Bevin vs Beshear for KY governor

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the AP still showing zero results from Russell co .. any idea why ? Could this effect the outcome ?
It’s a perfect example of why we have an electoral college for the Presidential election.

Look, I'm just killing time until tip off so I'll bite.

The electoral college is a ridiculous system and most political experts would agree. It's not a fair system when small states get the same amount of senators as large states.

Popular vote is the only fair system unless you think that all votes shouldn't be counted equally. Sounds like that's what you're saying, so agree to disagree.
Look, I'm just killing time until tip off so I'll bite.

The electoral college is a ridiculous system and most political experts would agree. It's not a fair system when small states get the same amount of senators as large states.

Popular vote is the only fair system unless you think that all votes shouldn't be counted equally. Sounds like that's what you're saying, so agree to disagree.

Well I live in a democratic republic, so I’m cool with a system that doesn’t just go by majority rules.
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The bottom line is this. The state is clearly pro-Republican. Any other Repub running for governor would have won tonight. Futher, beshear will accomplish little if any of what he campaigned on because neither the house nor senate will support anything he comes up with.

beshear didn't win. Bevin lost.
Exactly, but you should read the comments on other websites. Liberals think they've already won in 2020 because of Bevin's loss and the turnaround in Virginia. Bevin had to be one of the most unpopular governors in state history. Rick Pitino could have run as a Republican and won but Bevin was just unelectable for a second term.
I know teachers who would normally vote GOP who are voting for Beshear. The rest of the ticket is killing the Dems. Gonna be a close race for Gov.
My sister is a teacher and said the same thing. She did not vote for Beshear but all of her colleagues did.
Look, I'm just killing time until tip off so I'll bite.

The electoral college is a ridiculous system and most political experts would agree. It's not a fair system when small states get the same amount of senators as large states.

Popular vote is the only fair system unless you think that all votes shouldn't be counted equally. Sounds like that's what you're saying, so agree to disagree.
The electoral college isn’t about senator counts...

A state is small enough in my opinion that popular vote is just fine...but people in California have different values, needs, obstacles than people in Iowa vs people in FL, NY electoral is a pretty strong to account for those differences. (And states of different sizes have different electoral vote counts)

And since you mentioned the senate having two per, youd also need to acknowledge that the house is not setup that way and based on population...pretty great setup that They thought of.
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The electoral college isn’t about senator counts...

A state is small enough in my opinion that popular vote is just fine...but people in California have different values, needs, obstacles than people in Iowa vs people in FL, NY electoral is a pretty strong to account for those differences. (And states of different sizes have different electoral vote counts)

I respect that argument for the electoral college. I disagree, but I respect that take.
So ironic that they are electing the son of the guy who did so much to create the pension problem in the first place. Good luck with that...
Go figure. I've been away from the state for over 35 years but didn't hear a whole lot of good about Bevin but for him to lose something had to be really wrong.
I do find it very amusing you couldn’t find a Democrat who had a single issue with electoral college until Bush v Gore in 2000. After Gore won popular vote the rumblings started. Combine that with Trump Hillary and their collective heads have exploded. All of the sudden it’s the most unfair system ever invented.

the founding fathers setup the electoral college specifically for this intended purpose. The elections should be representative of all parts of the country both rural and urban . If it’s based on popular vote the dense population areas, which literally are ALL highly blue, would completely control and dictate every election.

that would be precisely what the constitution and founders were trying to prevent when the electoral college was created. I guess I don’t blame the dems for trying bc if it were changed they would never lose another major election. But for that reason it will never happen. Pretty sure they need 2/3 majority to do so.
Look, I'm just killing time until tip off so I'll bite.

The electoral college is a ridiculous system and most political experts would agree. It's not a fair system when small states get the same amount of senators as large states.

Popular vote is the only fair system unless you think that all votes shouldn't be counted equally. Sounds like that's what you're saying, so agree to disagree.

I think the guys who came up with it were probably the only experts I care about.

How hard is this? Without the EC there’s no reason for small states to want to be in a Union.
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the founding fathers setup the electoral college specifically for this intended purpose. The elections should be representative of all parts of the country both rural and urban .
This is a popular idea since the Trump election but it's wrong. It was intended to be a protection between regions, specifically slave states and free states.
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This is a popular idea since the Trump election but it's wrong. It was intended to be a protection between regions, specifically slave states and free states.

