Brony gets guaranteed money

None of them will care except the little guys on 2 way deals. It’s a joke he got picked and even more that they are guaranteeing him a salary but they only care about making LeBron smile. It should come out of his check, he don’t need it.
Guys 11-13 rarely play for NBA teams so he is much more valuable to them than some no name 2-way player.

This is marketing for the NBA and the Lakers who will be bad again this year
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Guys 11-13 rarely play for NBA teams so he is much more valuable to them than some no name 2-way player.

This is marketing for the NBA and the Lakers who will be bad again this year
That is true but still, he’s a waste of roster space imo. If they stashed him in the D league I could see it, but he’s got a roster spot which is insane.
I'm not sure why this bothers everyone. You are not paying his salary. Most everyone on here swears they never watch the NBA. Why is this of concern? And, plenty of people get jobs because who their family is, or at least who they know. If you just don't know anyone that can help you get a job, or your family is no count, why hate on Bronny because of that? I wish him all of the success in the world. They will not continue to pay him if he sucks.
It bothers people because it's more concrete proof that sports are a fraud and not legitimate competition. I'm not sure why some people can't see that.
Lebron just opened the flood gates for players families to be given jobs in order to land players in free agency. The NBA is turning into a script instead of real competition more and more. This will now start to happen because as we’ve seen Lebron is a trend setter. Now that he did it it will happen. The players have too much control this is what happens when the inmates run the asylum.
The bucks pay that Greek dude who's name I can't spell brother or whatever, and he's pretty terrible. If they value LeBron until he retires Bronny will have a job.

Giannis Antetokounmpo

Lebron just opened the flood gates for players families to be given jobs in order to land players in free agency. The NBA is turning into a script instead of real competition more and more. This will now start to happen because as we’ve seen Lebron is a trend setter. Now that he did it it will happen. The players have too much control this is what happens when the inmates run the asylum.

Orrrrrrr did Giannis Antetokounmpo do that??? His brother Thanasis has been on his team for 5 years.
Giannis Antetokounmpo

Orrrrrrr did Giannis Antetokounmpo do that??? His brother Thanasis has been on his team for 5 years.

Sure. But Lebron is the guy that’s going to set the table because his is so widely viewed by everyone and when Lebron does something everyone takes extreme notice. Lebron has been the guy out front pushing for more changes than the NBA has ever seen. It’s all made the league worse and will continue to do so. To me he’s the absolute worst thing that’s ever happened to the NBA. And that sucks too because Lebron is a really nice guy to be such a prominent figure. But a lot of his actions hurt the product and his lack of competitive fire has spread like wildfire through the league rendering the product pretty bad. Anytime a star of his magnitude says “it’s just a game” whew. Not good. And you can see the lackadaisical approach many players took to when he started the idea that players matter more than anyone or anything. That’s my opinion on it.

The NBA needs ant man or whoever else to stick with a team, be a fierce competitor, and start a new trend back to the time before Lebron. I can dream.
I have literally never heard a single person claim he got there on his own. Everyone is very clear it's nepotism, and that's okay because nepotism is everywhere and nothing new.
Apparently you haven't been watching ESPN interviews with the people in the Lakers organization. They are all saying it.
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Apparently you haven't been watching ESPN interviews with the people in the Lakers organization. They are all saying it.
They have to say that, though. It's called PR. You don't really think anyone employed by the Lakers is going to say something negative about it, do you?
Well, nepotism is denounced everywhere else but now you're supposed to ignore that for LeBron's kid. His biggest advocates would condemn nepotism if it's someone they didn't like.
Nepotism is largely ignored everywhere. Most everyone on this board has at some point in their life gotten a job because of family or who they knew. It’s downright hilarious that yall are so ate up about this. Nepotism has been around since the beginning of time and will stay around. The leading candidate for president of our country is where he is because his daddy set him up, not because of his business acumen. Are you equally ate up about that?
This is the biggest joke of the NBA ever.
You do realize Gianni’s has his brother who is absolutely terrible in the bucks roster right? I don’t think bronny that good but it’s not like they took him in the first round lol
I don't know how Bronny can sleep at night knowing he didn't deserve to be drafted, but apparently he can.
Probably easier than we do since we have to see the close up of your nightmare inducing mug on every thread.
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Nepotism is largely ignored everywhere. Most everyone on this board has at some point in their life gotten a job because of family or who they knew. It’s downright hilarious that yall are so ate up about this. Nepotism has been around since the beginning of time and will stay around. The leading candidate for president of our country is where he is because his daddy set him up, not because of his business acumen. Are you equally ate up about that?
Sticking a kid in a mailroom isn't really on the same par with making a pro sports roster.

But see, you have an issue with nepotism when it's a guy in corporate America but not here. Regarding the guy you're speaking of, yeah, his dad obviously gave him a leg up on normal people. But just like when Vince McMahon bought WWF from his dad, they both took their business to greater heights and I don't think one could argue either case.

