Best four-year player at UK?


Jan 9, 2009
It's not Issel. Not Walker. Not Mashburn. Not anyone under Calipari.

Tayshaun? Can anyone top him?
Keith Bogans is my first thought.. I'm not done though.
Edit: I misread the part about Tayshaun.
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Ralph Beard is at the top of the list if we are talking about their impact and accomplishments at UK. 3 time consensus 1st team AA. 2 national championships. Olympic gold medal.

The only other one that compares is Alex Groza.
Ralph Beard is at the top of the list if we are talking about their impact and accomplishments at UK. 3 time consensus 1st team AA. 2 national championships. Olympic gold medal.

The only other one that compares is Alex Groza.
I believe the OP’s criteria is dudes that played four years at UK …thus excluding those from the freshmen ineligibility era like Beard and Groza.
Just for reference, below are the 1000-point UK career scorers who played four years at UK:

Kenny Walker 2080​
Jack Givens 2038​
Keith Bogans 1923​
Tony Delk 1890​
Tayshaun Prince 1775​
Alex Groza 1774 (freshman year only played 10 games before entering the Army)​
Ed Davender 1637​
Ralph Beard 1517​
Melvin Turpin 1509​
Joe Crawford 1438​
Winston Bennett 1399​
Rick Robey 1395​
Gerald Fitch 1391​
Mike Phillips 1367​
Ramel Bradley 1326​
Jim Master 1283​
John Pelphrey 1257​
Scott Padgett 1252​
Darius Miller 1248​
Deron Feldhaus 1232​
Derrick Hord 1220​
Chuck Hayes 1211​
Wayne Turner 1170​
Reggie Hanson 1167​
Derrick Miller 1156​
Wah Wah Jones 1151​
Jeff Sheppard 1091​
Dirk Minniefield 1069​
Jamaal Magloire 1064​
Erik Daniels 1053​
Jim Line 1041​
Just for reference, below are the 1000-point UK career scorers who played four years at UK:

Kenny Walker 2080​
Jack Givens 2038​
Keith Bogans 1923​
Tony Delk 1890​
Tayshaun Prince 1775​
Alex Groza 1774 (freshman year only played 10 games before entering the Army)​
Ed Davender 1637​
Ralph Beard 1517​
Melvin Turpin 1509​
Joe Crawford 1438​
Winston Bennett 1399​
Rick Robey 1395​
Gerald Fitch 1391​
Mike Phillips 1367​
Ramel Bradley 1326​
Jim Master 1283​
John Pelphrey 1257​
Scott Padgett 1252​
Darius Miller 1248​
Deron Feldhaus 1232​
Derrick Hord 1220​
Chuck Hayes 1211​
Wayne Turner 1170​
Reggie Hanson 1167​
Derrick Miller 1156​
Wah Wah Jones 1151​
Jeff Sheppard 1091​
Dirk Minniefield 1069​
Jamaal Magloire 1064​
Erik Daniels 1053​
Jim Line 1041​

Thanks JP.
Ralph Beard is at the top of the list if we are talking about their impact and accomplishments at UK. 3 time consensus 1st team AA. 2 national championships. Olympic gold medal.

The only other one that compares is Alex Groza.
Those old guys get no respect. Just saw a show where guys picked an All-time Celtics team, by position. Dennis Johnson and Paul Pierce were chosen over Bob Cousy and John Havlicheck.
Chuck Hayes, Gerald Fitch just respected how hard they played maybe not best player-lot of heart.
Given my age (58), I can't fairly evaluate anyone before the '78 championship season.

So, it's Sky and it's not close for ME. This is an "in-the-eye-of-the-beholder" conversation.
Chuck Hayes, Gerald Fitch just respected how hard they played maybe not best player-lot of heart.
Loved both those guys. Fitch is the most under-appreciated Wildcat I can think of. He was a defensive stopper, the toughest player on the court (when not Hayes), he shot 40% from 3 I think 3 of 4 years, and was a very good rebounding guard.
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In order, I'd go:
Kenny Walker
That’s a pretty good list. I’d change the order a little but you have 7 of the top 8 scorers in UK history that played 4 years.

Trivia…do you know who the 1 guy that’s missing is?