If we're to take "King" Bilas words as he said, then is it not a "Conflict of interest" when there is a CBB committee selecting the NCAA Tournament? I mean some AD's are more friendly with others and some don't get along or have taken ass kickings in the past, and may hold grudges.
Dare I say is it a conflict of interest when Duke alums are swarming the airwaves to cover CBB and former ACC alums (Skipper (UNC) at ESPN and McManus (Duke) at CBS) run the networks that cover the sport the most? I mean Bilas, Williams, Gminski, Spanarkel, Hill (who has no business being assigned the top broadcast team for NCAA Tournament/Final Four), Seth Davis, how many of these guys do you need? And if there is a "favorable draw" for instance for a school (Cough---Duke) then it would be very easy to sweep under rug when said personalities are all on the air and either defend NCAA committees or ignore the issue altogether. Now god forbid that Duke had to play South Carolina in SC--then it's "unfair"--as same gentlemen trumped for Duke to be a #1 seed due to winning the ACC Tournament--which we're all told is as difficult as walking into a live combat zone with no weapon.
What happens when you choose to go to the "look at me side" of the world is exactly what you ask, people will look/listen and then you will be ripped to shreds. Despite what media heads think, majority of the CBB fans in the country tune into watch the teams/players play, and to see the best even put forward. To mess up a tournament is to put your best teams in one bracket (they've done this repeatedly) and yet we've got the talking heads in Bristol and NYC telling us "that's not the case". Ok--anyone think the South Regional was more enjoyable to watch and better basketball then the Final Four? (my hands are raised and I'm a fan--not a UK fan). However that would go against the agenda to protect Duke getting a favorable draw--again if we're to analyze their team last year, one issue was Coach K put together a shitty non conference schedule and didn't prepare his team for the tough road/neutral site games you know are ahead in a tough league. (See Jay, people can be unbiased and fair and still speak to an issue without an agenda)
We're told this league "isn't very good or deep" and this league is this--well when you have employed a majority of people from said league--then of course we'll hear that. Facts are, sports are about matchups, coaches can improve their teams during course of a season, and with pod placement of NCAA, it's often about where you play early in tournament. Yet the "Conflict of Interest" is at work (Jay, there's that phrase you have been throwing out) and here's a conflict of interest for you to think about, what is NOT a conflict of interest? Making a 30/30 about the "Death of the Big East" only to see them win a NC within 3 years of said show--you know the one you lost tv rights to? Having ACC honks ignore issues of academic fraud, widespread rules being broken, and ignoring it--because you know the head of a company is a former alum and huge booster/fan of said team involved? Now that team is say.....Texas Tech or Baylor with their issues (we know they have them btw, just saying what's different is it's involving crime and not white collar cheating/crimes that UNC is/has participated in).
Conflict of interest is pathetic. It's publicly saying Greg Sankey is incapable of being fair and judging a program based on fact. It's accusing an adult of being agenda driven. Or as Jay tried to clear up today "bad look". It has nothing to do with Kentucky.....so why did Jay bring up Kentucky--when all Sankey did was mention he'd have liked the 30/30 on Calipari to mention how his 1 and done guys return to go to school and academics are not ignored. So that factors into widespread academic fraud in what manner exactly?
Those who want to be king--be wary of the crown. Public pays attention and will call you on the bullshit you spew. People are paying attention, they just have a difference of opinion and want to know why a school being investigated for the biggest crime a University can make is being allowed to succeed and not punished? Saying Roy Williams didn't know anything is like any big time coach getting caught. Now accuse Roy Williams of "not knowing what is going on with his players, they are not working hard in offseason" and you get the "I know what's going on with them at all times.......etc......" but shit goes bad/negative and "I didn't know, how would I know..." this wasn't an agent setting up a kid or family with a home in Philly, this was fake classes being taken by kids so they could stay eligible on Campus--in Chapel Hill, and Roy is in charge of all--but he doesn't know? Pitino doesn't know strippers are hooking for his recruits? They ALL KNOW, but a Duke educated, former lawyer is going to tell us Greg Sankey is incapable of "understanding". Sure.
Bilas needs to be let go or quit. It's a conflict of interest to listen to this bullshit any longer. He's incapable of not pushing agendas and being a fair, honest analyst. Now I say this knowing it won't happen, but to point out what a pompous, self righteous prick this guy has become and how you can punch holes through this crap--and for Matt Jones to give him a forum to continue to dig a deeper hole, I say thanks--because it is a joy to watch this dickhead get exposed for what he's always been.