Cal still hasn't told UK he's leaving

Not really. Bc then Mitch just fires cal due to breach of contract. Cal would be in hell not UK and im fine with that.
Possibly but I don't think UK wants to do that. Would lead to a year of litigation presumably with no guarantee of winning it.
He’s leaving alright. What a POS he turned out to be!
Yup, I actually wanted him to be the ambassador one day but his Ego wouldn’t allow that to happen. He just couldn’t have people not like him for doing a shitty job so he did what he always does and leaves a team high and dry with no team.
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Ugh! Of course! Cal is such a snake!

Actually, none of this makes any sense right now. Cal hasn't said anything so UK can't reach out yet the same sources are claiming that UK has reached out to several coaches. Even at the very least, UK has apparently let it be known that we are interested in Drew, Donavan, Hurley, etc. In my mind that is still reaching out to put it out there.

It does appear, at the very least, that SOME of these stories aren't true but we don't know which ones are and which ones aren't.
The big thing is NIL money. If rumors about NIL money being a problem for basketball in Lexington, that is a real problem for getting our next coach.

The NIL coffers need to be full and ready for disbursement the moment a new coach is hired.
I read somewhere, maybe HOB. Anyway, supposedly the donors are all in line for a new coach. Locked and loaded basically. 🤷‍♂️
There BOT meeting isn’t until 2 PM today. If we hear something bad about the meeting then I start to get nervous, but the BOT has to approve the contract which is what the meeting is for

Again, we had a ton of contradictions from the media. We heard an announcement was to happen on Tuesday originally and then everyone switched to Monday. If you are correct, and I think you are, the media are either guessing or being played.
I'm starting to think a lot of this began as a stunt by Cal, expecting that suddenly UK, Mitch, and the fans would rush to his side and beg him to stay. Now he has just dug a hole and isn't sure what to do.
Great post, this is exactly what narcissists do and he is qualifying himself abundantly.
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Again, we had a ton of contradictions from the media. We heard an announcement was to happen on Tuesday originally and then everyone switched to Monday. If you are correct, and I think you are, the media are either guessing or being played.
I’m going off what Arkansas people are saying, I’m not looking at what jones for KSR said
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He negotiated with Arkansas without informing the AD. It's explicitly in his contract.

Also there is no word out he talked to Ohio St in February. While his team was still playing. Makes you wonder why the team and especially the game plan seemed missing for A&M and Oakland.
They informed the athletic department. He doesn’t have to directly involve the AD. None of you know what’s actually in that contract. Let’s be honest.
Hopefully he comes back if we are down to offering Drew.

We let Stoops back after he agreed to leave.
No. I’d rather have you as coach and I have no clue who you are or what you do. Cal is not KY basketball, does not coach for KY basketball and is/has ruined KY basketball. Doesn’t matter who we get just get his ass away from our program.
Might have been Cal led Arky on to get his ego stroked. Probably told them he would take it while being wined and dined. It got out and now he’s in a mess.
Got home and realized he doesn’t want to go to Arky.
Probably would prefer to get his 33 million rather than expend the energy trying to build back Arky. UK won’t want to pay him the buyout.
Also his recruits and present players aren’t jumping to go there.
It’s a step down.
He created a dilemma for himself.
UK had been notified and contract is signed with Arkansas as of 1115am.

Let's go get our next coach! Bring on 9!
It’s going to be so awkward playing against him now at Rupp and probably the SEC Tourney. It’s like being forced to see your ex wife at a common event.
Seems like he didn’t have this planned very well.
I think that Cal, in his sick way of thinking, thought he could check out the other jobs (Ohio St and Arkansas) without UK finding out so that if things didn't work out, he would stay here until they did work out somewhere else. He would still get the 33 million. But since UK found out, he can't stay here and he would fired for cause. He wasn't planning for that. He thought he was clever doing it his way. WRONG!!
Drove past his house on the way to work today and there’s a big “Thank you, Cal. We ❤️ You!” sign in his yard.
I saw a photo of that. Guessing Calipari (or someone he knows) put it up. It's way, way too far into his property for some rando to do it without someone calling them in for trespassing.
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I think that Cal, in his sick way of thinking, thought he could check out the other jobs (Ohio St and Arkansas) without UK finding out so that if things didn't work out, he would stay here until they did work out somewhere else. He would still get the 33 million. But since UK found out, he can't stay here and he would fired for cause. He wasn't planning for that. He thought he was clever doing it his way. WRONG!!

So, he did exactly what Tubby did as well?
Drove past his house on the way to work today and there’s a big “Thank you, Cal. We ❤️ You!” sign in his yard.

