Blue and yellow?

With the ever changing world of alternate jerseys and logos, how would you feel if Kentucky expiremented with bringing back yellow? I don't know if I've ever seen an actual historical piece of that, but it's described as a "light yellow". What say you, BBN?

Kentucky basketball never wore yellow as the color was dropped well before the basketball program was even created. So while it may be interesting to see, I vote no.
With the ever changing world of alternate jerseys and logos, how would you feel if Kentucky expiremented with bringing back yellow? I don't know if I've ever seen an actual historical piece of that, but it's described as a "light yellow". What say you, BBN?
The Big Yellow Nation. Go Big Yellow. Big Yellow Wall. Sorry no.
It’s another color palette to play with that has legitimacy, wtf does it hurt to take a look? Personally a little light yellow piping or even light yellow numbers are not gonna bother me.
I’m thinking it will all work at long as the shorts have fur trim. Sable since we are the gold standard.
Please do not give Barnhart any ideas.
Here we go, again. Yes, every 70+ yo fan at Rupp gives millions a year to UK. Easily one of the biggest misconceptions that gets tossed around here on RRs. I'm not sure if you're aware, but people that age age start thinking about what they're leaving for family, not pampered athletes.
craft is 73, just saying... and if your are very wealthy at 70... you've set your family
obviously, not all; before someone says it
craft is 73, just saying... and if your are very wealthy at 70... you've set your family
obviously, not all; before someone says it
I know. It's just there's some idea floated around here that any 70+ year old fan inside Rupp arena are the sole reason the lights are even on. Some of those folks simply have fun money due to a lifetime of living financially responsible/no debt. They aren't all cutting annual eight figure checks to UK. Personally, outside of some travel, I think it'd be a fantstic way to spend retirement years. So, good for them!
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