Can a HOF coach adjust late in his career?


Dec 9, 2007
Everyone is disappointed in this year of Kentucky basketball, which was supposed to see the Cats return to Final Four form. And I know there will be a lot of bashing of this thread for even raising the question of whether things will improve, but so be it.

The prevailing sentiment on this board, if not among basketball fans or even Kentucky fans in the larger world, is that John Calipari has lost his mojo and will never adjust and get the Cats back to Elite status. Even people who aren't hysterics by nature understand Kentucky needs to change, and that begins with the head coach.

Is that even possible? No one knows the future. But I'd be really, really surprised if Cal is going anywhere for at least two or three years, so it is worth looking at where a coach can make the adjustments and have some success late in his career.

I looked at Coach K's overall record, which includes two late championships in 2010 and 2015 (both painful years for Kentucky fans.)

K was roughly the age Cal is now before the 2010 win, so the comparison as to age is not out of line.

And it is easy to remember K's successes in that period, especially the two titles.

But K also had two stretches that were arguably as bad as Calipari's three year stretch since Kentucky lost in OT in the Elite Eight in 2019. (THat doesn't count the year the tourney was canceled. Ken tucky was outright SEC champ so at least arguably a FF contender.)

K didn't have a year like the post-Covid year of 9-16. But he did lose to a 15 seed (LeHigh) and a 14 seed (Mercer) and an 11 seed (VCU, pre-Shaka Smart.) He won the title in 2010 after a five year drought that included that loss to an 11-seed and a miracle 1-point win over a 15-seeded Belmont, before losing in the next round. And he won in 2015 after losses to a 15 seed LeHigh and a 14 seed Mercer and a couple other lackluster tournaments.

K adjusted, in part, by mimicking Calipari and going to OADs. Can Cal adjust to today's successful strategies? That remains to be seen. But as K showed, it is not impossible.

(NOTE: I know someone is going to say immediately 'Kentucky should have won both those years in 2010 and 2015!' Even If Kentucky had beaten Duke in the Finals both those years, the point I'm opening for debate would have been the same that after a few rough years K got back to the FF and beyond.)
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Yes. But Cal hasn’t shown yet that he even wants to. Easy to see the old school post game just doesn’t work any more. Cal hasn’t bought into that yet. Teams will keep spreading us out and beating us with guard play. Gonna keep happening unless post play comes back in to style like bell bottoms. Not only does his favorite style not work, but we can’t even throw it into the post. Easy double every time we try and succeed to get it to Oscar. Whoever is throwing it in there can’t shoot to keep anyone honest. Most of the time the ball don’t make it and Oscar either can’t get to it, or he will have it stripped by bringing the ball to his knees.
Hard to see him adjusting at this point . Just too In his ways . If anything this last game just showed how terrible he is at the smallest things .

The man really sent a double on Nowell out near half court . He was clueless and desperate at that point for no reason at all and it hurt us .
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Yes. But Cal hasn’t shown yet that he even wants to. Easy to see the old school post game just doesn’t work any more. Cal hasn’t bought into that yet. Teams will keep spreading us out and beating us with guard play. Gonna keep happening unless post play comes back in to style like bell bottoms. Not only does his favorite style not work, but we can’t even throw it into the post. Easy double every time we try and succeed to get it to Oscar. Whoever is throwing it in there can’t shoot to keep anyone honest. Most of the time the ball don’t make it and Oscar either can’t get to it, or he will have it stripped by bringing the ball to his knees.
Man, Oscar repeatedly bringing the bell low is on the staff! He literally did it for two straight seasons! It’s unreal. 🤦‍♂️
I think the biggest issue is that you can’t suddenly become a good X’s and O’s coach.

Coach K was always good at X’s and O’s while Cal has never been.

With the transfer portal and top recruits going to non blue blood schools now, it is more important than ever to be a good X’s and O’s guy.

