Bump this until Stoops is gone!!!

fat guy GIF
I just don't see a scenario where we are a better team next year. Maybe we make some serious strides in the offseason on offense and land some impact transfers all around, but it just feels like we are destined to be the same or worse. If that's the case then we might as well let a new coach start the rebuild. Sadly, Sumrall might be heading to UNC and it will be hard to pry him away in 2 years when we do finally move on from Stoops.
Players are leaving or decommiting in larger numbers now. Key contributors and incoming players projected to contribute. If you are in the system you know, outside the system and in high school, you can see it. We are a $hit show. Good platers deserve better, great ones will never look at us. We clearly have a leadership problem and Stoops cannot go fast enough.
You can bump this thread until the end of time.

But Stoops is not going to walk away from multi millions of dollars.

Neither would any of the members of the Lair. 🤣🤣🤣🤣