Best rock band to be big internationally that never really made it in US

Cannot believe that no one has mentioned the Bay City Rollers. Greatest band from Britain that I never listened to, never bought a record from, or ever saw live.
Oasis was the first band that came to my mind too. Not that they didn't make it in the US, but their success here was never in line with the success they had elsewhere. Noel Gallagher is sort of the godfather or statesman of british music.

They were popular during one and a half tours here, but they wound up having a feud with Sony and Sony stopped promoting their albums in the US after SOTSOG, and they sort of fell off the face of North America, to the point hat a lot of people didn't even know they were still making hit albums and touring elsewhere up through 2009.

Regardless, they had massive album sales for a couple albums in a row, so to say they didn't make it is not exactly true.

Noel Gallagher's latest album that just came out is exceptional. His last one was really good, too, but more similar to his later Oasis stuff (a lot of it was written and demos recorded then, so it makes sense)
Roxy Music was huge in the UK. Inspired fifty percent of the early Mtv videos from British invasion bands.
Originally posted by argubs2:
You know, I've never understood the universal reverence for Morrissey. He's always been such a whiney pussy to me and I've never been able to overcome that with The Smiths or his solo stuff. All the punk hipsters hold the guy up as some god, I just don't get it. I can always respect songwriting chops but I think he is grotesquely overrated by many.

I'd say he is essentially the grandfather of Emo?
I've been on a big "classic alternative" binge on Milk music lately. I now appreciate the bands and song writing so much more than I did at the time as a kid but I still dont get Morrissey and I'm glad I'm not alone.
Quick question: Was Noel Gallagher the whiny jackass frontman for Oasis that disguised himself in the crowd when he was supposed to be on stage for one of their live performances? Or was that Liam?

Now, to answer the OP's question...has to be the Rolling Stones. Or Michael Jackson. Or Bruce Springsteen & The E-Street Band. All three were huge international successes that never really made it big in the US.
No hindsight, huh? So you're just delusional? The Pixies' popularity was always greater in the UK and Europe during the time they were making records, and while they had some modest success in the US in those years, it is nothing compared to the lofty status they hold now. These are the facts, and for anyone to say otherwise is delusional.

Below are excerpts of David Bowie talking about the Pixies. They're taken from a documentary made about the Pixies called Gouge. I highly recommend it. Interestingly enough, this doc is British and is primarily focused on how influential the band was on British artists, mainly due to their popularity there.

15 secs in should interest you
T. Rex has already been mentioned so I will go with Bauhaus. Extremely influential band. Inspired many of the American bands that were big in the early 90's like Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Nine Inch Nails and Marilyn Manson. Odd thing was they actually had more success in the states after Peter Murphy went solo and the rest of the band formed Love and Rockets but they had almost no success overseas.
Originally posted by Kaizer Sosay:
Quick question: Was Noel Gallagher the whiny jackass frontman for Oasis that disguised himself in the crowd when he was supposed to be on stage for one of their live performances? Or was that Liam?
That was Liam. Liam sang most songs on the first few albums. Noel did 99% of the songwriting (everything off the first 3 or 4 albums that you've heard of), played guitar, and probably did half the singing by the end. The big one people remember that Noel sang was "Don't Look Back in Anger."

Since he wrote most of them, it made it easy for him to step in and sing them at that MTV Unplugged taping that Liam claimed he was too sick (sore throat) to do, yet sat in the crowd heckling, drinking, and yelling the whole time.

Noel Gallagher: best unibrow ever...until Anthony Davis.

This post was edited on 3/19 10:29 AM by ModernThirst_Bill
David Hasselhoff is a Mega Star in Europe. He has made more money than all of these others combined. He is Legend Status in Europe.
Pixies have been huge in the independent scene since they started. I'm not arguing commercial success, they didn't have it. But they were still considered indie gods when they came out. They were literally up there with sonic youth. You obviously werent around during this time and to say it's hindsight is wrong. Learn late 80s indie scene .
Your opinion is wrong here. You see, I'm talking about the facts, this view is not my opinion.

Read a couple articles on the band and you will learn that your memories of the late 80's indie scene, when held up to actual events, i.e., history, aren't that factual.

