Brian Williams

Originally posted by DNOKAT:

Originally posted by kyhusker2:

Originally posted by JHB4UK:

Originally posted by kyhusker2:

Someone get this thread back on track by posting some pics of Brian Williams' daughter.

The daughter who got her acehole eaten out on a softporn TV show....and I guess is now the most respectable reputable member of the Williams family
Yes. Just watched a gif of that over on another board. Loved it.
Just GIS for "Allison Williams gets her a$$ eaten"
This thread is much better with the GIFS and generally making fun of williams than the political crap a couple are engaged in. Politicians lie, you should know that by now.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Williams has definitely led a charmed life as far as avoiding death in accidents go. I still can't believe he survived that explosion in '86...

Originally posted by maverick1:
Some of you older posters may remember when Williams commanded the ill-fated Apollo 13 crew that suffered a mission-ending, near-fatal explosion en route to the moon...

u r on a roll.... :D
Not all of Williams's flights have been disasters/near-disasters though. For instance, this one went fairly well...

Maverick1... Hook Brian up with UK Sports... Lets make this more personal.... I think he's a UK fan for real:)
Originally posted by Cawood86:

Anyone who watches NBC or MSNBC for news is either easily duped or just a blind follower of their agenda.

There are two kinds of people that military folks can't stand. Draft dodgers and people that lie about their combat experience to try and get respect or status.

Williams lied and he did it willingly. Kept lying about it for 12 YEARS. Shameful to those that did serve and face real combat.
That's your opinion. I have only watched NBC news the last few years because it seems to be as fair as any I've seen. I tried watching Fox news, but it was laughable.

Brian was well respected by Dems and Repubs alike, but he will take a hit on this and he should. There is no excuse for embellishing that situation.
I thank everyone for their responses to the original post... I've especialy enjoyed the creative photoshops and comments regarding Brian's situation... My final word before his,LIE, slips into the abyss of insignificance.....

He did lie. It's as simple as that. If you are of the mindset that a person can become confused about being on a helicopter under enemy fire, well good luck... If you're of the thought that it's no big deal? Fine; I got nothing to say about that that's going to do anything other than piss you off...

The moral of the story in my opinion is larger than the singular incident of his lie. He wasn't alone on the chopper... Other NBC people were on the chopper... If nothing happens to him (and nothing will) it supports my belief that NBC knew about the myth and supported its telling. It's not a liberal or conservative thing because the truth isn't owned by anyone but the honest...

Are we being led by the dishonest, who's stories are reported by the dishonest, who work for the dishonest?
Is the media our watchdog as we once thought it to be?

Brian Williams can remain the overpaid reader of news as given to him by NBC for all I care. If you choose to watch him that's your choice. I won't.... Don't trust Brian Williams or the NBC Network to provide me with honest reporting of the news. Dan Rather me once but not twice.... NBC seems to foster a culture of creativity in news I find unsavory. That's about the best I can say.
Originally posted by maverick1:
Some of you older posters may remember when Williams commanded the ill-fated Apollo 13 crew that suffered a mission-ending, near-fatal explosion en route to the moon...

That gets two thumbs up!
I agree Robo, there's reports now Williams embellished what he saw in New Orleans after Katrina.

Why would a respected journalist flat out lie, not just one time, but for years? As you said,how many more report similarly? It's disturbing, and disheartening to me.
Originally posted by wkycatfan:
Tom Brokaw is calling for him to resign now.

This could get interesting.
Wouldn't it have been better if ole Tommy would'a said.....................
"we really don't know very much about Brian Williams"?
Originally posted by wkycatfan:
Tom Brokaw is calling for him to resign now.

This could get interesting.
They are mostly pissed because he and the execs at NBC knew from the beginning about this lie and told him to stop telling it.
Brian Williams was sniping people from the superdome during Katrina.
Originally posted by robo222:
I thank everyone for their responses to the original post... I've especialy enjoyed the creative photoshops and comments regarding Brian's situation... My final word before his,LIE, slips into the abyss of insignificance.....

He did lie. It's as simple as that. If you are of the mindset that a person can become confused about being on a helicopter under enemy fire, well good luck... If you're of the thought that it's no big deal? Fine; I got nothing to say about that that's going to do anything other than piss you off...

The moral of the story in my opinion is larger than the singular incident of his lie. He wasn't alone on the chopper... Other NBC people were on the chopper... If nothing happens to him (and nothing will) it supports my belief that NBC knew about the myth and supported its telling. It's not a liberal or conservative thing because the truth isn't owned by anyone but the honest...

Are we being led by the dishonest, who's stories are reported by the dishonest, who work for the dishonest?
Is the media our watchdog as we once thought it to be?

Brian Williams can remain the overpaid reader of news as given to him by NBC for all I care. If you choose to watch him that's your choice. I won't.... Don't trust Brian Williams or the NBC Network to provide me with honest reporting of the news. Dan Rather me once but not twice.... NBC seems to foster a culture of creativity in news I find unsavory. That's about the best I can say.
Tell us where is the best place to get the news.
Originally posted by Chuckinden:

Originally posted by robo222:
I thank everyone for their responses to the original post... I've especialy enjoyed the creative photoshops and comments regarding Brian's situation... My final word before his,LIE, slips into the abyss of insignificance.....

