Bilas is becoming a parody

I see a lot of you are getting upset over this. The solution is pretty simple.

Have the NCAA publish a set of rules AND the consequences, in very straight forward simple language. You break rule #1, you will pay a price of fill in the blank.

No arguing over punishments.

Never gonna happen. The NCAA would never forfeit its ability to play favorites.
He's a joke now. I don't pay any attention to him anymore. He's bought and paid for by ESPN and he's defending UNC because of ESPN. No respect for him. UNC is guilty as the day is long.
Jay Bilas is just another mouth piece with nothing to to say.
Hate to feel compelled to post this...but this morning Jay Bilas tweeted:

Bilas is a smart dude. He's right on a lot of things when it comes to the NCAA. But he uses his enormous public platform as a spokesman for college basketball to defend powerful people and programs who have broken rules and acted unethically 100% of the time, and he uses popular outrage against the NCAA as his unspoken pretext.

He has a problem with the SEC commish being in his position but has never mentioned the Duke AD being the head of NCAA selection committee for decades? I don't see how he could complain unless ESPN, during the up coming massive layoffs, told him to fall in line or he would be next. Granted he doesn't need the money but he loves the power he has and it is so obvious with this ignorant tweet.
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Jay Bilas wants to be the guy that takes down the NCAA. His position on UNC is self serving.

He knows UNC is going to fight this and he wants to be on the side that tries to stick it to the NCAA.

He's a lawyer and a former player who believes the NCAA exploits college players.

Its not about whether he believes UNC cheated, its about him believing that he can lead a crusade against the NCAA
I do not see a conflict. The NCAA is made up of member schools who volunteer to be a part of it. The member schools belong to conferences who can be the judge if an infraction is suspected. This is the way the system is designed to work. When UK got hammered no one that I know of said before we were judged someone had a conflict of interest. To the contrary people like Dick Vitale were calling for the death penalty.

Jay Bilas is doing what his bosses want him to do and saying what he really feels. That is UNC is above the rules that apply to most members of the NCAA.
What does ESPN's failure to include content about UK's academics have to do with UNC's fake classes? I wonder if Bilas is older than we think and senility has set in.

I agree. Was he drunk when he posted that? Makes no sense at all.
Don't understand the point Bilas is making. Sankey says the 30 for 30 should have included something about the emphasis UK puts on the academics of its basketball players. He has also been critical of the academic scandal at UNC.

What is the supposed conflict?

If it wasn't for my love of UK, I would've been done with college athletics awhile ago. It's just a joke. No one is willing to call out the BS and everyone wants to toe the company line and stay with the cash cow, ethics and morals be damned. People like Bilas defend UNC/ACC at every turn no matter what. Then you got Vitale saying UL shouldn't face any punishment and just pay a fine. Really? Fake classes and sex parties are all good nowadays, just don't let the NCAA know you gave a recruit an extra bagel and cream cheese.
A lot of truth there^^^^ Well stated! The NCAA is a complete joke.
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I see a much bigger conflict of interest in someone who's as big an ACC homer as him declaring conflicts of interest in the UNC case.
Paul Dee was the athletic director at Miami during the Nevin Shapiro scandal. He was also the chairman of the COI when USC got hammered over the Reggie Bush and O.J. Mayo scandal. I don't remember Bilas or anyone else complaining about a conflict of interest about those cases.

Not to mention Dee headed a committee that had UCLA and Notre Dame representatives "investigating" and deciding USC's fate. A player/Agent issue and the UNC problem is Academic Fraud--that just so happens to happen but not with their crown jewel program/sport?
I try to think logically about Bilas. I think he made a great name for himself with his non-biased approach, even calling out Duke at times.

But he appears to have gone off the deep end. I think he really does want to pick a fight with the NCAA and this is his chance.
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Don't understand the point Bilas is making. Sankey says the 30 for 30 should have included something about the emphasis UK puts on the academics of its basketball players. He has also been critical of the academic scandal at UNC.

What is the supposed conflict?

If you are hoping for an intelligent response you are a shameless, overboard optimist.
There is no reason to believe that Sankey would be a biased judge in the case and it's pretty outrageous for them to even suggest that. Whatever someone thinks of Sankey he is a professional and you don't become SEC commissioner if you are going to obviously be petty and lack objectivity in a huge case in the spotlight. This is posturing and attacking somebody to try and control a narrative.
Didn't stop Mark Emmert from becoming leader of the NCAA...not that I don't agree with your point: it is posturing and trying to control the narrative.
In my eyes, the national media has an agenda, and the more it becomes apparent, the less credible ESPN and other outlets become.