Them being slave states had nothing to do with it. They were simply more rural.
The point of the electoral college is to maintain the Union. Why would a rural State want to be a part of a union ruled by Urban states? They wouldn’t, is the simple answer.
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I do find it very amusing you couldn’t find a Democrat who had a single issue with electoral college until Bush v Gore in 2000. After Gore won popular vote the rumblings started. Combine that with Trump Hillary and their collective heads have exploded. All of the sudden it’s the most unfair system ever invented.

the founding fathers setup the electoral college specifically for this intended purpose. The elections should be representative of all parts of the country both rural and urban . If it’s based on popular vote the dense population areas, which literally are ALL highly blue, would completely control and dictate every election.

that would be precisely what the constitution and founders were trying to prevent when the electoral college was created. I guess I don’t blame the dems for trying bc if it were changed they would never lose another major election. But for that reason it will never happen. Pretty sure they need 2/3 majority to do so.

BS. I made a speech for public speaking 101 about how the EC is flawed when I was a senior in HS taking classes at Owensboro CC in 1997.

I also wrote a paper that year on why Reagan was one of the most underrated presidents ever.
This is a popular idea since the Trump election but it's wrong. It was intended to be a protection between regions, specifically slave states and free states.

It was specially created so that each state was equally represented. Just a quick google search returned this:
Them being slave states had nothing to do with it. They were simply more rural.
The point of the electoral college is to maintain the Union. Why would a rural State want to be a part of a union ruled by Urban states? They wouldn’t, is the simple answer.

yes I know about the 3/5 compromise between the states and the original intentions. But, this was not only the intentions of the founders. The electoral college created a more even playing field between urban and rural states and that played some part in the thinking.

regardless as to why they created the college, it is here to stay and it is the most fair system possible. A true popular vote election would create a scenario where the populous states would always dictate the outcome. That’s not what anyone who truly wants a fair system
Should want.

the dems should really concentrate on winning the battleground states of Ohio, Wisconsin and PA. As opposed to whining about a system that has been in place for over 200 years.
Hey, if this gets idiots to give more of their money to ol Amy, then it's a win.

There's still no chance Mitch is in trouble
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I do find it very amusing you couldn’t find a Democrat who had a single issue with electoral college until Bush v Gore in 2000. After Gore won popular vote the rumblings started. Combine that with Trump Hillary and their collective heads have exploded. All of the sudden it’s the most unfair system ever invented.

the founding fathers setup the electoral college specifically for this intended purpose. The elections should be representative of all parts of the country both rural and urban . If it’s based on popular vote the dense population areas, which literally are ALL highly blue, would completely control and dictate every election.

that would be precisely what the constitution and founders were trying to prevent when the electoral college was created. I guess I don’t blame the dems for trying bc if it were changed they would never lose another major election. But for that reason it will never happen. Pretty sure they need 2/3 majority to do so.
Would have to be ratified by 3/4 of the states as well. That would be 38. Ain't happening.
Bevin had 192,000 MORE votes than he did in 2015 when he won by 85,000 and somehow still lost.

To say the Trump base wasn't motivated is a falicy, Bevin simply pissed off about 300,000 voters who didn't care to vote in the 2015 election and the libertarian candidate took just enough votes from Bevin.

If Bevin keeps his mouth shut, he wins. But he pissed off a large group that just wanted him gone.
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Of course. The most people live in those cities. It's still total votes statewide taken in aggregate. The Lex and Lou votes count the same as the Clay county ones.

It's disingenuous because he's acting like the Lex and Lou voters don't represent the views of the entire state. They may slant D but the votes are the votes.
Maybe come up with some % of influence that Louisville and Lexington should have, then only collect that much of the state's tax revenue from those 2 cities IMO.
This is not a liberal win, this is Bevins being stupid. He lost this with one simple move. I can't believe it was this close to begin with. That really shows imo how little liberals represent the state.
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This is not a liberal win, this is Bevins being stupid. He lost this with one simple move. I can't believe it was this close to begin with. That really shows imo how little liberals represent the state.
Yeah, never pick a fight with teachers. Everyone loves teachers. I have also met several people in Louisville that knew Bevin before he ever ran for any office and nearly unanimously they were unimpressed with him and surprised he had wrangled his way into politics along with thinking he was a jerk. Beshear will be out in 4 years and won't accomplish anything.
Beshear may get medical marijuana and gambling passed. Abortion? NOPE Sanctuary cities? NOPE
This is a popular idea since the Trump election but it's wrong. It was intended to be a protection between regions, specifically slave states and free states.

