I've been on a big "classic alternative" binge on Milk music lately. I now appreciate the bands and song writing so much more than I did at the time as a kid but I still dont get Morrissey and I'm glad I'm not alone.Originally posted by argubs2:
You know, I've never understood the universal reverence for Morrissey. He's always been such a whiney pussy to me and I've never been able to overcome that with The Smiths or his solo stuff. All the punk hipsters hold the guy up as some god, I just don't get it. I can always respect songwriting chops but I think he is grotesquely overrated by many.
I'd say he is essentially the grandfather of Emo?
Are you retarded? No hindsight. They were huge in the indie scene since they started. One of the few bands that could tour nationally on the indie stage and play sold out venues.Originally posted by 2blue4u:
Hindsight is a wonderful thing.Originally posted by -LEK-:
They've been indie gods since come on pilgrim
That was Liam. Liam sang most songs on the first few albums. Noel did 99% of the songwriting (everything off the first 3 or 4 albums that you've heard of), played guitar, and probably did half the singing by the end. The big one people remember that Noel sang was "Don't Look Back in Anger."Originally posted by Kaizer Sosay:
Quick question: Was Noel Gallagher the whiny jackass frontman for Oasis that disguised himself in the crowd when he was supposed to be on stage for one of their live performances? Or was that Liam?
Originally posted by cbpointblank1979:
The Pixies were *mainstream* big in the UK. They were "only" indie big in the States - but they were still big, among people who were into that scene.
Sonic Youth, as mentioned earlier, were never huge rock stars in the US. They were very, very successful on the indie scene, though.
Besides 2 or 3 songs, oasis sucked AND all of their members were annoying as hell. They were pretty big here with what's the story.Originally posted by gamecockcat:
I was driving home the other day and heard an Oasis song on XM and thought,'How in the hell did that band not make it in the States?' Good tunes, tight band, good sound - don't get it.
So, I came up with the question.
I'd guess The Clash would qualify, also, although I never liked their music that much. Loved their first album and a few cuts here or there but hated the politics and the lack of kick-ass rock 'n roll in much of their stuff. Maybe I got caught up in the 'punk band' label and expected something more like the Sex Pistols, who I think were pretty damn good although obviously destined to flame out almost as soon as they formed.
No, they definitely did not suck.Originally posted by crazyqx83
Besides 2 or 3 songs, oasis sucked AND all of their members were annoying as hell. They were pretty big here with what's the story.
They thought they were the next coming of the beatles. What a joke.
Everyone here has proven you wrong. History has proven you wrong. You're whole life is probably a disappointment. But yea, you were done from the start with your dumbass wrong argument. Learn music.Originally posted by 2blue4u:
^My last post on the subject. Yours??