Blackout for UK vs. Vandy

I always love how some fans are so anti things like this. While yes, it’s a little late to put it out, it adds to the atmosphere of the game.
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Isn’t that half of Vanderbilt’s color combination, Black and gold?

Only at UK would we see a Blackout for a game against a team that has the color black in their uniforms. The Vanderbilt players will look up into the crowd and think they're playing a home game.

That was my initial thought as well. However, the nice thing is a lot of teams do "black outs" now, so it isn't quite the same.

More importantly, by doing a black out for Vandy, if their fans show up wearing black, it adds to the look instead of detracting from it... as opposed to the BBN blue section messing up the "stripe out" Ole Miss was trying to pull off (and did pretty well except for the UK fans). So, maybe the perfect opponents for black outs are Vandy & MIZZOU?
I lean towards the chrome helmet with the anthracite uniforms; however, the blue helmet and the blue pants should look very sharp! The uniforms don't matter to me so long as we win. GO CATS!!
So does this mean UK is wearing all black unis? Usually the road team wears white so that could make sense. Generally when schools do this type of stuff the home team wears the same colors with whatever the color out is for the fans. But UK never seems to do it correctly.

I actually think all black with white helmets looks pretty sharp or at least it does on NCAA25
So does this mean UK is wearing all black unis? Usually the road team wears white so that could make sense. Generally when schools do this type of stuff the home team wears the same colors with whatever the color out is for the fans. But UK never seems to do it correctly.

I actually think all black with white helmets looks pretty sharp or at least it does on NCAA25
Blue helmets, pants and gloves; and, black jerseys and shoes! GO CATS!!
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The uk black jerseys look cheap and ugly... not a fan... why do kids still think this is "cool" and edgy... it's really not, kids thought the same 30 years ago, nothing new. If they win , don't care what they wear though.
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I know some people in Nashville that say VANDY players think they will absolutely stomp the shit out of UK.
Some people will criticize anything and everything.

The only real issue with this is that our fans never do it justice. Maybe that's due to everyone denigrating it instead of getting behind it.
I don't mind a blackout but it is pretty incredible that they waited this long to announce it. How hard is it to plan this shit out in advance? Penn St announces their white out game before the season starts.
Oregon does this perfectly too. Every game, prior to the season, is designated as a specific color (green, yellow, white, black) so people know well in advance. The bookstore on campus always sells a relatively cheap shirt (15ish bucks) of that weeks color the week before the game.

I almost feel like at an athletics marketing meeting on Wednesday, someone said, “we should do a black out this Saturday” and they sent it out.

I’m all about the premise, but a majority of the time, they put it out so late.
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Some people will criticize anything and everything.

The only real issue with this is that our fans never do it justice. Maybe that's due to everyone denigrating it instead of getting behind it.
Our fans 'never do it justice' because our administration does not plan things out. Black is not a primary color for UK, If I had to guess I would imagine a large portion of the fanbase doesn't have any black UK gear. By announcing this 48 hours before the game the school is not giving people enough time to buy something. It's ridiculous to put this on the fans.
Our fans 'never do it justice' because our administration does not plan things out. Black is not a primary color for UK, If I had to guess I would imagine a large portion of the fanbase doesn't have any black UK gear. By announcing this 48 hours before the game the school is not giving people enough time to buy something. It's ridiculous to put this on the fans.
Why does it have to be UK gear? Just wear black - it's not that hard to do. People have excuses for anything. How much advance notice would you like to see them give?

Hint: you could order a black t-shirt right now from your phone or computer that would be delivered to your house by tomorrow morning. It probably wouldn't cost much. And lots of people have black jackets for a cool evening.
Only at UK would we see a Blackout for a game against a team that has the color black in their uniforms. The Vanderbilt players will look up into the crowd and think they're playing a home game.
Oh, that won't be a problem.
Vandy's never seen a full house at home with everybody pulling for them.
I've given UK a lot of credit for improving its marketing (the hype videos before the game, the leach cam in the booth, and the summary videos after big wins like ole miss are AWESOME), but stuff like this is so bush league. You've had two weeks to market this and you tell people to wear black the Thursday night before the game?

Others have also said that vandy has black as one of its school colors, so also a puzzling choice. Oh well, I'll be wearing black and hoping for the best.
I don't like how UKAA has marketed it but fans are always asking for more things like this and when they get them are so quick to pick them apart and complain.
Vandy wearing black pants and black helmet. This is why it's dumb.

I like how it’s a “blackout” but the team is wearing blue/black/blue uniform combo.😂😂
Please. You guys are being way too precious about this.

You think no visiting team has worn a white helmet and pants for a white out. Penn State wears black jersey for white outs. Players don't have too match.

Fans wear black. That's all you need to do. It makes stadium look cool.