CI Wrestling Thread #55: WrestlingThreadMania

Back when Jerry Jarret and Lawler were partner's(I guess) for Memphis, and Lawler was the draw which is why they split from the promotion they previously were with.

After a few years Jarret had either built or bought a huge house, that basically was paid for off of Lawler/Dundee doing a lot of work. Lawler was none too pleased and I believe it was one of times Lawler sat out for a short stint before coming to an agreement on money.

That's the gist of it and I'm sure Lawler will dive right in if the interview is going good. From all that have ever spoke on it, there are rumors that there was a fight etc etc but how much is true who knows. Should be a good juicy story for him though.
I did not get to see it all, but I enjoyed what I did see. Thought both chamber matches were good - thought the tag team was better than the IC.

Was surprised they went with Ryback for the IC title. Figured with Bryan presenting it it would be Sheamus.

I hope that the Owens-Cena feud does not go the way the last few programs with Cena have. Cena loses first match, then spends 3 months squashing the guy.

Looking at the list of guys in the MITB match it's pretty clear that Reigns is going to win it.
I've got too many questions. No way am I going to be given enough time to get through all of those without being cut off by their media people.

The hard thing is to implement some WWE questions that aren't nearly as entertaining.
For WWE it's all about the takeover of Memphis, King of the Ring, and his WM moment.

I didn't follow his WWE run at all because I began hating the product as it took over everything.
I got 23 minutes with him, which was pretty awesome before being cut off by WWE. I didn't get to ask all of these questions that I would have liked but with being such a legend, he had so much to say on these questions that cut into the time.

He was also, the nicest of any of the WWE guys I have interviewed and the first one to take an interest into where I was from and he got excited when I told him I was from Kentucky.

Anyways, I've submitted a couple of questions via email to see if they can get a brief answer for but I'll write down the questions I remember asking.

- What do you miss most about the days of the territories?
- You have spent a career over 40 years, who was your favorite guy to work with?
- You guys did so many crazy storylines in Memphis (I referenced some as well as the characters) , in your opinion, what was the craziest one that you guys followed through with or one that was pitched?

- Poffo outlaw promotion and Randy Savage story
- Eddie Gilbert running him over with a car story
- He bashes ECW and talks about them ripping off Memphis without me even asking him
- The impact of Nick Bonwinkel and Bill Dundee
- Some of his famous insults and where he developed his ability on the mic (commentary/promos).
- Best advice he could give any of the young guys of today?

That is a lot of it but I've also, never laughed as much in an interview. Some of the stories he'd tell were just a hoot and he oozes charisma. I'm anxious to get this up for you all.
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Yea he is one of the best in the biz per everyone ever. Has a lot of history behind him too with experience vs almost everyone.

No surprise about him jumping on ECW, it was a rip off of Memphis almost to a "T" but then ECW went a bit over board.

The story I was telling which he would have went on for 30 minutes easily alone on was that he and Jarrett split from the Gulas(?) because they didn't pay right or on time. A lot of guys followed them because Jerry was the draw in TN/KY which is why he is the king. Jerry Jarrett threw some sort of party and invited just about everyone he knew including several famous people and when Lawler and Dundee pulled up Lawler was pissed!! He had never been there yet but Dundee had as he worked in the office(which was also at the house/complex). Almost everyone knew about the place except Lawler.

So the story goes that after the party Lawler called for a meeting and didn't like what he heard at the meeting and roughed Jarrett up(rumor as some say Jarrett could hold his own and it wouldn't be as one sided as rumors say). Then he contacted every wrestler in Memohis and told them to side one way or the other and the following saturday there was no show because no one wanted to go against Lawler as he was the paycheck. Dundee has confirmed that part and said he and 1 other person were the only two to show up and had to tell the crowd sorry.

Jarrett got the point and made things right and the show went on the following Tuesday in Louisville.
Got a retweet from Lawler. Now he's only the second individual WWE star to retweet me. Stardust was the only other.

Krazy you watch that Lawler DVd yet?
No. I usually don't watch them but I will watch his if it's ever in a half priced books.

Is it good?
So this Cena/Owens thing is pretty good. Showdown in the ring right now actually has Cena feeling fresh and genuine.
why has he basically stopped posting on CI? Seems like it's been since about January or February since he posted.

Think he's avoiding it due to postseason redass, although that doesn't really explain his absence here. Don't believe I've seen him on the twitter machine in a couple days either.
BKH has done this every couple years, says it is his way of staying fresh or something like that with Internet posting.
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Was just getting ready to post about Joe, guess that means he won't be working those ROH dates now, since they are on national TV now
Also heard HHH reached out to AJ Styles again about coming to NXT.
There's no one in the MITB match who is a believable title shot winner outside of Reigns other than maybe Ziggler.

Here is what I want to know. How is this Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns thing going to play out if Reigns does win MITB? Cash in at SummerSlam ahead of time for a triple threat title match?

Maybe Lesnar take it off of Rollins again and then Reigns cash in? I have no clue.
They shouldn't even tease me with Brock v. Austin if it's not seriously being considered for WM32.

I know the match would likely suck, or be an overbooked mess, but man, the hype for that match would be unreal.
They shouldn't even tease me with Brock v. Austin if it's not seriously being considered for WM32.

I know the match would likely suck, or be an overbooked mess, but man, the hype for that match would be unreal.

I think it would bury some demons for Austin if it happened and what a badass venue for that type of match.
It would be impossible to pull off and would defeat the purpose of trying to draw money, but I would pay lots of money to see a crowd's reaction to a legitimately unexpected glass shattering as Austin walks to the ring to fight Lesnar.

Raw where Foley won the belt turned up about 1000000 notches
The announcing has been worse than normal lately it seems.

