Bump this thread when Indiana sucks

I'm starting to get worried that there won't be enough Indiana basketball fans alive in the world to continue to make it fun to laugh at them.


* A person could graduate with a MASTER'S DEGREE in Bloomington this year who was NOT BORN when the Hoosiers last advanced past the Sweet 16...(2002)

* People turning 32-years-old today have seen Indiana get past the Sweet 16 ONCE -- when they were nine-years-old. (Previous time 1993.)

* No one under 40 can possibly remember IUse2Be winning ANY post-season tournament: NCAA or even Big Ten.

Maybe it'd be good for them to have one good year to get their hopes up and bring back the fan base, before returning to suckage? Nah. Never mind.
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Babies born the year IU last won a title are 38.

Babies born the last time IU reached the Final Four are 23.

In 1987:
A gallon of gas cost 95 cents
A dozen eggs cost 78 cents
A new Dodge pickup cost $8,500
Median household income was $26K
The candy striped pants still looked ridiculous
RUH ROH. Hoosier SuperNerd and Fanboy Kent Sterling calling for Woodson's ouster...Not too worrisome. After all, since Player Choker Bully Bobby Knight was forced out IU has made a bunch of hires without getting it right. But they jsut might get "Blind Hog Finds The Acorn" lucky some day if they keep firing guys very 2-3 years...Meanwhile, this guy's ranting is always worth a horse laugh in his face...
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