I refuse to watch any sports programming other than the games themselves. Shows like First Take and SC6 are a joke and deserve to be sent to the seventh circle of hell.
What was missed on UK academics?
That's what I would like to know. Is he implying that UK has cheated in their academics similar to UNC??? If so that's BS. Cal emphasizes academics and his players have had a good record in that area since he's been there. As far as I know UK hasn't had anything close to the UNC scandal under previous coaches either.
Man, UNC and all their lackeys are trying to get Sankey out. They must fear him greatly.
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Apparently, the supposed reason for the charge of conflict of interest is some case at Auburn that is similar. Or some such nonsense.
Thanks, that helps explain things, and confirms it's what we were guessing before. This is stupid.

The claim is that the SEC competes with the ACC, and so Sankey, as commissioner of the SEC naturally has a relationship with that league that influences his judgment and presents an inherent conflict. As a reference point they speak of the Auburn case from about a decade ago, in which Sankey represented the SEC (not Auburn in particular, if this report is worded precisely correct). They say the Auburn case also involved academic fraud, so it's "similar" to the UNC case, and because the NCAA wasn't as aggressive in that case as they appear to be in the 3rd notice to UNC, that inconsistency apparently lays at the feet of Sankey (out of all the people involved!) and shows he's biased/conflicted.

That is a hard case to make with a straight face. Honestly. Who could they get out of the NCAA to head this case that doesn't "compete" - all member schools in theory compete with one another. This is just unc shopping for a more favorable judge, getting a few sympathetic media guys to help create the impression something fishy is going on here when nothing of the sort is happening, all in the hope that public pressure will force Sankey to step down. If they have their way on that, it will be the surest sign yet this whole thing is a sham.
As for the Auburn comparison, let's ask Memphis how consistent the NCAA is between "similar" cases. Of inconsistency by itself is enough to claim conflict, the the history of the NCAA is nothing but conflicted!
Remove any conflict of interest by ruling all lead investigators and chairs are non-P5 leaders.

At first it was Change how you decide punishment! despite precedent by both the NCAA AND nearly every criminal and civil case in the U.S. allowing judges and juries the ability to punish as they see fit based on the facts of the case.

Now it's Change the investigative procedure!

Sounds like you want a lot rules changed...
I'd like to see a link.
I remember it as well
That's what I would like to know. Is he implying that UK has cheated in their academics similar to UNC??? If so that's BS. Cal emphasizes academics and his players have had a good record in that area since he's been there. As far as I know UK hasn't had anything close to the UNC scandal under previous coaches either.
no its the opposite . He's saying the one and drones do go to class and many come back to finish their education.
It also promotes 30 for 30, which is owned by his employer. I think that's probably why he used this particular hook to beat his dumb narrative that the NCAA should not punish UNC.

FYI - the fact that Bilas spoke at a conference put on by Cadwalder (and co-presented by his law firm) is not really a smoking gun. Law firms host topical conferences all the time and invite a variety of guest panelists. That doesn't mean that the panelists are in with all the firm's clients. Now, maybe those firms (Cad and Bilas's) are tight, and he spends time talking with the Cadwalder attorneys for UNC, but mere speaking is just too tenuous.

I somewhat agree with you about the speech part. What I'd like you as well as @MattJonesKSR to agree with, since he mentioned this same point on his show today, is that it's not so much about being associated with or paid by the company putting on this speech. The fact that the moderator was Kenneth Wainstein who is the main investigator for unc, which has paid well over ten million dollars to his firm, would be more of a conflict of interest than anything else. Now, jay bilas hasn't been hired to investigate or defend anything, however, business wise, it would obviously be in his best interest to see this particular firm represent unc and succeed (to whatever extent they would consider it a success). Therefore he would obviously be very vocal in his defense of North Carolina while appearing completely neutral in order to sway public opinion in favor of the tar heels. Essentially, he might as well be drew deener to uofl at this point. Yes, he went to duke, but his law firms relationship with North Carolinas law firm representatives would make me tend to believe he has some stakes in play here, whether he admits it or not.

So, he's not doing anything wrong per say, but to say someone in the sec has a conflict of interest because he holds academics to a high standard, is absolutely asinine. If he wants someone in charge of handing down the penalties that doesn't care about academics, then he's in la la land and coming strictly from a hard headed attorneys perspective.