Sports is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy though. You can skate through youth sports with nepotism daddy ball BS, maybe even get walk on spot in college cause of your daddy, but you rarely see that in pro sports. Why? Because your physical skills and physical measurements matter in competition at the highest level. A 6-foot-1 (yeah that's more correct to his height) shooting guard with heart problems shooting under 30% from three, and averaging 4 ppg in college, getting drafted and getting this much coverage is crazy. It wouldn't be as annoying if LeBron hadn't been pushing this for over a year and making claims like "He could help the Lakers right now."

Bronny was already born on third base and didn't need another bone thrown his way. The scorn isn't so much toward him as it is his dad. But to claim that he "earned it" is like Brad Calipari's "Earned not given" tattoo. C'mon, man. I say just own it that yeah it's nepotism instead of trying to gaslight everyone into being like "Oh, he definitely didn't get drafted here cause of his dad" like JJ is claiming.
You do realize Gianni’s has his brother who is absolutely terrible in the bucks roster right? I don’t think bronny that good but it’s not like they took him in the first round lol
And that guy is a running joke at how much he sucks. He's still a yoked 6-foot-7 forward. Bronny is a 6-foot-1 guard with health problems and couldn't shoot from three.
No one would have been surprised a year ago to hear that Bronny was a second round pick who made a roster. Seemed to be about his level heading into college.

Then he almost died.

So I’m pulling for him. I agree that very few in his spot would be getting a shot like this, but I’m willing to cut him some slack.

Because he almost died.

If he does anything, ever in the NBA it will be a terrific, feel good story.

But most people seem to be rooting against it. I, on the other hand, will keep in mind that he’s somebody’s kid and his heart stopped a year ago.

But hey, at least that caused him to put up trash stats at USC. Gives people something to complain about.

Nothing to add, well said
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Guaranteed money for a second round pick that hasn't even played in the summer league?

I hate the Lakers but I enjoy that LeBron is killing this team toward the end of his career. LA stuck with Kobe too long and killed their organization then too.

Without AD arriving and the rest of the 2020 season being played in a bubble, LA would be a giant goose egg since 2010. I cannot see LA fleecing anyone in a trade like they're accustomed to so LeBron nor LAL will win anything while he's there.
Didn't Chris Livingston get guaranteed money as a second round pick last year prior to summer league? Rich Paul knows what he's doing.
Didn't Chris Livingston get guaranteed money as a second round pick last year prior to summer league? Rich Paul knows what he's doing.
Yeah, clearly which is crazy. Livingston wasn't worth a crap either and got a historical deal for the last pick. So kudos to Paul.
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Yeah, clearly which is crazy. Livingston wasn't worth a crap either and got a historical deal for the last pick. So kudos to Paul.
He has a lot of power with NBA contracts like Jimmy Sexton does with college football coaching contracts.
Sticking a kid in a mailroom isn't really on the same par with making a pro sports roster.

But see, you have an issue with nepotism when it's a guy in corporate America but not here. Regarding the guy you're speaking of, yeah, his dad obviously gave him a leg up on normal people. But just like when Vince McMahon bought WWF from his dad, they both took their business to greater heights and I don't think one could argue either case.

Sports is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy though. You can skate through youth sports with nepotism daddy ball BS, maybe even get walk on spot in college cause of your daddy, but you rarely see that in pro sports. Why? Because your physical skills and physical measurements matter in competition at the highest level. A 6-foot-1 (yeah that's more correct to his height) shooting guard with heart problems shooting under 30% from three, and averaging 4 ppg in college, getting drafted and getting this much coverage is crazy. It wouldn't be as annoying if LeBron hadn't been pushing this for over a year and making claims like "He could help the Lakers right now."

Bronny was already born on third base and didn't need another bone thrown his way. The scorn isn't so much toward him as it is his dad. But to claim that he "earned it" is like Brad Calipari's "Earned not given" tattoo. C'mon, man. I say just own it that yeah it's nepotism instead of trying to gaslight everyone into being like "Oh, he definitely didn't get drafted here cause of his dad" like JJ is claiming.

Exactly. It’s incredible that anyone would actually endorse this. If this was a wealthy white kid given a corporate job we’d never hear the end of it. And that’s largely why a few don’t care in this case. It’s all about identity and Lebron supports their favorite class of politicians. Easy to see.

I don’t support either. The wealthy corporate guy nor this. And this is worse because sports are supposed to be about full competition. And Lebron is destroying that too.

The lack of consistency is really irritating with regard to this crap.
They have to say that, though. It's called PR. You don't really think anyone employed by the Lakers is going to say something negative about it, do you?
No. And that wasn't why I posted. It was a direct response to poster stating he heard no one saying it was earned not given. Not those exact words but not reading back to find them
You do realize Gianni’s has his brother who is absolutely terrible in the bucks roster right? I don’t think bronny that good but it’s not like they took him in the first round lol
He did it in a much quieter fashion than Lebron and all his media posturing. Don't know a thing about the bucks, don't watch the NBA but Lebron made sure this was in the media. And it is a joke, a second round pick on a kid who averaged less than 5 pts again, almost no assist and only a couple of rebounds. The only reason he got draft was because of his daddy.
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Hope this kid knows the size of the target that just got put onto his back. I can't see this making him popular among his teammates that had to work their way up the ladder, unless LeBron buys them all cars or something.