You are incorrect. I've read a multitude of books on the Revolution, our first Presidents, the Continental Congresses, did year long studies and reports (for fun) on John Adams, James Monroe, and General Charles Lee.

The electoral college was in large part an idea by Alexander Hamilton whom feared a tyrant could still convince a majority of voters in one populous area to vote for them and that something must stand in their way (Hamilton, although a Patriot, didn't really trust the masses and believed the rich and successful should be the only ones in government). It was more or less a compromise between those that believed in mob rule and those that believed only people in high power (in Congress) should choose a President or atleast have the main say. For those in smaller states, it served to assure their voice was heard.

The only good argument against how the Electoral college is used today (compared to how it was intended), is that many believe that the founding fathers would have preferred electorals be split within a state based off of how that state votes, instead of a winner take all system that is used in most states. And that's a valid point. But beyond that, it is pretty well used how the Founding Fathers wanted it used or atleast compromised on how it should be used.

Sorry to go all nerd, but the Electoral college may not be perfect, but it makes the voices of the rural factory workers, tradesmen, farmers, etc heard where as without that, many elections would just be a battle of who can appease to LA, Houston, NYC, and all the other big cities the most. Which in turn would be a bunch of policies that help big cities. Anyone in KY arguing against the electoral college is quite appalling. Most of the Midwest itself would be largely ignored if not for the electoral college.
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Look, I'm just killing time until tip off so I'll bite.

The electoral college is a ridiculous system and most political experts would agree. It's not a fair system when small states get the same amount of senators as large states.

Popular vote is the only fair system unless you think that all votes shouldn't be counted equally. Sounds like that's what you're saying, so agree to disagree.

serious question. Do you know why we don’t use the popular vote?
It takes years of training to master.
Like posting photos?
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So dumb, I get why they don’t like Bevin, but true libertarians would not have tried to sabotage a conservative in favor of a far left democrat. SMH

Bevins is a moral authoritarian in that he wishes to dictate law according to his beliefs. Much like how some far-left try to curb citizens' choices through tax/banning items or conduct in ones life. i.e. New York soda tax

It's a choice between a turd burger and a poop sandwich.

In both elections Bevins had to latch on to someone to drum up support.
The county clerk in 2016 which eventually cost tax payers 1/4 million $ in court costs. And this election he needed a Trump bump.
Look, I'm just killing time until tip off so I'll bite.

The electoral college is a ridiculous system and most political experts would agree. It's not a fair system when small states get the same amount of senators as large states.

Popular vote is the only fair system unless you think that all votes shouldn't be counted equally. Sounds like that's what you're saying, so agree to disagree.
You are so clueless !
You are incorrect. I've read a multitude of books on the Revolution, our first Presidents, the Continental Congresses, did year long studies and reports (for fun) on John Adams, James Monroe, and General Charles Lee.

The electoral college was in large part an idea by Alexander Hamilton whom feared a tyrant could still convince a majority of voters in one populous area to vote for them and that something must stand in their way (Hamilton, although a Patriot, didn't really trust the masses and believed the rich and successful should be the only ones in government). It was more or less a compromise between those that believed in mob rule and those that believed only people in high power (in Congress) should choose a President or atleast have the main say. For those in smaller states, it served to assure their voice was heard.

The only good argument against how the Electoral college is used today (compared to how it was intended), is that many believe that the founding fathers would have preferred electorals be split within a state based off of how that state votes, instead of a winner take all system that is used in most states. And that's a valid point. But beyond that, it is pretty well used how the Founding Fathers wanted it used or atleast compromised on how it should be used.

Sorry to go all nerd, but the Electoral college may not be perfect, but it makes the voices of the rural factory workers, tradesmen, farmers, etc heard where as without that, many elections would just be a battle of who can appease to LA, Houston, NYC, and all the other big cities the most. Which in turn would be a bunch of policies that help big cities. Anyone in KY arguing against the electoral college is quite appalling. Most of the Midwest itself would be largely ignored if not for the electoral college.
You sir are correct !
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