Best opening scene in movie history

I always loved the opening to Inglourious Basterds. I don't know if that's my favorite, but that's the first thing I thought of.
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The original Star Wars with the shot of the giant Star Destroyer in battle with the small rebel cruiser. At that time, that special effect on the big screen blew audiences away. I also remember that scene just after that with the stormtroopers blowing through the cruiser door firing with the imposing Lord Vader right behind them having a lasting impression on me.

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I got this. 1A is Apocalypse Now with the juxtaposition of the helicopters and the hotel ceiling fan:

And 1B for me is the first Transformers movie. At the time (although it seems dated now) the opening with the attack on the military base was jaw dropping in the cinema :

Scream and The Dark Knight probably don't make top5, but are definitely up there.

Best minimalist opening? The Shining.
I like the opening scene to Pulp Fiction too. But it pisses me off that the dialogue is a little different at the end of the movie which is supposed to be the exact same scene. Major point deductions for that.

I also like the opening scene in Goodfellas.
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I like the opening scene to Pulp Fiction too. But it pisses me off that the dialogue is a little different at the end of the movie which is supposed to be the exact same scene. Major point deductions for that.

I also like the opening scene in Goodfellas.

How about Casino?
The Dark Knight bank robbery scene was the one that came to my mind, set the fast non-stop thriller pace of the movie and introduced the madness of the Joker they were going for perfectly.
Inglourious Basterds is the correct answer. The tension and suspense was unparalleled, and Hans Landa was a role absolutely tailor-made for Christoph Waltz, the best performance of his career. I wish the rest of the movie was as great as that opening 25 minutes, although the strudel/bar scene were superb as well.
Every one that I thought of has already been posted, so i'll go with...

Just a few that havent been mentioned...
Dawn of the Dead (2004)
The Final Destination movies usually have good opening scenes
Basic Instinct
Planet Terror
Many of those already mentioned but I will submit the opening of Silverado for honorable mention.

One of the first movies where the damn bullets actually went through the weather worn wood instead of ricocheting off...

Set the stage for an epic western