That’s sad. I remember hearing about suicides on campus back when I was in school and it was somewhat scary. Rumors would circulate and you just didn’t know what happened.
Now you hear of these suicide and it’s just sad. As someone one who has fought intrusive thoughts like that, it upsets me a bit to hear those. I’ve been there and I’ve never been more scared in my life.
Mental health is real. And it’s more than just being soft folks. Tell that to our veterans that struggle. They aren’t being soft. Tell that to the people who like me took care of their parents or a loved one by themselves with little to no support. We’re not soft.
Sure. There are some of all generations who whine and seek attention, but when someone genuinely says, “Hey man. My brain is not right today.” Or “I’m not feeling great mentally right now” try to have some empathy. After I lost my mom, I didn’t get out of bed for a day and a half. I’ve NEVER been that. Even if I liked to sleep I. On weekends. My Brian and body just said “No”.
It’s real. And depression can sneak up on you at any time. And once it gets you, even if you win from time to time, it can come back.
Men especially feel like they can’t show weakness or ask for help. Don’t. Asking for help is not weakness…it’s wisdom. Not a single damn one of us are immune to depression or anxiety. I NEVER had anxiety a day in my life until I lost my dog after losing losing my mom. The house was empty and dead. And let me tell you, when you realize you’re alone like that? Anxiety comes in real damn quick.
Men, don’t ever be afraid to reach out and ask for help.