Originally posted by robo222:
I thank everyone for their responses to the original post... I've especialy enjoyed the creative photoshops and comments regarding Brian's situation... My final word before his,LIE, slips into the abyss of insignificance.....
He did lie. It's as simple as that. If you are of the mindset that a person can become confused about being on a helicopter under enemy fire, well good luck... If you're of the thought that it's no big deal? Fine; I got nothing to say about that that's going to do anything other than piss you off...
The moral of the story in my opinion is larger than the singular incident of his lie. He wasn't alone on the chopper... Other NBC people were on the chopper... If nothing happens to him (and nothing will) it supports my belief that NBC knew about the myth and supported its telling. It's not a liberal or conservative thing because the truth isn't owned by anyone but the honest...
Are we being led by the dishonest, who's stories are reported by the dishonest, who work for the dishonest?
Is the media our watchdog as we once thought it to be?
Brian Williams can remain the overpaid reader of news as given to him by NBC for all I care. If you choose to watch him that's your choice. I won't.... Don't trust Brian Williams or the NBC Network to provide me with honest reporting of the news. Dan Rather me once but not twice.... NBC seems to foster a culture of creativity in news I find unsavory. That's about the best I can say.