With him being too stubborn to change and his below average X’s and O’s coaching ability, Cal’s tenure will more than likely end with the worst 10 year run in KY basketball history.
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K was obsessed with winning so much that he immediately studied post-game tape of every contest they played. He did that until the wee hours of the morning, year in and year out:

"The following calculation is an approximation, and almost certainly an undershoot. To get a sense of how much time Krzyzewski has lived by reliving his own teams' games and/or scouting opponents, a conservatively fair estimate is four hours of postgame film review per game (according to former Duke assistants who were interviewed for this story). Add in at least another hour — at LEAST — per game that Krzyzewski watches on his own time, and the number comes out to about 8,000 hours of his life that's been spent watching tape. Minimally. That equates to 333 full days. In reality, when you stack up all the film sessions together, it's plausible that at least one full year of Mike Krzyzewski's 75 voyages around the sun has been dedicated to watching and scouting basketball tape."

Our guy? Couldn't be bothered to study Wisconsin in 2015. Guess he had dogs to kiss...
As much as I despised Coach K, you have to hand it to him in that he did adjust. Also, Saban at Bama changed his offensive style to still compete for championships. These are the top 2 coaches in their sports for the modern era. Cal should be able to but it remains to be seen if he will. Also, K and Saban were more about winning championships than getting guys to the pros.
I don’t see it with Cal. If he hasn’t changed yet, what makes you think he will now? It would be like admitting defeat and that his critics were right, he seems more intent on trying to prove people wrong than adjusting.

The difference between him and K is that K was hellbent on winning titles and building his legacy. Cal doesn’t seem to care about it, and is more focused on players first.

I just hope next season is his last. It doesn’t seem like anyone within UK basketball is having fun anymore, Cal included.
As much as I despised Coach K, you have to hand it to him in that he did adjust. Also, Saban at Bama changed his offensive style to still compete for championships. These are the top 2 coaches in their sports for the modern era. Cal should be able to but it remains to be seen if he will. Also, K and Saban were more about winning championships than getting guys to the pros.
Great post and so true about Saban as well. Made a big adjustment based on the way the game had changed and it paid off for him. Also a great point about Saban and K's maniacal desire to win championships. That's the part that really makes me believe they were different than Cal in terms of their willingness to adapt. As long as Cal is getting guys drafted, "his mission is bigger than winning championships." Dude said it himself.
Great post and so true about Saban as well. Made a big adjustment based on the way the game had changed and it paid off for him. Also a great point about Saban and K's maniacal desire to win championships. That's the part that really makes me believe they were different than Cal in terms of their willingness to adapt. As long as Cal is getting guys drafted, "his mission is bigger than winning championships." Dude said it himself.
With the talent that Cal’s had at Kentucky, can you imagine how many championships he could have won if he had K’s and Saban’s desire to win?
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The same coach that screams like a lunatic at his bench to MOOOOOOOOOVE BAAAAAAAAAACK because he gets a warning for being 5 feet on the court?

Yeah, he's gonna change. Just hold your breath.
His actions there and distain he showed then toward those fans told me a lot about him. I've thought about that scene several times since.
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Yes, look at Nick Saban. Will Cal, probably not!

Cal is so hellbent on doing things his way he’s turning the program into a dumpster fire. It’s okay to admit you’re wrong, and change things up. Unfortunately, Cal isn’t humble enough to do that!
Obviously the answer is yes, just look at Nick Saban. But he has called out the constant need to adjust, and I don't think Cal has the ego to admit he doesn't know everything.

(edit - just saw the poster above say the same thing)
Everyone is disappointed in this year of Kentucky basketball, which was supposed to see the Cats return to Final Four form. And I know there will be a lot of bashing of this thread for even raising the question of whether things will improve, but so be it.

The prevailing sentiment on this board, if not among basketball fans or even Kentucky fans in the larger world, is that John Calipari has lost his mojo and will never adjust and get the Cats back to Elite status. Even people who aren't hysterics by nature understand Kentucky needs to change, and that begins with the head coach.

Is that even possible? No one knows the future. But I'd be really, really surprised if Cal is going anywhere for at least two or three years, so it is worth looking at where a coach can make the adjustments and have some success late in his career.

I looked at Coach K's overall record, which includes two late championships in 2010 and 2015 (both painful years for Kentucky fans.)

