 in the wrestling world behind WWE and NXT.

That has long been my biggest problem with ROH is everyone kicks out of 50 finishers every match.

Going to watch the NXT show on my break today. Nothing like a holiday at a TV station where their isn't much going on.
Agree on the finishers. If you kick out time and time again, it. ain't. a. finisher. ROH is pretty much 'must watch' for me on Sunday night here now.
ROH has/had so much potential. Stop kicking out of finishers, stop doing stupid Young Bucks ish, and sell a little bit more. Do that and I think they would be the best/most realistic wrestling promotion around
So....tell me when and where to watch ROH please! I could google it I suppose...

When and who does Rollins lose the title to???
When and who does Rollins lose the title to???


Not so sure we get another long Brock title run. Roman is going to win it sometime within the year. I expect either SummerSlam or WrestleMania 32. It will either be against Brock or in a Shield 3 way or hell, maybe he wins MITB and cashes in on Rollins/Brock? That'd be funny.

Anyways, boys, I have hit a lull right now with WWE. I need something to get excited about because the filler PPVs and predictability is zzz.
Yep think it will be the return of Suplex City!!!!

Raw Preview for tonight...last WWE show ever at the Nassau Coliseum before it is torn down.

The Cast of "Entourage" will guest star to promote their first movie.

The Elimination Chamber go-home show.

The fallout of Lana's alliance with Dolph Ziggler.

Dean Ambrose swears revenge on The Authority.

Naomi and Paige are chasing the WWE Divas champion, Nikki Bella.

John Cena prepares for Kevin Owens.
Not so sure we get another long Brock title run. Roman is going to win it sometime within the year. I expect either SummerSlam or WrestleMania 32. It will either be against Brock or in a Shield 3 way or hell, maybe he wins MITB and cashes in on Rollins/Brock? That'd be funny.

How would you guys feel if Ambrose got a short Mick Foley type run and won the title via help from Reigns after The Authority interfered? Think when Foley first won it after Austin came out to help?
They're really building Owens, aren't they?

Here's the shame - Cena can't fire back in promos without burying Owens. How would I fire back?
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I would build from there. But you can't do it because it's true and it would make Owens look weak. I think someone else could cut that promo on Owens, but not Cena. I don't now why.
Heisman already knows what I'd think about an Ambrose title run I am quite certain.

I see WWE viewing Ambrose as the "over" face with the absence of Bryan, which is why he is the one against Rollins.

Love the Owens push. Dude can play the heel perfectly.
Yea, but they accidently turned the crowd against Roman before WM, and if they are careful they will make Roman the man while the title may be on Ambrose.

Slippery slide there, even for a short run because it could damage Ambrose too.
Would love to see an Ambrose title run, but it seems now would be an odd time to do it.

I think Rollins is having a great run right now. Plus I think a match a lot of people would like to see is Lesnar returning at SummerSlam for revenge on Rollins.

Heisman does have me thinking about MITB and I very well could see Reigns winning that. Although I still think they want to give him that WrestleMania main event win as a sign of a "new era." So him getting MITB does no good.

If Ambrose doesn't win Sunday, I think he wins MITB. It seems the whole "Lunatic Fringe" with the MITB briefcase could almost write itself.