Is that why Gates is buying all that farmland?In 50 years, having arable land and water may make you a superpower
Is that why Gates is buying all that farmland?In 50 years, having arable land and water may make you a superpower
Is that why Gates is buying all that farmland?
Assuming man made climate change is real, you don't do anything. If China, India, and Russia do nothing, our efforts won't alter climate change. So the coast line will still flood, farm land will still dry out, and irreversible change will happen. So why would you wreck your own economy when the effort is meaningless?While on the one hand I agree with you, because it is a fact, and you might as well add Indonesia to the list as well, OTOH, if you believe that climate change is a real danger, then what else do you suggest? Cross your fingers and hope the climate deniers are right and there is nothing to worry about? Or wait until we cook or the coast lines flood, or farm land dries out, or other irreversible damage happens?
And before the other posters on this thread start piling on, I know most of you think climate change is all BS anyway and we should be drilling and burning every night and day, so I won't try to argue with you on the topic. Deal?
That anybody gave this little lunatic a nanosecond of attention tells you all you need to know about "Climate" culture.
Assuming man made climate change is real, you don't do anything. If China, India, and Russia do nothing, our efforts won't alter climate change. So the coast line will still flood, farm land will still dry out, and irreversible change will happen. So why would you wreck your own economy when the effort is meaningless?
Damn, we developed fast. 246 years old, but China is still developing. 1200 BC to 2022 AD and still not baked.Well, according to COP27 China is a "developing country" and can continue to pollute without restrict AND be entitled to American taxpayer money for doing so!
I'm glad people are gambling millions of lives on that bet without any real clear data backing it up.In 50 years, having arable land and water may make you a superpower
Volkswagen, the German carmaker that’s pledged to manufacture nothing but electric vehicles in Europe by 2035, now says it’s “practically unviable” to build the batteries they need domestically.
That’s according to Volkswagen CEO Thomas Schafer, who wrote on LinkedIn this week that “Unless we manage to reduce energy prices in Germany and Europe quickly and reliably, investments in energy-intensive production or new battery cell factories in Germany and the EU will be practically unviable.”
More good news;
The entire essence of an electric vehicle is its battery, but it turns out that you can’t produce car-sized batteries in Europe, because manufacturing batteries requires a lot of energy:
I’m responding to pop
Are you slow?
Thomas Schäfer on LinkedIn: #competitiveness #volkswagen #habeck #ipcei | 70 comments
Today, I’d like to discuss something other than new products or technologies, though they are otherwise very much the focus of my work. It is a fundamental… | 70 comments on
He wants energy to be more subsidized so he will have energy cheap enough to produce batteries.
If he has to pay for the energy himself, he gets squeezed.
He wants the tax payer to pay for his energy. He can’t complete with other parts of the world that are still burning hydrocarbons.
The US is only competitive because, just like Covid, we are two weeks behind the EU.
Keep on closing power plants in the US and adding more electric vehicles charging on the grid. Which way will US electric prices go?
We will be in the same boat as the eu. Reduce supply and increase demand. Europe and North America will produce nothing that the commoners can purchase.
We will have gone from dependent on Middle East oil to China manufacturing and rare earth metals in one generation.
That’s an odd hill to die on.If the thread was, "tell the smartest person on the board to go **** themselves," then yes.
That's why it belongs in the political thread, genius.
Who said I was liberal? I'm merely pro-keep-that-shit-off-the-main-board-and-back-to-the-political-circle-jerk-thread.
Why would you assume moving towards alt energy sources "wrecks your own economy"?So why would you wreck your own economy when the effort is meaningless?
