As much as we all hate Duke, I want to congratulate Coach K (and what he did for Cawood in '92 was awesome) on his retirement


Mar 3, 2011
I know this might sound like blasphemy coming from a two time UK graduate and YES I hold that 1992 Christian Latner grudge just like all of them (I used to tell my Bostonian wife that was our "Bill Buckner" moment) but I wanted to congratulate Coach K on not only his retirement but would you believe his 42 seasons at Duke are the same as Adolph Rupp's 42 years with us (it honestly blew my mind when I first realized this)? So I guess this means to Duke 'K means every bit as much to them as Rupp does to us? Not to mention 'K holds the all time coaching wins record just as Rupp used to, both men won Olympic Gold Medals and similar to how Rupp never had a losing season (he came close in 1967)...K since 1984 had only never had a losing season, but lost ten games only five times and never once since 1984 missed the NCAA Tournament. And I'd say the man put Duke on the map just as much if not more than Rupp did for KY.

So yeah I hate those blasted Duke boys just like any other true blue UK fan but that man has (as far as I know) been nothing but a class act and represented his team well just as our late Rupp did. But what I will most remember and respect him for by far was right after that heartbreaking "Bill Buckner" moment of 1992, he went out of his way to personally congratulate perhaps the second biggest name in our history besides Rupp...our legendary radio broadcaster Cawood Ledford who was retiring that year. Check it out at 1:03:00...

I just wonder if he would have walked over to Cawood and congratulated him if Duke had lost? I don't think he would have.
This x 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

And imagine if Timberlake had stomped on Laettner? Think Coach "BLM" K would've held a different tone. Back then he was still using Bobby Knight as his credibility card to relate/get ass kissed by media.
I just wonder if he would have walked over to Cawood and congratulated him if Duke had lost? I don't think he would have.
Nobody on this board knows the answer to that. I kind'a believe that he would've, but I doubt if even K knows for sure.
Actually Coach K put himself ABOVE Cawood Ledford's last game as UK ply-by-play man. He interrupted the Postgame show to congratulate our poor LITTLE team that had DARED to take his defending national champs to the wire. He treated our team like they were a step below his and how he was just OVERWHELMED with how great we played against his MUCH better team.

It was SOOOOOOO condescending and he LIKE YOU was SOOOOOOO enamored with himself and his team for pulling the win out, that he just HAD TO pump our LITTLE team up to dignify our performance.

He BUTTED IN on the BIGGEST legend in UK Athletics LAST call. Cawood, being the consummate GENTLEMAN he always was and will FOREVER be remembered as, ALLOWED the ARROGANT JERK he has always been to interrupt his sign off without any objection.

However, I will ALWAYS resent K doing that to our legendary Cawood Ledford.

I REFUSE to EVER acknowledge that BUTTHOLE for ANYTHING!!!
I know this might sound like blasphemy coming from a two time UK graduate and YES I hold that 1992 Christian Latner grudge just like all of them (I used to tell my Bostonian wife that was our "Bill Buckner" moment) but I wanted to congratulate Coach K on not only his retirement but would you believe his 42 seasons at Duke are the same as Adolph Rupp's 42 years with us (it honestly blew my mind when I first realized this)? So I guess this means to Duke 'K means every bit as much to them as Rupp does to us? Not to mention 'K holds the all time coaching wins record just as Rupp used to, both men won Olympic Gold Medals and similar to how Rupp never had a losing season (he came close in 1967)...K since 1984 had only never had a losing season, but lost ten games only five times and never once since 1984 missed the NCAA Tournament. And I'd say the man put Duke on the map just as much if not more than Rupp did for KY.

So yeah I hate those blasted Duke boys just like any other true blue UK fan but that man has (as far as I know) been nothing but a class act and represented his team well just as our late Rupp did. But what I will most remember and respect him for by far was right after that heartbreaking "Bill Buckner" moment of 1992, he went out of his way to personally congratulate perhaps the second biggest name in our history besides Rupp...our legendary radio broadcaster Cawood Ledford who was retiring that year. Check it out at 1:03:00...

