Last night I was at a circus featuring a trapeze man doing some vey difficult moves. I was enjoying the show, while I was on the edge of my seat worrying that a disastrous ending might happen. Everything was going smoothly and I was enjoying the act until the very end.
To make a long story short, all of a sudden the trapeze man made a dangerous move and missed catching the bar and landed on his head about fifty feet down.
I could not watch what happened to him as I left the circus show.
What a shame that someone so talented will not be able to showcase his talent anymore.
Were some of you there too?
To make a long story short, all of a sudden the trapeze man made a dangerous move and missed catching the bar and landed on his head about fifty feet down.
I could not watch what happened to him as I left the circus show.
What a shame that someone so talented will not be able to showcase his talent anymore.
Were some of you there too?