Breen, Rivers, Burke. New espn Big Three

I dont really watch the NBA much anyways but doesn't seem like an upgrade to me at all.

DB is very good and sure Rivers will be fine as well but the prior team had great chemistry.
Doris Burke is garbage. She has gotten and will continue to get more criticism when people actually listen to her broadcasts instead of wanting to get credit for liking a meme of her dribbling a ball (she played CBB at Providence) as some sort of socially woke badge of acceptance. It's the sports equivalent of guys who pretend to be sensitive with artsy girls in their attempt to get laid.

Doc Rivers is in the Doug Collins grouping of anytime he's out of coaching, you gain an elite analyst. He's tremendous on TV and that is a big upgrade to land him with Breen. Throwing Burke in there....forced and awful but it won't take long for viewers to turn on her the more they actually have to listen to her analysis and not judge everything off what people on social media say.
Doris Burke is garbage. She has gotten and will continue to get more criticism when people actually listen to her broadcasts instead of wanting to get credit for liking a meme of her dribbling a ball (she played CBB at Providence) as some sort of socially woke badge of acceptance. It's the sports equivalent of guys who pretend to be sensitive with artsy girls in their attempt to get laid.

Doc Rivers is in the Doug Collins grouping of anytime he's out of coaching, you gain an elite analyst. He's tremendous on TV and that is a big upgrade to land him with Breen. Throwing Burke in there....forced and awful but it won't take long for viewers to turn on her the more they actually have to listen to her analysis and not judge everything off what people on social media say.
I don’t like listening to Rivers no matter how good he supposedly is. He would be the first person championing Burke for this along with Popovich. Both of them are wokesters. I don’t mind Dorris all that much but she’s not NBA material.
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This shows how out of touch ESPN actually is. Van Gundy was pretty much universally liked. Him and Jackson crush Rivers and Burke. I actually like Dorris but she’s not a NBA announcer. The NBA needs to give all the rights to TNT.
NBA needs to get the hell away from ESPN/ABC period. They are awful covering the sport and the NBA Draft should be given to TNT like the old days. ESPN's coverage of this past Draft should have them banned from consideration to cover the sport.
NBA needs to get the hell away from ESPN/ABC period. They are awful covering the sport and the NBA Draft should be given to TNT like the old days. ESPN's coverage of this past Draft should have them banned from consideration to cover the sport.
ESPN under the ownership of Disney has sunk to levels I didn’t think possible.
I don’t watch NBA but I actually like Doris Burke. I’d rather listen to her than half of the people calling games.
ESPN under the ownership of Disney has sunk to levels I didn’t think possible.
I'm in the minority but I only watch games and if there's a studio show I watch it's Inside the NBA after the games are played that night. Never the pregame talk. Also only watch that show if it's Ernie, Kenny, Charles and Shaq-not the fill in crew.
He's excellent on TV and already has done it for years. His voice doesn't get like that as he's not coaching and yelling over crowds all year.
You may be right about Rivers, but growing up as a huge Bulls fan in the 90s, I remember him doing a lot of Bulls games on TNT after he retired.

Could have been because I was a lot younger and don't remember it well, but was never impressed with his broadcasting. Maybe I will have to pull up some old Bulls games on YouTube from the 90s to refresh my memory...
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I'm in the minority but I only watch games and if there's a studio show I watch it's Inside the NBA after the games are played that night. Never the pregame talk. Also only watch that show if it's Ernie, Kenny, Charles and Shaq-not the fill in crew.
That’s usually who I pay attention too, I like listening to Van Gundy call games though.
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Only watch ESPN when UK is playing football or basketball, I have the sound off listening to Tom with Jeff or Tom with Jack. If UK was never on ESPN, my TVs wouldn’t waste the electricity.
That last line summarizes it. This is all about ESPN wanting to claim credit for making a woman its No. 1 basketball analyst. It has nothing to do with who is actually the best, instead it's just about what ESPN thinks it represents.

They'll miss Van Gundy more than they realize. He had a nice following simply because of his blunt honesty. If a ref's call sucked, if a decision was dumb, if player was being lazy, he explicitly said it without trying to be diplomatic. Dude was unusually willing to say exactly what he actually thought without regard for what he's "supposed to" say. And viewers liked it.
ESPN is more about being seen as woke and virtue signaling than they are about covering sports professionally these days. Van Gundy was let go because he's a older, balding white guy. Mark Jackson was most likely let go because Doc Rivers was available and is seen as more relevant. Burke was hired because she is a woman. At this point Breen should just count his lucky stars he wasn't replaced by Dylan Mulvaney.
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That last line summarizes it. This is all about ESPN wanting to claim credit for making a woman its No. 1 basketball analyst. It has nothing to do with who is actually the best, instead it's just about what ESPN thinks it represents.

They'll miss Van Gundy more than they realize. He had a nice following simply because of his blunt honesty. If a ref's call sucked, if a decision was dumb, if player was being lazy, he explicitly said it without trying to be diplomatic. Dude was unusually willing to say exactly what he actually thought without regard for what he's "supposed to" say. And viewers liked it.
Then rating will continue to fall and hopefully they will have to sell eventually. They are already looking at a bleak forecast for the future with a significant portion of their investments not producing and some losing money.