K was roughly the age Cal is now before the 2010 win, so the comparison as to age is not out of line.

And it is easy to remember K's successes in that period, especially the two titles.

But K also had two stretches that were arguably as bad as Calipari's three year stretch since Kentucky lost in OT in the Elite Eight in 2019. (THat doesn't count the year the tourney was canceled. Ken tucky was outright SEC champ so at least arguably a FF contender.)

K didn't have a year like the post-Covid year of 9-16. But he did lose to a 15 seed (LeHigh) and a 14 seed (Mercer) and an 11 seed (VCU, pre-Shaka Smart.) He won the title in 2010 after a five year drought that included that loss to an 11-seed and a miracle 1-point win over a 15-seeded Belmont, before losing in the next round. And he won in 2015 after losses to a 15 seed LeHigh and a 14 seed Mercer and a couple other lackluster tournaments.

K adjusted, in part, by mimicking Calipari and going to OADs. Can Cal adjust to today's successful strategies? That remains to be seen. But as K showed, it is not impossible.

(NOTE: I know someone is going to say immediately 'Kentucky should have won both those years in 2010 and 2015!' Even If Kentucky had beaten Duke in the Finals both those years, the point I'm opening for debate would have been the same that after a few rough years K got back to the FF and beyond.)
Yes, hell just look at Saban in football he admitted he had to change his whole offensive philosophy to stay competitive.
As much as I despised Coach K, you have to hand it to him in that he did adjust. Also, Saban at Bama changed his offensive style to still compete for championships. These are the top 2 coaches in their sports for the modern era. Cal should be able to but it remains to be seen if he will. Also, K and Saban were more about winning championships than getting guys to the pros.
I was coming in to talk about Saban. Potentially the greatest college coach ever in college football and basketball. Here is a good quote from Saban:

“We were struggling with pace of play, we were struggling with RPOs, we were struggling with sort of this new age of football. That’s when we started to figure out, hey, if you can’t beat them, you got to join them.”
I was coming in to talk about Saban. Potentially the greatest college coach ever in college football and basketball. Here is a good quote from Saban:

“We were struggling with pace of play, we were struggling with RPOs, we were struggling with sort of this new age of football. That’s when we started to figure out, hey, if you can’t beat them, you got to join them.”
If Cal ever said anything like that, I would fall out of my chair in disbelief.
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Coach K is a bad analogy. He was driven like few others, almost insane in his desire to win. There aren't many people built like that. Jordan comes to mind.

Most 64 year old people with zero financial concerns and on the downside of their career don't figure to be as motivated as they once were. Unfortunately for all of us, there's plenty of recent history to back up that anecdotal observation.

Cal is finished, and has been for years. I don't know how much more anyone needs to see for confirmation, but if you keep watching, you'll eventually get it. Hopefully he leaves before he provides too much more proof...
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Everyone is disappointed in this year of Kentucky basketball, which was supposed to see the Cats return to Final Four form. And I know there will be a lot of bashing of this thread for even raising the question of whether things will improve, but so be it.

The prevailing sentiment on this board, if not among basketball fans or even Kentucky fans in the larger world, is that John Calipari has lost his mojo and will never adjust and get the Cats back to Elite status. Even people who aren't hysterics by nature understand Kentucky needs to change, and that begins with the head coach.

Is that even possible? No one knows the future. But I'd be really, really surprised if Cal is going anywhere for at least two or three years, so it is worth looking at where a coach can make the adjustments and have some success late in his career.

I looked at Coach K's overall record, which includes two late championships in 2010 and 2015 (both painful years for Kentucky fans.)

K was roughly the age Cal is now before the 2010 win, so the comparison as to age is not out of line.

And it is easy to remember K's successes in that period, especially the two titles.

But K also had two stretches that were arguably as bad as Calipari's three year stretch since Kentucky lost in OT in the Elite Eight in 2019. (THat doesn't count the year the tourney was canceled. Ken tucky was outright SEC champ so at least arguably a FF contender.)