We have been over this before, but solar and wind are not less expensive than building base load dispatchable generation. Wind and solar are not dispatchable and often times do not provide power during peak periods. For example in the midwest, many utilities peak in the winter between 6 am and 9 am. Solar is not providing power during those hours. When solar and wind are installed they have to be installed along side of other resources that are dispatchable, usually combined cycle combustion turbines or single cycle combustion turbines. Solar and wind are not currently lowering utility generation costs. They are increasing it. It's being installed because regulatory agencies are pushing it. Neither solar or wind passes the least cost planning criteria that has been used in generation planning for decades and has been required by regulatory agencies before they will grant authority for utilities to add resources. But politics has thrown least cost planning out the window. In Kentucky, for example, most utilities have installed at least one solar field. None of them have been presented to the commission based on least cost planning. All were requested based on them being "green" and to gain experience with how green energy impacts their grid.Why would you assume moving towards alt energy sources "wrecks your own economy"?
Capital outlays for wind or solar are much less expensive then building and manning a coal-fired steam plant, and the field of alt energy is creating huge numbers of jobs which is great for the economy:
It doesn't make it economically sound.
Like I said, you can pick any product and if the government has a way to push it's sales, then jobs will be created. Does that mean it's the most efficient utilization of those resources? Probably not.According to a report from the World Resources Institute, the United States can add 4.5 million jobs per year for 10 years if it invests in clean energy and low-carbon growth strategies.
The International Renewable Energy Agency’s 2021 Renewable Energy and Jobs annual review projects that global renewable energy jobs will increase from 12 million in 2020 to 38 million by 2030 and 43 million by 2050.
That sounds pretty good for the economy to me.
According to a report from the World Resources Institute, the United States can add 4.5 million jobs per year for 10 years if it invests in clean energy and low-carbon growth strategies.
The International Renewable Energy Agency’s 2021 Renewable Energy and Jobs annual review projects that global renewable energy jobs will increase from 12 million in 2020 to 38 million by 2030 and 43 million by 2050.
That sounds pretty good for the economy to me.
73.4% of stats are made up.According to a report from the World Resources Institute, the United States can add 4.5 million jobs per year for 10 years if it invests in clean energy and low-carbon growth strategies.
The International Renewable Energy Agency’s 2021 Renewable Energy and Jobs annual review projects that global renewable energy jobs will increase from 12 million in 2020 to 38 million by 2030 and 43 million by 2050.
That sounds pretty good for the economy to me.
My stats are bigger than your stats. That’s what the ladies tell me.73.4% of stats are made up.
Lunch ladies lie.My stats are bigger than your stats. That’s what the ladies tell me.
Lunch ladies lie.
Are you aware that you're not being forced to respond to anything you don't like?
Seems obvious... especially but evidently not.
How did Solydra work out for us? hint.... China got a bunch of free tech and supplies.According to a report from the World Resources Institute, the United States can add 4.5 million jobs per year for 10 years if it invests in clean energy and low-carbon growth strategies.
The International Renewable Energy Agency’s 2021 Renewable Energy and Jobs annual review projects that global renewable energy jobs will increase from 12 million in 2020 to 38 million by 2030 and 43 million by 2050.
That sounds pretty good for the economy to me.
But most of those will probably be govt subsidized somewhat not businesses generating money. And China will laugh at us spending all this money while they give zero effs about the environment and will continue to increase their economic power while buying up more US land, stealing our tech growing stronger every year while we lose money building green energy projects that won’t even have a scintilla of an affect on the overall environmental health of the world just so people sleep well at night thinking they’re doing their part. Focus on staying #1 or it won’t matter what we do with the environment.According to a report from the World Resources Institute, the United States can add 4.5 million jobs per year for 10 years if it invests in clean energy and low-carbon growth strategies.
The International Renewable Energy Agency’s 2021 Renewable Energy and Jobs annual review projects that global renewable energy jobs will increase from 12 million in 2020 to 38 million by 2030 and 43 million by 2050.
That sounds pretty good for the economy to me.
But most of those will probably be govt subsidized somewhat not businesses generating money. And China will laugh at us spending all this money while they give zero effs about the environment and will continue to increase their economic power while buying up more US land, stealing our tech growing stronger every year while we lose money building green energy projects that won’t even have a scintilla of an affect on the overall environmental health of the world just so people sleep well at night thinking they’re doing their part. Focus on staying #1 or it won’t matter what we do with the environment.
Your wrong on two counts.
