I don't see how you can watch what Coach Pitino had to say and that there was anything in that that tells you he was derisive or condescending, or meant anything as how you took it. You putting words in his mouth makes you look rather bitter and sad, actually. I'd just say .... simply let it go.
There's not a shred of arrogance in what he said. rather the opposite. He's not lecturing. I appreciate him sharing his thought on the matter.
Sure, he's made mistakes with Kentucky fans in the past. Shown disrespect when he shot the collective BBN the middle finger salute. There's always going to be some hard feelings when looking back on him, but to continue to carry that kind of animosity towards the man after all this time, it just aint worth being bitter like that.
For me, carrying bitter, hostile thoughts (especially about something like this) is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die.
Let it go, I say, show some class for Cal, turn the narrative on it's head, and we go out and win this game.
Keep it classy.
Go Big Blue !