Boom Williams

He was a special commitment in June of

‘14, actually the first thread I remember Grumpy’s participation was discussing former Georgia commit, Boom Williams, and this new, monster UGA commit, Nick Chubb.

I was surprised he never took a snap in the NFL.

The same about NFL, thought he had a real shot.
He seemed a little injury prone here and probably should've stayed one more year. But glad to see he's still playing. He was our first legit RB under stoops, the Benny&Boom season where each had 1k+ would've been fun if we could have thrown the ball with consistency
Unfortunately my memory of Boom Williams is dominated by his pouting and quitting the team then unquitting, then leaving early to go pro when he hadn't a snowball's chance in hell of making the NFL
When boom reversed field and scored against Florida was the first moment I thought UK was really heading in the right direction. He was literally as athletic as Florida and I had never seen that before. It was a moment

Then he somehow gets ran down vs vandy after what should've been a breakaway td. I couldn't believe it
I thought Booms Dad was a riot, I guess some didn't. I spoke to him on several occasions at the game, he was easy to pick out of a crowd!