1. China spends more money on green energy then any other country in the world. This chart shows it to be over 83 Billion annually in 2019 but it's over 100 Billion annually now.
Clean energy investment worldwide by major country 2019 | Statista
Chinese investment in clean energy is the highest
2. Alt energy is a booming private sector industry in the US (and other countries too). This story from Bloomberg (which unfortunately is mostly behind a paywall) shows that U.S. Clean Energy Draws Record $105 Billion in Private Investment up 11%.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Burning stuff to create electricity is a 19th century technology that is nearing the end of it's life cycle as we get better and better and creating technology to get free, clean energy from the sun. We still need fossil fuels and the petrochemical industry will be around for along time, but even the integrated oil companies like Exon and Shell have aggressive alt energy R&D programs going on themselves.
It's fair to argue how big or small government's roll should be on kick starting the alt energy industry, but the transition is inevitable and the countries that were there first with the best technology will be the winners, others that continue to rely too heavily on fossil fuels will be the losers. And I agree with you that controlling pollutants in the atmosphere is a global program, and I would add that the key to improving it will be to make alt energy sources more economically advantageous then conventional sources, not through treaties.
How many jobs could we create if we mandated all energy be created by humans running in giant hamster wheel generators?Thanks and that is correct, but most on this thread don't care.
They sound like George Wallace in the schoolhouse door: Coal today, coal tomorrow, coal forever!!!
Are you just going to ignore that China's coal increase alone from now until the magic 2030 level off date is greater than the totality of what Europe and North America are burning today?1. China spends more money on green energy then any other country in the world. This chart shows it to be over 83 Billion annually in 2019 but it's over 100 Billion annually now.
But spending money on it and actually doing something to change things are completely different. If you’re building brand new coal factories that you prob plan on running for 50 years what does it matter?Your wrong on two counts.
1. China spends more money on green energy then any other country in the world. This chart shows it to be over 83 Billion annually in 2019 but it's over 100 Billion annually now.
Clean energy investment worldwide by major country 2019 | Statista
Chinese investment in clean energy is the highest
2. Alt energy is a booming private sector industry in the US (and other countries too). This story from Bloomberg (which unfortunately is mostly behind a paywall) shows that U.S. Clean Energy Draws Record $105 Billion in Private Investment up 11%.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Burning stuff to create electricity is a 19th century technology that is nearing the end of it's life cycle as we get better and better and creating technology to get free, clean energy from the sun. We still need fossil fuels and the petrochemical industry will be around for along time, but even the integrated oil companies like Exon and Shell have aggressive alt energy R&D programs going on themselves.
It's fair to argue how big or small government's roll should be on kick starting the alt energy industry, but the transition is inevitable and the countries that were there first with the best technology will be the winners, others that continue to rely too heavily on fossil fuels will be the losers. And I agree with you that controlling pollutants in the atmosphere is a global program, and I would add that the key to improving it will be to make alt energy sources more economically advantageous then conventional sources, not through treaties.
---The International Renewable Energy Agency’s 2021 Renewable Energy and Jobs annual review projects that global renewable energy jobs will increase from 12 million in 2020 to 38 million by 2030 and 43 million by 2050.
How many jobs could we create if we mandated all energy be created by humans running in giant hamster wheel generators?
Are you just going to ignore that China's coal increase alone from now until the magic 2030 level off date is greater than the totality of what Europe and North America are burning today?
The west burning less fossil fuels does nothing. Every powerplant the west closes, China adds one that burns 50% more tonnage. It's so 19th century.
How are they moving toward alt by expanding coal?I'm not ignoring China's building new coal fired steam plants nor do I excuse it, but that has nothing to do with what they are spending on alt energy. The have an energy deficiency situation due to their rapid growth and are dealing with it by whatever means are available alt or conventional but they are moving more towards alt.
You're saying we need to shut down our fossil fuel plants so that China can build additional fossil fuel plants. That is the reality.I wouldn't say the west burning less fossil fuels does nothing,
Move more rapidly off fossil fuel?when the largest polluters India and China ramp up and move more rapidly off fossil fuel.