K didn't have a year like the post-Covid year of 9-16. But he did lose to a 15 seed (LeHigh) and a 14 seed (Mercer) and an 11 seed (VCU, pre-Shaka Smart.) He won the title in 2010 after a five year drought that included that loss to an 11-seed and a miracle 1-point win over a 15-seeded Belmont, before losing in the next round. And he won in 2015 after losses to a 15 seed LeHigh and a 14 seed Mercer and a couple other lackluster tournaments.

K adjusted, in part, by mimicking Calipari and going to OADs. Can Cal adjust to today's successful strategies? That remains to be seen. But as K showed, it is not impossible.

(NOTE: I know someone is going to say immediately 'Kentucky should have won both those years in 2010 and 2015!' Even If Kentucky had beaten Duke in the Finals both those years, the point I'm opening for debate would have been the same that after a few rough years K got back to the FF and beyond.)
Why would he or why would even consider it? Last 3 years are as bad as its ever been at UK. His boss obviously doesn't care. If your bosd doesn't hold you accountable, why would you ever change.

He'll never change.
You adapt two different ways:
You modernize your style through X and O’s or you recruit differently. We all know the x and o thing ain’t happening. And if you look at next year’s class this will also tell you it ain’t happening in recruiting either. While highly ranked it’s filled with dudes who should get to the rim but can’t shoot.

It wouldn’t take a lot to make Kentucky exciting. Start by recruiting 2-3 shooters and screen them to get open at top of the key. Put some movement in your half court offense. Just guys cutting to the basket without the basketball. These are junior college level adjustments we’re talking about here.
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Everyone is disappointed in this year of Kentucky basketball, which was supposed to see the Cats return to Final Four form. And I know there will be a lot of bashing of this thread for even raising the question of whether things will improve, but so be it.

The prevailing sentiment on this board, if not among basketball fans or even Kentucky fans in the larger world, is that John Calipari has lost his mojo and will never adjust and get the Cats back to Elite status. Even people who aren't hysterics by nature understand Kentucky needs to change, and that begins with the head coach.

Is that even possible? No one knows the future. But I'd be really, really surprised if Cal is going anywhere for at least two or three years, so it is worth looking at where a coach can make the adjustments and have some success late in his career.

I looked at Coach K's overall record, which includes two late championships in 2010 and 2015 (both painful years for Kentucky fans.)

K was roughly the age Cal is now before the 2010 win, so the comparison as to age is not out of line.

And it is easy to remember K's successes in that period, especially the two titles.

But K also had two stretches that were arguably as bad as Calipari's three year stretch since Kentucky lost in OT in the Elite Eight in 2019. (THat doesn't count the year the tourney was canceled. Ken tucky was outright SEC champ so at least arguably a FF contender.)

K didn't have a year like the post-Covid year of 9-16. But he did lose to a 15 seed (LeHigh) and a 14 seed (Mercer) and an 11 seed (VCU, pre-Shaka Smart.) He won the title in 2010 after a five year drought that included that loss to an 11-seed and a miracle 1-point win over a 15-seeded Belmont, before losing in the next round. And he won in 2015 after losses to a 15 seed LeHigh and a 14 seed Mercer and a couple other lackluster tournaments.

K adjusted, in part, by mimicking Calipari and going to OADs. Can Cal adjust to today's successful strategies? That remains to be seen. But as K showed, it is not impossible.

(NOTE: I know someone is going to say immediately 'Kentucky should have won both those years in 2010 and 2015!' Even If Kentucky had beaten Duke in the Finals both those years, the point I'm opening for debate would have been the same that after a few rough years K got back to the FF and beyond.)

Another year like this, next year, and Cal won't be able to stay here 2 or 3 more years. That will be the end of it.
One of the biggest issues is no matter how many things he fixes his relationship with officials is horrible. Not fixable.

Refs loved K.
Cal screams 12yo jerk, smart-aleck comments to everybody within earshot, that's his style...But the officials absolutely despise him with a passion. Just about every 50-50 crucial call goes against Cats, and the Calipari bias is definitely real. He's a snake oil con artist
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