Pope did not merely "play here". He was the captain and leader of maybe the greatest team in UK basketball history--as a transfer--and they won the national championship. He is the right age, with impeccable character and a brilliant mind and the perfect temperament for this unique job; and he has worked tirelessly to succeed his entire life.
The resources at UK, from the amazing fanbase and tradition to the facilities and the commitment from the administration, create a one of a kind environment for a quality coach to produce championships, e.g., Joe B. Hall, who succeeded Rupp because of his connection to the program and not his "resume". Unfortunately, since Coach Hall, there have been several with the "resume" to succeed but whose character was less than stellar or who became lazy and/or belittled the fanbase. Mark Pope is unburdened by those weaknesses and his priorities are pure. He is all about the program, not the other way around.