
4-6 weeks has been thrown around since mid September. Just about all that can be said about Bradshaw and his UK status has been said multiple times. Maybe he plays maybe he doesn't.

Z seems more likely to play first as I see it. If either or both play by Dec 1 then it is a win for UK. This is an entertaining team that could be pretty good by the start of conference play but they are going nowhere (by UK standards) without one or both of the bigs

UGO is probably done at UK at least for this season and given the 2 committed bigs for next year he is gone anyway
With all the injuries this year I wouldn’t be surprised to see Cal try and keep him and Z next year even with the Freshman. It would be nice to have 4 quality bigs and 2 with experience(small as it may be, depending on who plays this year.)
Cal has no obligation to tell the fanbase anything. Those are team matters. Even the women’s coach at LSU gets it. When badgered about the where abouts of her star player, she responded why do yuh keep asking for information that you are not entitled to know.

keep moving the goal posts.
That makes me wonder if Bradshaw's camp DID have something to do with him not practicing / playing at this point. If that's the case then Cal needs to put an end to this crap.
They probably wanted him to be 100% or as close to not reinjuring it just playing as possible. Vanderbilt is exhibit A for kids with a pro future to not rush. Frustrating yes but understandable.

I’m fine with that. Just the idea that he’s on his way back rather than pulling a Shaedon Sharpe is a huge relief. We need a big man BAD.
4-6 weeks has been thrown around since mid September. Just about all that can be said about Bradshaw and his UK status has been said multiple times. Maybe he plays maybe he doesn't.

Z seems more likely to play first as I see it. If either or both play by Dec 1 then it is a win for UK. This is an entertaining team that could be pretty good by the start of conference play but they are going nowhere (by UK standards) without one or both of the bigs

UGO is probably done at UK at least for this season and given the 2 committed bigs for next year he is gone anyway
Do what?! Where is this coming from with Ugo?! Been said for awhile now that he will return around two weeks after Bradshaw.
Truth be told Im not worried about Bradshaw or Ivisic. I'm worried about Onyenso. Not his injury. I'm worried about how he's going to fit on this team. Big Z and Bradshaw can get down the court much easier in a faster paced, my bad, faster paste offense. Defensively he might be alright. Offensively, he's still fairly far behind because of injury.
The short answer is he doesn’t,
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Which is pretty much what I expected after his great private workout, he’s progressing. Hopefully he’s good to go for Miami. That would be YUGE!

I think you've cracked the code. He'll be back for Miami. Why? Because like you said, that would be yuge. What else is yugely great? Mar a Lago. And where is that located? Just north of Miami. The signs have been there all along.
Well, he actually did say it was 4 to 6 weeks originally.. but that was from him and not a doctor or anything. Players are optimistic and want to play.

Still, it SEEMS he was fine to do a lot of activity in the recent months. .
Right, that's not 3-4 though.
How is that moving the goal posts?

Pitino never talked about player injuries. Bill Self doesn't at Kansas. You KNOW Coach K never did it.

Why do you expect Cal to tell you every little detail, otherwise it's "moving the goal posts"? Makes zero sense.
I think this brings up a good point and it's one I've mentioned here before. Other coaches do exactly the same things that Cal does, people here just don't realize it because they don't hang on every word those other coaches say.
Truth be told Im not worried about Bradshaw or Ivisic. I'm worried about Onyenso. Not his injury. I'm worried about how he's going to fit on this team. Big Z and Bradshaw can get down the court much easier in a faster paced, my bad, faster paste offense. Defensively he might be alright. Offensively, he's still fairly far behind because of injury.
I think Onyenso is going to red shirt
They probably wanted him to be 100% or as close to not reinjuring it just playing as possible. Vanderbilt is exhibit A for kids with a pro future to not rush. Frustrating yes but understandable.

This. It isn't that complicated. If he truly had a hairline foot fracture and required surgery it must have been severe enough to require it. The kid is 18 years old and 7'2" feet tall. It would be expected to be managed with significant caution.

Also, I've read several posters say that this happened in March...I'm not sure if the injury did, but it wasn't reported until mid June. I don't think the surgery was until closer to late that month.

So it has really been like 5 months since surgery. He's missed 4 games and people should relax. Hopefully he is back Friday or next week at latest.
This. It isn't that complicated. If he truly had a hairline foot fracture and required surgery it must have been severe enough to require it. The kid is 18 years old and 7'2" feet tall. It would be expected to be managed with significant caution.

Also, I've read several posters say that this happened in March...I'm not sure if the injury did, but it wasn't reported until mid June. I don't think the surgery was until closer to late that month.