At EC JBL said something like the ABA-NBA merger allowed fans to see Dr.J play with Bird & Magic. The merger happened while they were either in high school or college.

The IC title going from Bryan to Ryback? Match quality analogy by me? UK going from Cal to Gillispie - but thank God Ryback doesn't kick, right? :smiley:
Oh, and I don't care about AJ Styles. Maybe he can win me over, but here are the guys in ROH who I like better:
  • RedDragon (both/either)
  • Healthy Adam Cole
  • Bennett
  • Jay Briscoe
  • Jay Lethal
  • Roderic Strong
I simply don't think Styles has the charisma, I don't think he works safely, I don't think his finisher will be allowed in WWE. As I've said before maybe he was ruined for me in TNA and I just can't take him seriously because of it.
Was just getting ready to post about Joe, guess that means he won't be working those ROH dates now, since they are on national TV now
Also heard HHH reached out to AJ Styles again about coming to NXT.

Saw that too. They were impressed with his in ring work (he wrestled in a dark match in SA last night too) but I think what really got Vince's attention is the fact that he T-Shirt's sales were "off the charts" is a phrase read.

I also read that he will be allowed to honor all the dates that he already agreed to before signing this new deal.

Also I am in for AJ in WWE.

There's no one in the MITB match who is a believable title shot winner outside of Reigns other than maybe Ziggler.

Here is what I want to know. How is this Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns thing going to play out if Reigns does win MITB? Cash in at SummerSlam ahead of time for a triple threat title match?

Maybe Lesnar take it off of Rollins again and then Reigns cash in? I have no clue.

I thought that maybe last night Reigns would get screwed out his spot in the MITB and then he would end up in the title match for the Shield 3 way.

Not really sure where they will go with this. It is not a strong MITB match and it seems like Reigns is going to win. I don't think he needs to win MITB though, because we all know he is going to win the title soon or at WM 32 at the latest.

Maybe he wins MITB and then cashes in on Rollins that night.

They shouldn't even tease me with Brock v. Austin if it's not seriously being considered for WM32.

I know the match would likely suck, or be an overbooked mess, but man, the hype for that match would be unreal.

Would love to see an Austin match, but how do you book it? I'd be nervous if he tried to hit the stunner. He may not get back up.

But you know WWE wants to stack that card in Dallas and sell out Jerry's World.
Reigns will get screwed for helping Ambrose. Him being in MITB will help sell it, him getting screwed will cause the fans to sympathize even more. Which is all they are doing in his build up is getting the fans to want to bet for his title run. Slowly building it is great and they are doing it right too!

My guess is somehow Reigns gets screwed and Orton benefits from it and wins MITB.
My concern is that Sheamus wins it. I find him to be awful.

I don't think MITB suits Reigns. I'd almost prefer he win the rumble next January since it's in Orlando and would go over better. However, I would be surprised if they could hold off for 9 months on his title run.
Winning the rumble is too obvious now days and was the problem WWE faced this year with Reigns.

What would be best IMO, is to get Rollins away from the authority which is setting up with every show. Have Orton win the MITB with Reigns getting screwed, and Orton acting immediately to get revenge at Rollins/Authority. Thus getting the belt on Orton and getting Rollins away from Authority at SS. Then because Reigns was screwed he then feuds with Orton, gets the belt off him by survivor series and Brock comes back to chase the baby face.

That works perfect because Reigns will be established enough to handle Brock and the fans won't flip on them. That was the problem last time with fans booing Reign and cheering Brock. WWE needs Brock as a monster heel, he doesn't work any other way for the product. WWE realized it and needed him to step aside and let these guys build themselves.
Maybe Ambrose wins , Reigns cashes in on him, heel turn for one of the two. I mean they are not going to both stay face forever. Maybe he tries to help Ambrose, but spears him, and then they have a run in which one of the two (we all know who) will win the feud and get Rollins. Would love to see Ambrose get the strap, he would be more than ok with keeping it for a couple months, then selling a Brock demolition, but that will not happen, it really is best for business. But, Dean did get major pop last night, so maybe the brass will reward him. Also, I hope the Cena building Owens is a "hey my time is past, let me be the company guy and build young talent." If he loses at MITB it will be that, or it will mean he is taking time off, and gearing up for the record title held that we know one day will happen.
There is nothing that warms my kayfabe loving heart more than that article. Yes, it may be a detriment to live wrestling happening in the state, but regulating pro wrestling like that is hilarious/awesome/what I like to see
Yes at the WWE level that is very stupid, but they may be in KY once every few months. So they are a victim of a law that impacts a lesser known product I'm sure. With the OVW and some extremely small market feeders in this very redneck area that law probably prevents some people from dying for $100 a night.
WTF Heisman!!! Priorities man!!

Trust me, I know. iDGAF about the X Games but every now and then we get a sponsor where they pay more for us to write 'themed articles.'

I'll work on the Lawler interview tonight. If you want the audio, I can email it to you. Just PM me on here or Twitter.
Trust me, I know. iDGAF about the X Games but every now and then we get a sponsor where they pay more for us to write 'themed articles.'

I'll work on the Lawler interview tonight. If you want the audio, I can email it to you. Just PM me on here or Twitter.
that was an interesting article, I blame Ian Rotten. If you guys remember IWA Mid-South used to run regularly in Louisville and a few shows in Lexington in the late 90's. When they started doing all the death match stuff, Jim Cornette and Danny Davis called the Commision on them and got them kicked out of Kentucky.

If any of you like me went to Backlash 2006 HHH bled big time in that match and WWE had to pay some sort of big fine. That of course was the last time they have done a big show in Kentucky

Of course they don't mention WWE is PG and no blood is allowed unless it is hardway.
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