Bama offers Cutter Boley from LCA

I think KY has an age limit for HS athletes. I know a lot of kids were held back to help them advance athletically, but a lot of them were held back in grade school or very early in their development. I wouldn't want to be a kid held back in HS unless I was changing schools, otherwise, you end up putting them behind your peers and friends who are moving on in grade.

I think an age limit is pretty normal, when I was still working, in Georgia you could not turn 20 before May 1 of that particular school year. So some late spring activities had a few 20 year Olds.
I think an age limit is pretty normal, when I was still working, in Georgia you could not turn 20 before May 1 of that particular school year. So some late spring activities had a few 20 year Olds.
20 yr olds playing high school sports? JFC...I was 17 when I started freshman year at UK.

Them boys ain't there to play school, no doubt.
They've always been huge UK fans, the entire family, but this kid will go to the school with the best chance to win a National Championship. His dad will make sure of it. That's why his daughter (Erin) spurned UK twice and went to Notre Dame, then transferred to Oregon.

They will do what's best for their son. He will be fun to watch!