Big Brother 26

Better show, “The Challenge 40” (40th season) just started last night. It's going to be a good one. Looks like starting as 4 teams (1st 10 seasons, 2nd 10 seasons, 3rd, then last 10 seasons).
2nd 10 has the best group of women, but the worst group of men
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For the first time all season some people voted with their heads. I read some spoilers of who won HOH and it should be an interesting week. 😂
That was a big move to get Cedric out. I really wanted to like him but something was off with him.

The scene with Angela wanting to join their group was cringe worthy.

Tucker is growing on me as he gives 0 F***s what you think of him and is a comp beast. Just really wish he would quit the weird voices when he talks.

Tons of floaters this year.
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I bet she's a freak.

Tucker is a comp BEAST. There is not a player left in the game that can match him physically other than Cam. One of the better players to come through the house in recent memory.

Not sure why Mackensy(?) is not aligned with so many people. She is a competitor and seems like a normal person. Seems like someone people would gravitate to.

Ready for Brooklyn to leave.

Glad T'Kor and Kimo made the big move.
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Tucker is a comp BEAST. There is not a player left in the game that can match him physically other than Cam. One of the better players to come through the house in recent memory.

Not sure why Mackensy(?) is not aligned with so many people. She is a competitor and seems like a normal person. Seems like someone people would gravitate to.

Ready for Brooklyn to leave.

Glad T'Kor and Kimo made the big move.
Brooklyn keeps talking a tough game but doesn't back it up. I love when an alliance gets all cocky about their position in the game and then comes crashing to their knees. 🤣
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Tucker may be my favorite player ever. He is a loose canon and they will get him out the first chance they get but he has made what would otherwise have been a boring season entertaining.
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Tucker may be my favorite player ever. He is a loose canon and they will get him out the first chance they get but he has made what would otherwise have been a boring season entertaining.
I think his side of the house keeps him in to fight off Cam and Quinn and then they turn on him.

Is the AI arena all season long? If so, he will need to be backdoored each time b/c you cannot give him two opportunities to get himself off the block.
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If they aren't already strategizing about backdooring Tucker next week they deserve to lose to him.
Poor delusional Brooklyn went down thinking she was the strongest player in the house and that is why Tucker was after her. You literally claimed to get revenge when you won HOH...nope, then when you won POV....nope, then when you won in the AI arena.... nope and then you try to get people to vote for you to stay by saying you would win HOH and take out Tucker and everyone said.....nope.
Caught up last night.

If I was T'Kor, I would put up the other side of the house and keep Tucker close as he will always be the target by most others. If Tucker is eventually booted, this game might get boring real quick.
I hate that Brooklyn got voted out, simply because I enjoyed looking at her.

Man, everything about her screamed silicone and surgery. Makensy is much prettier and natural. Leah too. Hell, even Chelsie and Rubina aren’t bad to look at. No shortage this year.
She’s the worst, but I prefer that to some of the people who have basically been wallpaper so far.
They voted out the only entertaining person on the show. My guess is that the last month or so they will be grasping for anything to make an hour long show entertaining. All they are left with is a psychotic lady who turns on the tears at the drop of a hat and a Weird Al look a like that screams at the camera in his diary sessions.
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Hated to see Tucker leave. I did not like him at first but man he grew on me the last few weeks. He might go down as one of my favorites of all time. If they ever do an All-Star, he needs to be included. I dont ever remember seeing the whole house tore up after someone leaving.

Hoping for Cam or Makynse to win. The show could be boring from here on out but hopefully its will be interesting. If not, we have college football now and NFL in a week.
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I hadn't saw this anywhere else but Tucker apparently has on his Instagram profile that he is gay. I wonder if the conversation ever came up with Rabena?
I hadn't saw this anywhere else but Tucker apparently has on his Instagram profile that he is gay. I wonder if the conversation ever came up with Rabena?
Maybe he is just happy.

I could definitely see them both being bi.
I don't know if any of you guys check out the spoiler sites but this weeks POV meeting was another shocker.

Leah saved Angela. Does this lady have 9 lives in this game?
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Man Joseph was totally clueless. He thought he was playing the greatest game ever and had everyone eating out of the palm of his hand. He had no clue he was being sent out the door. 🤣
His talk with Angela could not have back fired any worse for him. Glad Kimo got to stay in the house.

Chelsie needs to back off trying to run the house....its going to come back to bite her.

How TF Angela is still in this house speaks volumes about this season.
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His talk with Angela could not have back fired any worse for him. Glad Kimo got to stay in the house.

Chelsie needs to back off trying to run the house....its going to come back to bite her.

How TF Angela is still in this house speaks volumes about this season.
I agree about Angela. Every time she gets that I am about to cry look on her face I want to turn the channel which is about 10-12 times per show. Who was more clueless Joseph being blindsided or Angela saying she was sorry to Kimo when she voted to evict him because she "didn't have the votes to keep him"? 🤣🤣
I agree about Angela. Every time she gets that I am about to cry look on her face I want to turn the channel which is about 10-12 times per show. Who was more clueless Joseph being blindsided or Angela saying she was sorry to Kimo when she voted to evict him because she "didn't have the votes to keep him"? 🤣🤣

T’Kor is the house boss right now. Angela is so clueless.
At this point have they let Angela skate by to the point she wins because she was able to be nominated so many times and never be evicted?
At this point have they let Angela skate by to the point she wins because she was able to be nominated so many times and never be evicted?
Could not imagine being in the jury house with a pissed off/sore loser mentality that Angela has.
Leah should have given Quinn a lil’ somethin somethin. Dude was down bad

I may appear to be a left-leaning, bleeding heart, French-speaking pansy ass, but if Kimo uses the “rEpReSeNtAtIoN” line one more time to beg for votes, he should be kicked off the game. Such a bitch.

Still waiting for the Cam/Makenzy hookup.

Looks and body being irrelevant, who would you want to suffer through a conversation with, Angela or that Rachel chick from a season a while ago?