BBC Fires Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear


Nov 8, 2006
not excusing what he did, but hate to see this happen. It was a fun show to watch.

slightly different approach to how the media and personalities handle something like this as opposed to the states

This post was edited on 3/25 9:09 AM by TankedCat

Media Coverage
Sounds like the Magic Johnson - Paul Westphal feud. Ultimately, the star of the show wins.
Hate to see the show end but it was a bad move on his part. I guess it's better than dragging the series out until it sucked as bad as US Top Gear.
I wouldn't be surprised to see some rich US exec pay Clarkson some big $$ to come to the US and start a show........or give the US Top Gear show a much needed jolt.
Originally posted by BlueRaider22:

I wouldn't be surprised to see some rich US exec pay Clarkson some big $$ to come to the US and start a show........or give the US Top Gear show a much needed jolt.
I don't think teaming up with the American Top Gear crew would work. He generally dismisses most American made motors, although he did admit to liking the Ford Raptor
Originally posted by TankedCat:

Originally posted by BlueRaider22:

I wouldn't be surprised to see some rich US exec pay Clarkson some big $$ to come to the US and start a show........or give the US Top Gear show a much needed jolt.
I don't think teaming up with the American Top Gear crew would work.
I know....that's why I mentioned to "start a show" first. And the type of cars wouldn't matter as much. The execs would be sure to give him any car he wants. All they would care about is letting him do his crazy stunts and bring in ratings/$$
So Sad, I can waste hours watching Top Gear and I'm not really into cars that much. Hopefully BBC America will still show lots of the re-runs as usual. It is my Favorite Sunday afternoon NFL avoiding program to watch.
Clarkson had gotten too big for his britches, literally. In the most recent season, he looks like someone stuffed a basketball under his shirt and his complection is now quite ruddy. I am guessing he is hitting the sauce too much. His bad behavior will be blamed on this, he will do a stint in rehab and then all will be forgiven (as Top Gear's ratings crater without him).

This post was edited on 3/25 10:48 AM by DSmith21
Love this show but Clarkson was out of control. Be interesting to see what happens. Agree with the other poster, May and Hammonds can't carry the show. They are great complimentary pieces to jeremy but not ones to build the show around.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by wildcat1973:
Sounds like the Magic Johnson - Paul Westphal feud. Ultimately, the star of the show wins.
Paul Westhead was who Magic got fired, not Westphal.
May and Hammond tweeted last week that they would not continue the show without Clarkson.
Sounds like it would be a reboot or nothing.

Im hopeful it is a drinking problem that gets straightened out. Reddit had an AMA from a crew member a couple of years ago that was interesting. Clarkson went to the BBC to make the others the same pay as him so they would stay. Claimed he just lives for the show. He is arrogant as can be but they said he would do literally anything if it meant a better show. He may be an ass but i really admire his dedication.
The contracts of May and Hammond are up this year, too, so they'll likely all 3 take their format to another network and have, essentially, the same show with a different title there, competing with the ne format the BBC chooses with Top Gear. Or at least that's the thought around the UK.
This post was edited on 3/25 1:40 PM by ModernThirst_Bill
ITV or Sky will be all over this. I would love for Sky to get those 3 for a rebooted Top Gear because Murdoch might show it on Fox here in the states