At times, even just switching to a zone for a play of two - to break up the momentum when it's shifting - would have made all the difference. He doesn't even have to spend a gigantic amount of time with them to do that.
That's one of the most constructively critical things I can say about Cal.
Some other things :
1) we have a razor thin margin (exception was last year, where we lost AP all year and didn't miss a beat) for error with the way he is plugging in OAD or two and done players. It's leading to some unbalanced lineups and makes the margin that much thinner.
2) He's made some head-scratching tactical errors in games that has cost us dearly, and he knows it. It's getting progressively more infuriating for me as I see it happen. He needs to understand that point BIGTIME.
3) Being stubborn can be a good thing, but he's been stubborn to the point of not teaching teams things like how to play a zone for a couple of minutes just for tactical purposes. In game, his adjustments are non-existent, or simply backfire on him. (I'm glad this hasn't happened more often, but the law of averages tells me it's going to start catching up over time with Coach Cal)
4) Free throws. Teach them to make the damn free throws, get a psychologist in there or SOMETHING. That's a mental issue on the players ( and more and more players lack mastering this basketball fundamental more and more these days). The knock that his teams don't shoot free throws well....... well, all I gotta say is we all know how much that single aspect of the game has hurt Coach Cal teams.
5) Utilizing a zone defense (2-3, 3-2, 1-3-1) is not a sign of a poor coach or a poor team or a lack of talent in not being able to play an exclusive man to man defense 100% of the time. Sometimes teams SIMPLY DO NOT HAVE THE PERSONNEL TO PLAY MAN TO MAN like that the whole game like Coach Cal wants them to.
I love Cal, I trust him, but it gets shaken from time to time, and it always seems to come back to these things, and the other little things that always seems to get him (and, us, by extension).
I dunno. Something needs to change. I'm not entirely sold on this season as a wash out, but it's on the brink. He's done a hellofa job not letting the bottom fall out and pulling a rabbit out of his hat in the past.
It sure will be interesting to see how - and what - he does in the immediate future. We sure will be watching very closely.