I know this might sound like blasphemy coming from a two time UK graduate and YES I hold that 1992 Christian Latner grudge just like all of them (I used to tell my Bostonian wife that was our "Bill Buckner" moment) but I wanted to congratulate Coach K on not only his retirement but would you believe his 42 seasons at Duke are the same as Adolph Rupp's 42 years with us (it honestly blew my mind when I first realized this)? So I guess this means to Duke 'K means every bit as much to them as Rupp does to us? Not to mention 'K holds the all time coaching wins record just as Rupp used to, both men won Olympic Gold Medals and similar to how Rupp never had a losing season (he came close in 1967)...K since 1984 had only never had a losing season, but lost ten games only five times and never once since 1984 missed the NCAA Tournament. And I'd say the man put Duke on the map just as much if not more than Rupp did for KY.

So yeah I hate those blasted Duke boys just like any other true blue UK fan but that man has (as far as I know) been nothing but a class act and represented his team well just as our late Rupp did. But what I will most remember and respect him for by far was right after that heartbreaking "Bill Buckner" moment of 1992, he went out of his way to personally congratulate perhaps the second biggest name in our history besides Rupp...our legendary radio broadcaster Cawood Ledford who was retiring that year. Check it out at 1:03:00...

K is always complimentary when he wins. Different after a loss - filled with rage.
The audacity of posting an image/video of "the shot" on a UK message board following one of the worst weeks in the history of our program....K could probably use a good hot meal, change of clothes and cup of hot tea, OP?
I know this might sound like blasphemy coming from a two time UK graduate and YES I hold that 1992 Christian Latner grudge just like all of them (I used to tell my Bostonian wife that was our "Bill Buckner" moment) but I wanted to congratulate Coach K on not only his retirement but would you believe his 42 seasons at Duke are the same as Adolph Rupp's 42 years with us (it honestly blew my mind when I first realized this)? So I guess this means to Duke 'K means every bit as much to them as Rupp does to us? Not to mention 'K holds the all time coaching wins record just as Rupp used to, both men won Olympic Gold Medals and similar to how Rupp never had a losing season (he came close in 1967)...K since 1984 had only never had a losing season, but lost ten games only five times and never once since 1984 missed the NCAA Tournament. And I'd say the man put Duke on the map just as much if not more than Rupp did for KY.

So yeah I hate those blasted Duke boys just like any other true blue UK fan but that man has (as far as I know) been nothing but a class act and represented his team well just as our late Rupp did. But what I will most remember and respect him for by far was right after that heartbreaking "Bill Buckner" moment of 1992, he went out of his way to personally congratulate perhaps the second biggest name in our history besides Rupp...our legendary radio broadcaster Cawood Ledford who was retiring that year. Check it out at 1:03:00...

It was just last season that Duke missed the NCAAT. Far cry from never since 1984. His team also had a losing record of 13-18 in 94-95. Because he chose to not coach them the rest of the year doesn’t excuse him from that. Ncaa may not have counted that record against him but it was still his team,
I know this might sound like blasphemy coming from a two time UK graduate and YES I hold that 1992 Christian Latner grudge just like all of them (I used to tell my Bostonian wife that was our "Bill Buckner" moment) but I wanted to congratulate Coach K on not only his retirement but would you believe his 42 seasons at Duke are the same as Adolph Rupp's 42 years with us (it honestly blew my mind when I first realized this)? So I guess this means to Duke 'K means every bit as much to them as Rupp does to us? Not to mention 'K holds the all time coaching wins record just as Rupp used to, both men won Olympic Gold Medals and similar to how Rupp never had a losing season (he came close in 1967)...K since 1984 had only never had a losing season, but lost ten games only five times and never once since 1984 missed the NCAA Tournament. And I'd say the man put Duke on the map just as much if not more than Rupp did for KY.

So yeah I hate those blasted Duke boys just like any other true blue UK fan but that man has (as far as I know) been nothing but a class act and represented his team well just as our late Rupp did. But what I will most remember and respect him for by far was right after that heartbreaking "Bill Buckner" moment of 1992, he went out of his way to personally congratulate perhaps the second biggest name in our history besides Rupp...our legendary radio broadcaster Cawood Ledford who was retiring that year. Check it out at 1:03:00...