He did lie. It's as simple as that. If you are of the mindset that a person can become confused about being on a helicopter under enemy fire, well good luck... If you're of the thought that it's no big deal? Fine; I got nothing to say about that that's going to do anything other than piss you off...

The moral of the story in my opinion is larger than the singular incident of his lie. He wasn't alone on the chopper... Other NBC people were on the chopper... If nothing happens to him (and nothing will) it supports my belief that NBC knew about the myth and supported its telling. It's not a liberal or conservative thing because the truth isn't owned by anyone but the honest...

Are we being led by the dishonest, who's stories are reported by the dishonest, who work for the dishonest?
Is the media our watchdog as we once thought it to be?

Brian Williams can remain the overpaid reader of news as given to him by NBC for all I care. If you choose to watch him that's your choice. I won't.... Don't trust Brian Williams or the NBC Network to provide me with honest reporting of the news. Dan Rather me once but not twice.... NBC seems to foster a culture of creativity in news I find unsavory. That's about the best I can say.
Tell us where is the best place to get the news.
Our news is so polarized and often agenda driven anymore, that I try to get my news from multiple sources and then sift all of it to arrive at some semblance of truth.
Originally posted by wkycatfan:

Originally posted by Chuckinden:

Originally posted by robo222:
I thank everyone for their responses to the original post... I've especialy enjoyed the creative photoshops and comments regarding Brian's situation... My final word before his,LIE, slips into the abyss of insignificance.....

He did lie. It's as simple as that. If you are of the mindset that a person can become confused about being on a helicopter under enemy fire, well good luck... If you're of the thought that it's no big deal? Fine; I got nothing to say about that that's going to do anything other than piss you off...

The moral of the story in my opinion is larger than the singular incident of his lie. He wasn't alone on the chopper... Other NBC people were on the chopper... If nothing happens to him (and nothing will) it supports my belief that NBC knew about the myth and supported its telling. It's not a liberal or conservative thing because the truth isn't owned by anyone but the honest...

Are we being led by the dishonest, who's stories are reported by the dishonest, who work for the dishonest?
Is the media our watchdog as we once thought it to be?

Brian Williams can remain the overpaid reader of news as given to him by NBC for all I care. If you choose to watch him that's your choice. I won't.... Don't trust Brian Williams or the NBC Network to provide me with honest reporting of the news. Dan Rather me once but not twice.... NBC seems to foster a culture of creativity in news I find unsavory. That's about the best I can say.
Tell us where is the best place to get the news.
Our news is so polarized and often agenda driven anymore, that I try to get my news from multiple sources and then sift all of it to arrive at some semblance of truth.
This. People do themselves a disservice if they take their news from just one source.
Originally posted by robo222:
I thank everyone for their responses to the original post... I've especialy enjoyed the creative photoshops
I enjoyed the Photoshops as well. I think we were all inspired by Brian Williams' work on these very boards.

This latest fiasco isn't the first time Williams has courted controversy. Who could forget his "statement" during the medal ceremony after winning the 200m gold medal at the '68 Olympics in Mexico City?

"Looks like it, his integrity is now called into question. If he worked for Foxnews it wouldn't matter."

Williams should move over to Fox and do a report from one of France's "no go zones," which, it turns out, don't actually exist. Those "no go zones" sure had some Paddock foam a' frothin'. Why are the regulars here not upset about this?
It's being reported now that Williams "exaggerated" some of his experiences during Hurricane Katrina as well.
Something always seemed weird about the guy to me. Just always seemed insincere, way too much of a polished act.
I don't see how he survives this. It's become such a internet/photoshop/social media feeding frenzy that it just seems beyond repair.
Originally posted by Big Blue 1977:

"Looks like it, his integrity is now called into question. If he worked for Foxnews it wouldn't matter."

Williams should move over to Fox and do a report from one of France's "no go zones," which, it turns out, don't actually exist. Those "no go zones" sure had some Paddock foam a' frothin'. Why are the regulars here not upset about this?
Because the way Fox News reports the news is exactly the how they want it to be told.
As the face of NBC news, paid millions per year, he has to go.
However, before some of you get too indignant, Bill O'Reilly has made similar claims before. Reagan was a desk jockey in WWII, but claimed to have witnessed the liberation of a concentration camp..
Originally posted by ktbug:
Reagan was a desk jockey in WWII, but claimed to have witnessed the liberation of a concentration camp..
If what you say is true, I hope NBC fires his lying ass too.
He has to go. NBC doesn't have a choice.

I always liked him and he was respected on both sides of the aisle, politically. IIRC, he was named the most trusted newscaster.

I don't watch the news for politics because I couldn't care less. I like NBC Evening news because of Brian and Richard Engle. He is a great foreign affairs reporter.

Guess I'll start looking around.....