Kurt St. Thomas (former DJ and program director, WFNX Boston): They were struggling just to get gigs in Boston or New York. And then NME[/I] orMelody Maker[/I] would rave about the band and you'd be like, "Holy shit, look at this! They're in the NME[/I], but they're not even in [their own] local paper!"

This quote was made after the release of Surfer Rosa. An album that Melody Maker named Album of the Year(1988) in the UK.
The Pixies were *mainstream* big in the UK. They were "only" indie big in the States - but they were still big, among people who were into that scene.

Sonic Youth, as mentioned earlier, were never huge rock stars in the US. They were very, very successful on the indie scene, though.
Originally posted by cbpointblank1979:
The Pixies were *mainstream* big in the UK. They were "only" indie big in the States - but they were still big, among people who were into that scene.

Sonic Youth, as mentioned earlier, were never huge rock stars in the US. They were very, very successful on the indie scene, though.

This. Lou Reed is wrong here. They were indie gods from start.
So it's that DJ's opinion that they struggled to get gigs? Or, is he making a true statement(fact) about their ability to get gigs? I mean, either they could get gigs, or they couldn't.

That quote was taken from an article entitled Life to the Pixies. It appeared in Spin magazine, Jun 16., 2013. It was the first article on them I could recall reading in the last couple of years. However, it's one of many, many articles on them I've read, and most, if not all, of those articles say the same thing. That being, the Pixies struggled to get a foot hold in the US market and were a greatly under appreciated band stateside. Not one states, that upon the release of Come on Pilgrim, they were elevated to indie gods. Not one. Now, does that make it a fact? In my mind it does, but I guess I could see where you would disagree.

It's kinda like I think you've been a condescending asshole throughout this whole discussion. Now, that's not a fact, that's just my opinion, right? Well, I ask you, how many people would have to agree with me before it stopped being an opinion and started being considered a fact?
I was in college from 1988 to 1994 (grad school included). I was big into indie rock, as were several of my friends. The Pixies were definitely well-known among us and one of the premier indie bands of the time. People who didn't follow indie rock didn't know who they were, but I remember friends playing their CDs many times. A guy down the hall from me in Haggin Hall played Surfer Rosa a lot in the 88-89 school year. Based on hearing that, I remember I bought Doolittle when it came out.
Originally posted by gamecockcat:
I was driving home the other day and heard an Oasis song on XM and thought,'How in the hell did that band not make it in the States?' Good tunes, tight band, good sound - don't get it.

So, I came up with the question.

I'd guess The Clash would qualify, also, although I never liked their music that much. Loved their first album and a few cuts here or there but hated the politics and the lack of kick-ass rock 'n roll in much of their stuff. Maybe I got caught up in the 'punk band' label and expected something more like the Sex Pistols, who I think were pretty damn good although obviously destined to flame out almost as soon as they formed.
Besides 2 or 3 songs, oasis sucked AND all of their members were annoying as hell. They were pretty big here with what's the story.

They thought they were the next coming of the beatles. What a joke.
No one has said they were indie gods from the jump like your dumbass, monkey with a gun.

Saying you're condescending is not my defense. No, everything that has been written on or said about the Pixies is though. And speaking of a defense, what's yours? Other than, "You're wrong man" of course. I have article after article, documentaries,. etc. WTF have you got. If this was court, this case would be dismissed due to lack of evidence.

BTW, I am a Paddock veteran, been here for years. Long b4 u, monkey with a gun. And guess what, you don't have to be a dick all the time. But to each their own I guess.
Mott the Hoople. I'd swim across the ocean to see them again.
Originally posted by crazyqx83

Besides 2 or 3 songs, oasis sucked AND all of their members were annoying as hell. They were pretty big here with what's the story.

They thought they were the next coming of the beatles. What a joke.
No, they definitely did not suck.

They did, however, unashamedly rip off Lennon and McCartney in many instances...sometimes subtle and sometimes obvious.
Originally posted by 2blue4u:
^My last post on the subject. Yours??
Everyone here has proven you wrong. History has proven you wrong. You're whole life is probably a disappointment. But yea, you were done from the start with your dumbass wrong argument. Learn music.