I have always given K the benefit of the doubt because of that exact event. I listened live to that and it made me feel better, slighlty, because I was crushed. He didnt have to do that and those who try to read his mind are just haters. Would K have done that if he lost. Probably not. But the way it ended cuased him and everyone who saw it....knew it was a special game that we see to this day. Had we won I doubt any other than BBN would remember it.

He did a good thing and the rest of you who did not witness or hear it live are just projecting your dislike for K upon that moment.
He was and is a grand stander.
Has been a thorn in the cats side for decades.
I wont miss him any.
Roy Williams retired after the season, Coach k had to have a kiss my behind farewell tour. I agree he's a much better winner than loser. His ego is as massive as any coach.
or any day...
Yeah for those wondering about that I originally said this over at but that was only because someone had already brought up Coach K first before I did and that's when it occurred to me at the time he was retiring. And I thought it was a neat surprising coincidence that he stayed with one team for 42 years just like Rupp did.

So yeah, I will concede the timing (while I promise was totally coincidental) was not of my best judgement...but I do stand behind the message in general. I mean good natured "hating"/ribbing on a rival team is one thing but for the most part I don't like the idea of hating an individual person on a personal someone who is mean to kitties for example, THAT'S an example of someone I consider worth truly hating. :(

For example, if let's say a rival player is at the free throw line with an important game hanging in the balance I might say something like (and I think this may be from a movie somewhere, Little Big League maybe?), "Look, I'm sure you're probably a nice swell guy who's a pillar to your community and your school and make your mama proud...but PLEEEEEZZZZZ miss those shots!" Or something to that similar effect.
how can you measure my level of hatred out of my comment..."or any day"?
and why should anyone care whether you like it or not?
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I know this might sound like blasphemy coming from a two time UK graduate and YES I hold that 1992 Christian Latner grudge just like all of them (I used to tell my Bostonian wife that was our "Bill Buckner" moment) but I wanted to congratulate Coach K on not only his retirement but would you believe his 42 seasons at Duke are the same as Adolph Rupp's 42 years with us (it honestly blew my mind when I first realized this)? So I guess this means to Duke 'K means every bit as much to them as Rupp does to us? Not to mention 'K holds the all time coaching wins record just as Rupp used to, both men won Olympic Gold Medals and similar to how Rupp never had a losing season (he came close in 1967)...K since 1984 had only never had a losing season, but lost ten games only five times and never once since 1984 missed the NCAA Tournament. And I'd say the man put Duke on the map just as much if not more than Rupp did for KY.

So yeah I hate those blasted Duke boys just like any other true blue UK fan but that man has (as far as I know) been nothing but a class act and represented his team well just as our late Rupp did. But what I will most remember and respect him for by far was right after that heartbreaking "Bill Buckner" moment of 1992, he went out of his way to personally congratulate perhaps the second biggest name in our history besides Rupp...our legendary radio broadcaster Cawood Ledford who was retiring that year. Check it out at 1:03:00...

You’re a dumbass.
I know this might sound like blasphemy coming from a two time UK graduate and YES I hold that 1992 Christian Latner grudge just like all of them (I used to tell my Bostonian wife that was our "Bill Buckner" moment) but I wanted to congratulate Coach K on not only his retirement but would you believe his 42 seasons at Duke are the same as Adolph Rupp's 42 years with us (it honestly blew my mind when I first realized this)? So I guess this means to Duke 'K means every bit as much to them as Rupp does to us? Not to mention 'K holds the all time coaching wins record just as Rupp used to, both men won Olympic Gold Medals and similar to how Rupp never had a losing season (he came close in 1967)...K since 1984 had only never had a losing season, but lost ten games only five times and never once since 1984 missed the NCAA Tournament. And I'd say the man put Duke on the map just as much if not more than Rupp did for KY.

So yeah I hate those blasted Duke boys just like any other true blue UK fan but that man has (as far as I know) been nothing but a class act and represented his team well just as our late Rupp did. But what I will most remember and respect him for by far was right after that heartbreaking "Bill Buckner" moment of 1992, he went out of his way to personally congratulate perhaps the second biggest name in our history besides Rupp...our legendary radio broadcaster Cawood Ledford who was retiring that year. Check it out at 1:03:00...

Are you ****ing kidding me? That was pure bragging. He the fakest person I've ever seen. And you are blatantly ****ing trolling.
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