Every road game...
you suck ice hockey GIF by NHL
Is it shady and unwarranted? Yes. Would every father do it? Don't lie. It's silly, but at the end of the day, is it really affecting your life? People bitching and moaning about it have become more of an annoyance than the situation itself. Who really cares? It's victimless. Let it go.
It's a slow summer and I need something to talk about until football starts, so....

No one can dispute your comment about a father doing this kind of thing for his son. That is proved 100% true by a simple glance at workplaces around the nation. If you know someone you will be much more likely to get a job. If you have family there you are in the house.

As far as victimless goes, well you might want to ask the guy he took the roster spot from. I would bet dollars to donuts that the guy he bumped needed that kind of money one hell of a lot worse than Brony.

Lastly the hypocrisy of the whole thing should be a case study.

Oh and this... 104M baby

Everyone realizes what that bs was, but God could have they waited until after the summer league to offer him. I guess it's good if they're being transparent but they haven't been so far.
He did it in a much quieter fashion than Lebron and all his media posturing. Don't know a thing about the bucks, don't watch the NBA but Lebron made sure this was in the media. And it is a joke, a second round pick on a kid who averaged less than 5 pts again, almost no assist and only a couple of rebounds. The only reason he got draft was because of his daddy.
I mean Lebron is just a bigger name in general but regardless if it was quiet or not the principle is the same. And yeah I agree with you but like so what? If he sucks he won’t be the nba that long lol if he doesn’t he’ll be there. They took him at the end of the 2nd round it doesn’t really affect what they have going on
It's a slow summer and I need something to talk about until football starts, so....

No one can dispute your comment about a father doing this kind of thing for his son. That is proved 100% true by a simple glance at workplaces around the nation. If you know someone you will be much more likely to get a job. If you have family there you are in the house.

As far as victimless goes, well you might want to ask the guy he took the roster spot from. I would bet dollars to donuts that the guy he bumped needed that kind of money one hell of a lot worse than Brony.

Lastly the hypocrisy of the whole thing should be a case study.

Oh and this... 104M baby

I thought about the victimless thing. But that's a simple counter. Work harder. Plus there's other NBA teams, G League and various overseas opportunities. Bronny spot wasn't going to a guy with one option. Who knows, maybe that was the motivation and chip the guy needed. I agree with your post though. I don't mind discussing it here, but social media is a ish show over Bronny and it so blah.
And that guy is a running joke at how much he sucks. He's still a yoked 6-foot-7 forward. Bronny is a 6-foot-1 guard with health problems and couldn't shoot from three.
Yeah at least Giannis’s brother is athletic enough and at least proved he belonged on a good European Pro team. I think Bronny could one day be a serviceable player but this whole situation is just crazy. He isn’t a PG and doesn’t have great size. No special handle or passing, and his shooting was bad in college. As others have said, this is worse than getting a corporate job because there are so many of those to go around with many people not deserving of their titles. This is an elite spot, reserved for the best of the best, even on the bench. The contract is just icing, I mean at max he should have gotten a 2 year minimum deal like 750k.
I mean Lebron is just a bigger name in general but regardless if it was quiet or not the principle is the same. And yeah I agree with you but like so what? If he sucks he won’t be the nba that long lol if he doesn’t he’ll be there. They took him at the end of the 2nd round it doesn’t really affect what they have going on
He took a spot from a player who really deserves, now some kid has to go down to the G league and earn his way all over again, while some two bit kid who didn't deserve it gets a guaranteed contract all because daddy wanted it, hell Lebron should have Bronny's salary deducted from his, it's not like he needs the money.
Stars are so valuable in the NBA that it's worth it to carry their family/friends on the backend of the roster just to appease them.

Lebron will be retiring within the next couple of years. If Bronny can't cut it, he will be out in just as many.
He took a spot from a player who really deserves, now some kid has to go down to the G league and earn his way all over again, while some two bit kid who didn't deserve it gets a guaranteed contract all because daddy wanted it, hell Lebron should have Bronny's salary deducted from his, it's not like he needs the money.
the chances of the 55th pick other than Bronny making the lakers roster always extremely low. It wa almost the last pick of the draft. Half of picks at that point be dudes they just stash over in Europe lol
Lebron just opened the flood gates for players families to be given jobs in order to land players in free agency. The NBA is turning into a script instead of real competition more and more. This will now start to happen because as we’ve seen Lebron is a trend setter. Now that he did it it will happen. The players have too much control this is what happens when the inmates run the asylum.
I thought it was turning into the old And1 league. This year is the first year I've been excited about watching nba games in like 7 years. They need to remember it's a business and people watch to see the competition.
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He has a guaranteed contract, he gets paid no matter what.
He got the same 3 years guaranteed their 2nd round pick last year got lol. Also Chris Livingston got guaranteed years last year and he was the LAST pick lol