Azubuike Got His Degree Today Too!

Loved him as a player, and a player that doesn't get enough recognition that he deserves.
Congratulations to a great player and a great representative of our basketball program and our university. I applaud Kelenna for returning 10 years later to complete the requirements for his degree. To reimburse himself into the life of a college student had to be extremely difficult following a career as a professional basketball player. Very proud of him!
That's awesome! How many players is that, now of the pre-Cal era, who have come back to finish up ??
There was an editorial last week or so in the Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer from a "doctor" who jumped to conclusions and labeled WCS and the Harrison Twins "college dropouts" never occurred to this "doctor" that you can finish your degree in the off-season and/or when you're done playing like not only Mr. Azubuike did but also Michael Jordan, Emmitt Smith and I'm sure many other UK players have as well. I personally did get my two BA's from UK the traditional four year way (1999-2003), but I did need three summer sessions at the local OCTC to do so "on time". There's no law that says you must get your degree in four years.

PS: I wish we had those nice blue cap/gowns when I graduated :(