Cal regrets using the 5 weeks or more timeline for Bradshaw

Its all CoachSpeak. At UK its hard to get away with for very long. Cal said it himself, "its a 10 yr job".

That being said, I'll be more disappointed if Bradshaw doesn't play. He seemed genuinely excited about it and even now he flashes that big small on the sideline with the team ...... I never as good about Sharpe. Although I never hate on a kid for cashing a lottery ticket. Blame the adults.
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Medical care ,keep his name/brand in the news(he gets more coverage here not playing than he would in the G league), use of better facilities. Maybe he does play but it is not a sure thing. It is possible at best, which is less than probable

Fair points I guess. I'm just inclined to let it play out.
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In all seriousness though, what would be point for Bradshaw? He has effectively been at UK since June. If it was about money, etc... wouldn't he go to g-league?

With Sharpe he was a mid yr enrolle. If you were Bradshaw why in the world would you come to UK to go to class, practice, etc all so you can never play here. He has other options. Would be very odd...even moreso than Sharpe.
I dunno man, it makes no sense. Unless he’s saying that they are further ahead and ready to go this makes no sense.
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I have no doubt that Bradshaw committed to UK with the intentions of playing and I believe he still wants to play. But with the accident and time to think about it, the question now is have people who have invested years of time in his development, and who has influence over him now gotten "cold feet" and are afraid chancing loosing their payday?
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I have no doubt that Bradshaw committed to UK with the intentions of playing and I believe he still wants to play. But with the accident and time to think about it, the question now is have people who have invested years of time in his development, and who has influence over him now gotten "cold feet" and are afraid chancing loosing their payday?
It's a great question. We also know that we have a head coach at Kentucky who is more than willing to let players sit out if they choose to do so. Add in all the smoke from the Klutch and USC rumors earlier this year, and I put it at 50/50 that Bradshaw plays at all.
Reeves & Mitchell on Big Z.

“It’s gonna be very fun doing that,” Reeves said. “With Tre and Z, it’s just like the same thing to me. They both can dribble, shoot, pass. And, of course, they’re going to work on their post game, as well. But it’s a level of, ‘Ah, I can pass to Z, run off Z, then Z can pop/shoot.’ It’s things like that that are just going to make the game really fun.” Asked if it was “jarring” to see a 7-2 guy with the shooting, passing and dribbling skills that Ivisic possesses, Mitchell grinned. “At this stage in the basketball world, no. Not at all,” he said. “It’s becoming more and more common. And I feel like, eventually, that’s where things are going to transition to: a bunch of huge dudes that can do absolutely anything you need them to do.” - LHL
Bradshaw’s been out for 6 months. Does he really need another 1-2 months?
Initially his injury was such that surgery might or might not be necessary. He opted to have surgery to fix the problem. 6 to 8 month recovery time seems a bit long for the issue he supposedly had. Cal and whoever can say or do as they choose but the timeline seems suspect. Cal's recent statements on the matter only serve to further cloud the issue.
I'm all for strength/weight training but doesn't it seem kind of counter intuitive to put on 25lbs when dealing with lower extremity injuries.

Granted it's inevitable a guy who can't do cardio training will likely gain some weight.
However, 25lbs of extra stress on the bones, ligaments, and joints they're trying to rehabilitate would only complicate things. These guys needed the bulk but color me skeptical given our recover and injury history recently.