Best chance to win title?

You seem to be guessing.
So are you, and everybody else. You're asking me who I'm more confident in. I don't see how anyone could ever want to rely on Poythress for anything.

Meeks shot 8 3's a game and averaged over 40% on a team that was basically just him and Patterson. His shots naturally go down but I don't see how that efficiency changes significantly for the worse.
Suddenly poythress is Mashburn to some.......

Meeks could go for record numbers, and did, from the outside. He's easily the best juggarnaut from behind the paint we've had this century. Meeks as a senior paired with Wall and Bledsoe, not to mention Patterson and Cousins?

Should be a no brainer.

I hope no one is comparing Poythress to Mashburn. They'd be crazy. But Poythress was a solid rebounder and a pretty good defender. I believe he cuts Sam Decker's scoring in half. On a team that was that good defensively, and only 2 games away from 40-0, he could have been that X factor. He was huge in the 2014 run.

But it is hard to argue against Meeks shooting to go along with what we had in 2010.