At what point does Barney catch heat

Bye week blues with stoops and alot of us on here called it his teams are never prepared lethargic and undisciplined 4 and 9 coming off byes and 10 and 12 sec home games with a current 6 home game lose streak this is uncalled for and stoops needs to be fired immediately change needs to happen
Bye week blues with stoops and alot of us on here called it his teams are never prepared lethargic and undisciplined 4 and 9 coming off byes and 10 and 12 sec home games with a current 6 home game lose streak this is uncalled for and stoops needs to be fired immediately change needs to happen
He has built, created expectation, and been here long enough to never lose to Vanderbilt and USC at home.
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The money and contract issue has always bothered me. Mitch has given Stoops way to much money for the production on the field, even with his two 10 win seasons.
Not only that all those millions thrown at upgrading the facilities which were needed to compete now we need to go out and find a young and ambitious coach like sumrall at Tulane
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That’s what I’m wondering.

I will say this, we have the most foolish fan base in the country though. They believe whatever Barnhart and those KSR liars spew out.

Most fans were mad last night but they’ll wake up this morning cooled off and start talking about what the o-line or running game needs to do. Screw that. I’ve been over that BS for years.

Mitch Barnhart is just the athletic director but he has completely hijacked our athletics dept. He does absolutely nothing to please the fans who support the university.

Stoops has been here for over 1/3 and a little under 1/2 of my lifetime and I’m sick and damn tired of it watching his sorry ass football schemes. He is a loser and always will be.

Not that anyone cares but I’m to the point of calling it quits on all UK sports til Mitch and Stoops are gone.
When fans stop showing up
This is the answer UK seeks.

Mitch isn't going anywhere until he wants to. Think about all the debacles he has managed to luck his way out of during his tenure. He lucked out of that disastrous Calipari contract too.

Somehow he hangs in like a hair in a biscuit. The Prez loves him and so does the admin. We are stuck with him and his sorry assed contract choices.

Can't believe we almost pawned Stoops off on TAMU. So close yet so far away.
This is the answer UK seeks.

Mitch isn't going anywhere until he wants to. Think about all the debacles he has managed to luck his way out of during his tenure. He lucked out of that disastrous Calipari contract too.

Somehow he hangs in like a hair in a biscuit. The Prez loves him and so does the admin. We are stuck with him and his sorry assed contract choices.

Can't believe we almost pawned Stoops off on TAMU. So close yet so far away.
I am really excited about Mark Pope but if that doesn’t Pan out well Barney is toast
The money and contract issue has always bothered me. Mitch has given Stoops way to much money for the production on the field, even with his two 10 win seasons.
10 wins at UK was all smoke and mirrors. Easy schedule and a down SEC gave UK 10 wins, not Stoops. Now with the expansion of Okla. And Texas what you see this year will be the rule. 9,000,000 a year should make every UK fan storm Barney's office.
That’s what I’m wondering.

I will say this, we have the most foolish fan base in the country though. They believe whatever Barnhart and those KSR liars spew out.

Most fans were mad last night but they’ll wake up this morning cooled off and start talking about what the o-line or running game needs to do. Screw that. I’ve been over that BS for years.

Mitch Barnhart is just the athletic director but he has completely hijacked our athletics dept. He does absolutely nothing to please the fans who support the university.

Stoops has been here for over 1/3 and a little under 1/2 of my lifetime and I’m sick and damn tired of it watching his sorry ass football schemes. He is a loser and always will be.

Not that anyone cares but I’m to the point of calling it quits on all UK sports til Mitch and Stoops are gone.
Mark Pope says sorry to see you go
10 wins at UK was all smoke and mirrors. Easy schedule and a down SEC gave UK 10 wins, not Stoops. Now with the expansion of Okla. And Texas what you see this year will be the rule. 9,000,000 a year should make every UK fan storm Barney's office.
You are so obsessed with attacking Stoops you insist on discrediting our best accomplishments since the 50's outside of 2-3 seasons along the way. How much you pay the coach does not really aid in getting the job done.
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Unless Coach Stoops wants to leave, his HUGE buyout will keep him here for at least 3-4 more years. Mitch deserves ALL of the "heat" at this point for that HORRIBLE contract that keeps UK from doing ANYTHING about the state of our football program.

I am EXTREMELY appreciative for what Coach Stoops accomplished here and how he brought our program up from such a low state, but for a coach that has built HIS program over a 12 year span to have the problems we saw last night AND over the past few seasons, there is NO EXCUSE for the undisciplined, mistake ridden play!!!
I don't know if anybody else has mentioned it, but this feels eerily like Calipari 2.0
We are definitely heading that path again, crazy buyout and we know stoops ain’t gonna change anything or his philosophy. Maybe they’ll be an Arkansas come calling but he tried the a&m route and the fans and boosters bucked a hard no.
Mark Pope says sorry to see you go
What did I say that has anything to do with Pope?

I’m talking about Cal and Stoops. Do you not agree that they’ve both hung around too long? If you say no then you’re one of the fools I’m talking about.

Since you mentioned Pope I’ll also say, he wasn’t on ANYBODY’S top 5-10 list. You can say what you want. He appears to be killing it right now and I expect he’ll do good here.

Sorry your trap didn’t work here.
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What did I say that has anything to do with Pope?

I’m talking about Cal and Stoops. Do you not agree that they’ve both hung around too long? If you say no then you’re one of the fools I’m talking about.

Since you mentioned Pope I’ll also say, he wasn’t on ANYBODY’S top 5-10 list. You can say what you want. He appears to be killing it right now and I expect he’ll do good here.