So it has really been like 5 months since surgery. He's missed 4 games and people should relax. Hopefully he is back Friday or next week at latest.
Yeah in June it was reported 4-6 months. They probably didn’t know of surgery was required until a couple months healing showed it was needed.
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I’d say it’s less to do with injury and more to do with he’s just not very good
I don’t know about all that. He was ranked quite high in his original class, higher than Bradshaw in some. Also, he has damn good timing for blocked shots. That’s rather obvious by watching him play. We don’t have another guy like him on the entire roster. Now, his offense is somewhat weak. I’ll agree there.
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With all the injuries this year I wouldn’t be surprised to see Cal try and keep him and Z next year even with the Freshman. It would be nice to have 4 quality bigs and 2 with experience(small as it may be, depending on who plays this year.)
Some of you guys are so clueless. Cal try and keep bradshaw, a projected top ten pick for another year.. LOL Z may come back but Bradshaw, Wagner, Dillingham and Edwards are all gone off this team. You might as well call that sharpie at this point.
One thing I have yet to see anyone really mention in the national media, during live broadcasts, etc. is the fact that Bradshaw finished the Rivals recruiting rankings as the second best recruit in the nation, behind Collier. He was ahead of Edwards, Holland, Wagner, the G-League Ignite kid that everyone pegged for Duke, and so on from this class ...

... they rank bigs on NBA potential mostly, but if Bradshaw is who everyone thinks he is, he should be UK's most talented player.
I hope he plays but so far anybody that did say that is right. We're going on 6 months for what was originally told to be a 3-4 Week injury.
Well you didn't read the correct articles then. They were said to be completely wrong on that assumption and he wouldn't be back until Oct or November
There is no world in which a broken bone that requires surgery is a month long ordeal. If someone legit said that I apologize for my laugh emoji. If anything per timelines I've read he is a month behind...yeah, that's a while but it is also a big with an NBA future...hard to blame him.
You would be wrong w/ this assertion. Sam Bowie missed the better part of 2 years w/ a stress (which I believe is what AB has?) fracture in his shin
And that has exactly what to do with now? Happened once so happens every time now? I’m just trying to get my arms around a very ludicrous rationalization.
Happened once, so it's no longer unprecedented...pandora's box is open and there's always the chance it could happen again.
Well you didn't read the correct articles then. They were said to be completely wrong on that assumption and he wouldn't be back until Oct or November
Bradshaw agreed it would be a 4-6 week injury originally. Maybe that changed. Either way we're going on month 6. Lets also not forget this injury supposedly occurred in the MCDAA game or near that time, that was the end of March. Then we didn't start to even hear about an injury until June a full month after and even that was a weird situation where it seemed like it was trying to be hidden. Some of you can act like everything has been normal with Bradshaw but it absolutely has not. I think he will play soon but who knows.
The short answer is he doesn’t,
He will be a great asset to the team; maybe not in the same role that mitchell's been playing, but the kid will be a beast of a rim protector and a helluva lob finisher outta the short corner. Dude can also get up and down the floor; the only thing I can see he's behind the other bigs is as a jump-shooter, and a less than stellar jump shot can definitely be worked around when you're a 7 foot athlete
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We will need him for Miami.
Is Miami a ton better than Kansas (who lost badly last night to Marquette (LOL)). We held our own against Kansas. I would think we could hold our own against Miami without Bradshaw. I would love to have him for Marshall and Miami but we know Cal never ever moves that fast.
How is that moving the goal posts?

Pitino never talked about player injuries. Bill Self doesn't at Kansas. You KNOW Coach K never did it.

Why do you expect Cal to tell you every little detail, otherwise it's "moving the goal posts"? Makes zero sense.
Simple google search.
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Yawn. Of course he won’t be back for Miami. Top 10 team in Rupp, huge game for seeding… chance for Cal to actually beat a ranked team for once… nah. Can’t have Aaron playing in that!
Not if he’s not ready he shouldn’t
So far people who have no idea what’s going on and aren’t doctor have slandered Bradshaw and questioned his integrity. I’m laughing at how stupid they’re about to look.
No, we are slandering and questioning the integrity of Klutch. Bradshaw has no say in whether he plays or not. Same with Sharpe. They are being manipulated, that’s the speculation.
Wait, what about Shaedon Sharpe, Klutch, reports, and the clueless Karen’s who said he’ll never play? This can’t be true.
People like you also said that Sharpe would definitely be playing for us at some point, and he never did. You need to remember that. You guys were wrong. The Klutch smoke from the summer was real. The Shaedon Sharpe stuff was real. Your attempt to mock Kentucky fans for being cautionary is silly and makes you look silly.