Arrogant Pitino Instructs BBN How To Act

I wouldn't boo if I was there. I was never a Cal fan. I don't want to give the media any more ammo rather it's deserved or not. The past is the past and I've done let go of any animosity I had towards Cal. He's not our problem anymore. I don't want any negativity around this season. It's time to give Cal the golf clap and let's move on. I still hope we win by 25.
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If Calipari gets booed by UK fans it won't make Calipari or Pitino look bad; it will make UK fans look bad.
Not like my outsider's opinion matters, but I don't think booing someone who left voluntarily is really a big deal. However it completely steps on the message of "Cal did us a favor and we ended up with someone better than him." If he accidentally did you a favor, even if you feel a bit insulted that he left on his terms, why boo?
Not like my outsider's opinion matters, but I don't think booing someone who left voluntarily is really a big deal. However it completely steps on the message of "Cal did us a favor and we ended up with someone better than him." If he accidentally did you a favor, even if you feel a bit insulted that he left on his terms, why boo?
If someone cheats on you and then they are also the one to break up with you, are you only allowed to think about the good times you had with them since they ended it? Or would you say maybe you have the right to still feel some type of way about them because of how they treated you?
Apparently, we ignorant hillbillies need to be told how to act when we go out in public.

Pitino's arrogance is mind boggling.

He thinks since we were polite to him when Coach Pope brought him out, that he has the right to lecture to us now... that he is now fully embraced by all Kentucky fans.

I decided I would be polite about him since Pope wants us to be, but I haven't forgotten when he gave us the middle finger.

He sure as he11 isn't going to tell me how to act... or think.
What is wrong with a classy request to be a classy fan base??
I think JVC's main concern might be getting boo'd in Hoggville.
I agree. Although I don't believe the hogs will take any action against Cal, I think that there are a lot of piglets that are second guessing the decision to bring him to Fayetteville. If he doesn't right the ship by this time next year, he will do to the piggies what he did in Lexington. Bail. However, on the topic at hand, I understand that if our fans boo him, he deserves it. Or, if fans don't then that is fine also. As for me, 1st, I'm happy he's gone. Thank you, Arkansas. 2nd, we didn't have to pay him a boat load of money to get rid of him. Thank you, Arkansas. 3rd, as has been said several times, he made UK relevant again. Banner #8. 4th, we are the greatest fan base in college basketball and whether we boo or not, that is our business and no one's else. 5th, I will not boo. I respect the banner too much and the hard work that went into winning the right to hang it. I believe Coach Pope will hang at least one more, hopefully more. Enjoy the game, I'm hoping for a blowout win for us.
Apparently, we ignorant hillbillies need to be told how to act when we go out in public.

Pitino's arrogance is mind boggling.

He thinks since we were polite to him when Coach Pope brought him out, that he has the right to lecture to us now... that he is now fully embraced by all Kentucky fans.

I decided I would be polite about him since Pope wants us to be, but I haven't forgotten when he gave us the middle finger.

He sure as he11 isn't going to tell me how to act... or think.
your take is 100% wrong. Pope and Pitino are connected at the hip. Pitino loves Pope and Pitino loves the BBN. And only use the word hillbillies in polite company.
I never wanted Cal here and was sick of him when he was still ruining Memphis. If I was at the game, I wouldn’t Boo, but likely stand in silence; or even cheer and clap in celebration that he is wearing a red hog jacket instead of blue and be grateful that he is gone.
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I don't see how you can watch what Coach Pitino had to say and that there was anything in that that tells you he was derisive or condescending, or meant anything as how you took it. You putting words in his mouth makes you look rather bitter and sad, actually. I'd just say .... simply let it go.

There's not a shred of arrogance in what he said. rather the opposite. He's not lecturing. I appreciate him sharing his thought on the matter.

Sure, he's made mistakes with Kentucky fans in the past. Shown disrespect when he shot the collective BBN the middle finger salute. There's always going to be some hard feelings when looking back on him, but to continue to carry that kind of animosity towards the man after all this time, it just aint worth being bitter like that.

For me, carrying bitter, hostile thoughts (especially about something like this) is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die.

Let it go, I say, show some class for Cal, turn the narrative on it's head, and we go out and win this game.

Keep it classy.

Go Big Blue !
It seemed like more of a request not a demand I agree.
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I honestly can’t recall any fan base in 58 years booing someone and me thinking, That fan base looks bad.
That's a fair point but was it a major school that the ESPN guys already hated booing a former coach? Let's not pretend they're not ready to spend an entire week reminding people how bad we are even if nobody would have thought about to begin with.
I could gaf if people boo or not, I just want us to beat their asses senseless. I want to see them humiliated. Booing is irrelevant.
Apparently, we ignorant hillbillies need to be told how to act when we go out in public.

Pitino's arrogance is mind boggling.

He thinks since we were polite to him when Coach Pope brought him out, that he has the right to lecture to us now... that he is now fully embraced by all Kentucky fans.

I decided I would be polite about him since Pope wants us to be, but I haven't forgotten when he gave us the middle finger.

He sure as he11 isn't going to tell me how to act... or think.
Stop being so sensitive.
His opinion doesn’t. His attitude about it does, which I clearly spoke about in my comment
His attitude is his opinion chief. The real problem in America is hypocrites. People who hold others to standards they won’t hold themselves.