Sorry your trap didn’t work here.
You literally said you were giving up on ALL UK sports
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Unless Coach Stoops wants to leave, his HUGE buyout will keep him here for at least 3-4 more years. Mitch deserves ALL of the "heat" at this point for that HORRIBLE contract that keeps UK from doing ANYTHING about the state of our football program.

I am EXTREMELY appreciative for what Coach Stoops accomplished here and how he brought our program up from such a low state, but for a coach that has built HIS program over a 12 year span to have the problems we saw last night AND over the past few seasons, there is NO EXCUSE for the undisciplined, mistake ridden play!!!
He made a similar contract with Cal. Barney was forced to fire Cal only because he talked to other schools breaking his contract.
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What did I say that has anything to do with Pope?

I’m talking about Cal and Stoops. Do you not agree that they’ve both hung around too long? If you say no then you’re one of the fools I’m talking about.

Since you mentioned Pope I’ll also say, he wasn’t on ANYBODY’S top 5-10 list. You can say what you want. He appears to be killing it right now and I expect he’ll do good here.

Sorry your trap didn’t work here.
No trap. This is your literally your quote . You said ALL UK sports. Who’s the fool now? Eat it. Own it.
“Not that anyone cares but I’m to the point of calling it quits on all UK sports til Mitch and Stoops are gone.”
The giver of 9 long term 9 million dollar contracts
Shit, that there them bayskeeball just started with a new coach and even women’s team has a new coach…he’s dug in like a Bama tick and as long as the fans show up and do their part (as we have every game this year), no issue does he see.
Barnhart has been catching heat since he got here.

If he thinks there's a chance to upgrade at HC, I think he'll move on things. If there isn't an upgrade we can 100% nail down, he won't. We know Stoops has considered other jobs, so we know he's likely ready to move on.

We've just got to pray for a real upgrade to be Jonesin to take over here, and someone that can really recruit to a level even beyond what Marrow & Stoops have.
You are so obsessed with attacking Stoops you insist on discrediting our best accomplishments since the 50's outside of 2-3 seasons along the way. How much you pay the coach does not really aid in getting the job done.
If Stoops is our best accomplishment, that speaks volumes. He has a 11.5 year losing SEC record. Open your closed eyes. I know, do the same thing every year but you expect different results. Once the SEC goest to 9 SEC games, we will be a bottom dweller with Stoops. Are you willing to be a loser or do you want a change to try to be competitive. What is wrong with your logic?
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What did I say that has anything to do with Pope?

I’m talking about Cal and Stoops. Do you not agree that they’ve both hung around too long? If you say no then you’re one of the fools I’m talking about.

Since you mentioned Pope I’ll also say, he wasn’t on ANYBODY’S top 5-10 list. You can say what you want. He appears to be killing it right now and I expect he’ll do good here.

Sorry your trap didn’t work here.
Barnhart has made some good hires. Cal was a good hire at the time, so was Stoops. I believe Pope was a good hire. It's how he manages coaches and their contracts once he gets them here is where he shits the bed.
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Barnhart has made some good hires. Cal was a good hire at the time, so was Stoops. I believe Pope was a good hire. It's how he manages coaches and their contracts once he gets them here is where he shits the bed.
I disagree. First it is known that he didnt want to hire Cal and only did so when the university president intervened . Second he hired Billy Gilespie, Joker Phillips, Kira Elzey. I would grade his hires as average AT BEST
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No trap. This is your literally your quote . You said ALL UK sports. Who’s the fool now? Eat it. Own it.
“Not that anyone cares but I’m to the point of calling it quits on all UK sports til Mitch and Stoops are gone.”
You’re not smart enough to understand or acknowledge what I meant. I said that Barnhart has hijacked our athletics and he has. Cal left on his own or he’d still be here. And why? Because the contract he was given would’ve forced us to keep him. We’re stuck with Stoops until he decides to leave too. What do you call that? To my knowledge nobody was happy with Cal’s lifetime contract or all these contract extensions for a dude who wins 6 games a year.

I’m sorry that you’re a dumbass sheep and go along with whatever happens. Some people with backbones at least try taking a stand every now and then and let their voices be heard.

You made it sound like a personal shot at Pope and it certainly wasn’t.

But like I did said, Pope wasn’t on anybody’s list the night he was hired. You can bullshit yourself all you want. He has thankfully won over the fan base and is doing really good recruiting and is saying all the right things. But we still have no idea what to expect. That’s not being negative because I believe he’s going to do GREAT things here but the truth is we just don’t know yet.

Your buddy Barnhart better hope it works out and if it don’t, then you can take your sorry ass and leave with Barnhart and Stoops.
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Barnhart has made some good hires. Cal was a good hire at the time, so was Stoops. I believe Pope was a good hire. It's how he manages coaches and their contracts once he gets them here is where he shits the bed.
Yes I do agree about the contracts.

But I’ll say this, he didn’t even wanna hire Cal. I believe it was Mike Pratt who stepped forward on that deal. I personally believe Cal was the one who’s saved Barnhart all these years with that first 10 year run. Although he didn’t want him, he listened to other within the program and made the hire so that does go in his favor.

But he’s also brought in Gillespie, Joker, and Elzey. I think Cal was so great over that first decade that his success overshadowed Barnhart’s failures.
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Yes I do agree about the contracts.

But I’ll say this, he didn’t even wanna hire Cal. I believe it was Mike Pratt who stepped forward on that deal. I personally believe Cal was the one who’s saved Barnhart all these years with that first 10 year run. Although he didn’t want him, he listened to other within the program and made the hire so that does go in his favor.

But he’s also brought in Gillespie, Joker, and Elzey. I think Cal was so great over that first decade that his success overshadowed Barnhart’s failures.
Fair points.